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14. Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив в

различных функциях:

  1. To find the mass of an electrons numerous experiments had to be made.

  2. The article to be translated is available in our library.

  3. We consider heat to be a form of energy.

  4. Computing machines in general are expected to perform arithmetic operations.

  5. The treaty signed in Washington is sure to be ratified.

15. Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив в

различных функциях:

  1. We know an insulator to be a substance, which sets up an exceedingly high resistance to the flow of electric current.

  2. The current is said to heat the body through which it is flowing.

  3. The above-mentioned reactions are certain to proceed smoothly.

  4. To prevent corrosion metal must be covered with paint.

  5. The engines to be used in space need to be very powerful.

16. Найдите в тексте предложения с инфинитивом и

определите его функцию. Переведите текст.

Fundamentals of Radio

Today radio is considered as the world’s greatest medium for mass communication.

To understand the theory and practice of radio a person must know a few of the fundamental facts about electricity since radio is one small branch of electrical engineering.

Radio waves are of the same nature as light and heat waves, ultraviolet light and X-rays.

Since we do not perceive radio waves directly, we use them as a medium to carry messages. For this reason, steady uniform radio wave is called a carrier wave.1

To carry a message we must change the characteristics of the carrier wave by superimposing2 upon it the signal, which we want to transmit. Such a change of a carrier is called modulation.

A modulated radio wave can be used for transmission not only of sounds, but other form of intelligence3.

Radio waves differ from sound waves. They differ in the frequency and in speed of their propagation.

The wavelength of radio waves varies from about an inch up to miles. The wavelength of light is very much shorter.

The essential properties of radio wave are the frequency, intensity and direction of travel.

1 a carrier wave – несущая волна

2 by superimposing – путем наложения

3 intelligence – зд. информация

17. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и определите их

функции в предложении. Переведите текст.

Feedback Control System

Feedback is known to be the essential feature of many automatic control systems. Feedback is that property of the system which permits the output quantity to be compared with the input command so that upon the existence of a difference on actuating signal arises which acts to bring the two into correspondence. This principle of feedback is really no new to use it surrounds every phase of everyday living. It underlies the coordinated motions made by human body in walking and driving an automobile. It is certain to play an equally important role in the countless applications of control system engineering in the fields of aircraft control, special-purpose computer for many types of military equipment and in many other fields.

The distinction between an elementary system and one, which is complex, is considered to lie primarily in the difficulty of the task to be performed. The more difficult the task, the more complex the system. In fact with many present day systems this complexity has reached such proportions that system design has virtually become a science.

18. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

Infra-Red or Heat Rays

Infra-red radiation is known to cover the range of wave-length lying between red light and radio waves. Infra-red rays originate as a result of the thermal radiations and vibrations of molecules in the source. About one-half the solar radiation to reach the Earth’s surface is considered to fall in the infra-red range. The Sun is not, of course, the only source to radiate infra-red beams: any object at a higher temperature than its surroundings prove to radiate heat. This heat can be felt, although the temperature of the radiating material may be far below that at which it can become incandescent and emit light.

Although infra-red rays are not visible to us, photographic films1 and plates are made sensitive to them. Infra-red photography to present some of the most interesting applications of these waves is widely used in modern science.

A more practical application of infra-red photography deals with the photographing of distant objects. The atmosphere causes visible light rays present in it. For this reason infra-red rays penetrate better than does visible light.

films1 – пленки

19. Найдите в тексте инфинитивные обороты. Переведите


Direct and Alternating Current

We know two kinds of electric current to be commonly used in present day practice. They are: direct and alternating currents.

A direct current (d.c.) is one in which electrons always move in the same direction. The current starts flowing from a battery of a generator, passes through resistance, meters, motors and finally returns to its starting point. Since such a current moves in one direction, it is called a direct current.

An alternating current (a.c.) is one that varies both in magnitude and direction, all changes taking place regularly in given time periods.

A direct current is used in various electrical systems. The telegraph, the telephone, the tram and any laboratory are known to require a direct current for their work. In the early days of the development of the electric power industry a direct current was applied to homes, factories and offices. A direct current has one great disadvantage. There is no easy, economical way by means of which we can increase its voltage.

An alternating current is found to have no this disadvantage, alternating voltage increasing or decreasing with little energy loss thanks to the transformer. Using a transformer, it is possible to transform power at high voltage into power at low voltage.

We know an alternating current to supply the greatest part of the electric power for industry, lighting, heating and other purposes at present. An alternating current is usually generated by rotating a conductor in a magnetic field.

20. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на различные

функции инфинитива.

Foe small currents to be measured the arrangements of circuits should be very careful. When small currents are to be measured the insulation of the systems must be very good. The electrical leack are found to be usually associated with parasitic e.m.fs. so that the charge of the isolated system does not remain constant even when no potential difference is apparently imposed on the insulator. In case of small current measurements the insulating materials available are rather limited and do not include most of the substances used in ordinary electrical engineering.

21. Выпишите предложения с инфинитивными оборотами,

подчеркните их. Переведите текст.

Electric Current in Gases

The molecules of a gas are known to be in a state of continuous motion, constantly colliding with one another. There collisions knock off electrons, producing free electrons and converting the atoms that have lost electrons into positive ions. Since a charged particle is called an ion we may consider the free electrons to be negative ions. Thus, the gas contains positive and negative ions, just as an electrolyte does. If positive and negative electrodes are placed in the gas, the free electrons tend to travel to the positive electrode, and the positive ions to the negative electrode, thus producing an electric current.

22. Найдите в тексте предложения с объектным и

субъектным инфинитивными оборотами. Переведите


A little over a decade ago computers were small, not very reliable and comparatively slow in operation.

We know a computer to be a complex electronic device that can store and process vast quantities of information. Until recently computers were able to accept information only in specially prepared forms – usually from cards or tapes. The next big development is to build devices that can read ordinary typed or printed character. This will save the considerable time and human efforts devoted to the “programming” of material for a computer to process.

There are many “practical dreamers” who foresee computers to be small and light enough to be carried. Others expect computers to direct the manufacturing and programming of other computers. The computer of the future seems to be developed by using bionics – biological functions of plants and animals.

The so-called “bio-computers” are likely to read printed material, recognize faces, or act upon verbal instructions. They are believed to repair themselves, feel changes in surrounding conditions and adjust to them. They are also supposed to analyze requested tasks and choose the most efficient way to accomplish them.

23. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на инфинитивные


Scientific research in our country is done on an enormous scale, and along the entire broad front of modern science. The achievements of Soviet mathematics and physics have had a great effect upon the acceleration of the scientific and engineering revolution in the whole modern world. Considerable progress is known to have been made in holding high temperature plasma. Soviet scientists believe it to bring us close to solving the problem of controlled fusion.

Soviet scientists have contributed to research into transistors. They have built new sources of electromagnetic radiation – quantum generators – laser and masers.

The necessity of conducting extremely complex technical calculations, primarily in atomic techniques in aviation, in rocketry, and cosmonautics is known to have led to the development of fast-acting electronic computers.

24. Найдите в тексте инфинитив и определите его функции

в предложении. Переведите текст.

Electronics is believed to be a rather young and a very promising science. It has become a powerful means of progress. Electronics had widened our vision1 and given us the chance to see the microworld more clearly. Electron-optical image converters penetrate deep into opaque materials, convert invisible radiations to visible, and pick up light of negligible intensity. Radio-telescopes are known to collect and focus the radio waves emitted by celestial bodies revealing new facts about the universe. Of course, radio waves are not the only carriers of information in space. Modern science knows many more media which can be employed for this purpose. These are the infra-red and ultra-violet radiations, X- and Gamma rays, elementary particles and fields, etc.

vision1 – способность видеть

25. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на различные

функции инфинитива.

There is great difference in the conductance of various substances. For example, almost all metals are supposed to conduct current. Nevertheless, copper appears to carry the current more freely than iron, silver conducting better than copper. It is therefore said to have a greater conductance than copper. The reader is likely to remember that insulators also differ in their insulating properties.

It is quite wrong to think that conducting materials to play an important part in electrical engineering. As a matter of fact, to meet our everyday power requirements, we are certain to need both conductors and insulators.

26. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и определите их

функции в предложении. Переведите текст.

To convert heat directly into electricity was one of the main tasks of scientists. The usual way was to produce electricity by means of generator converting heat directly into electricity. It is small in size and can produce only a small amount of energy. One can use this generator as a source of power for instruments carried in earth satellites.

The generate weights 2, 3 kg, it has a diameter of 12 cm and a height of 14 cm. It can convert radiation from a radioactive material – Polonium 210 – into heat, equivalent to 5 watts of electricity. It has no moving parts an operates by means of thermo-couples1. A thermo-couple is made up of semi-conductors (two different metals that are good conductors of electricity but bad conductors of heat). To produce current one should heat these two metals and connect a wire to the two open ends2. The amount of energy to be released by a radioactive material is calculated in terms of half-lives3.

thermo-couples1 – термо-пары

open ends2 – неизолированные концы

in terms of half-lives3 – в переводе на периоды полураспада

27. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на инфинитивы в

разных функциях.

Electrical Measurements

Electrical measurements are sure to be one of the most interesting fields of electrical engineering. We know them to be very important and widely used in all branches of industry. The very great importance of electrical measurements in a laboratory as well as in any branch of industry arises partly from the fact that a large and increasing number of other quantities, i.e. temperature, mechanical movement, gas pressure, etc. are turned into electrical ones to be measured with the help of electrical instruments.

28. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и определите их

функции в предложении. Переведите текст.

Every year, approximately a thousand million tons cement is produced around the world. To make the natural raw material into cement takes temperature of 1,500 0c.

And as there are thousands of factories thousands of millions of tones of organic fuel are consume in the process. Great amounts of energy could be saved if 2 the roasting temperature could be lowered by even 2000, but to reduce the roasting temperature would affect cement quality. The principle components of cement production are calcium oxide and silica.

To form new crystalline compounds – alit and belit – the calcium oxide and silica combine during the baking3.

The temperatures to be used when alit and belit are formed should not be lower than 1,4500 – 1,5000 C. Otherwise it will lead to changes in the internal structure, resulting in a reduced ability to react with water, and earlier aging.

roasting1 – обжиг

if + could (would)2 – если бы

baking3 – обжиг

29. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и определите их

функции в предложении. Переведите текст.

Portable Reactors

Nuclear scientists all over the world devote much time to the problem of making reactors lighter and more compact than those which we have now. This is especially important for the countries with big and sparsely populated Arctic regions. To supply diesel oil to the remote Arctic station is very difficult. To provide such Arctic stations with a source of light and heat, the scientists have made the Low Power Reactor. This reactor supplies enough energy to light 300 cottages or heat 30 cottages. It is a highly specialized reactor. Instead of producing heat that goes to a turbo-generator, this reactor produces steam in its own core1.

The Low Power Reactor is made portable because it is intended for use at remote stations. Its components to be easily taken apart and reassembled are light in weight.

in its own core1 – в своей активной зоне

30. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и определите их

функции в предложении. Переведите текст.

Radar in General

A radar (an abbreviation of radio detection and ranging) is a composite radio electronic apparatus to be used for detecting and locating objects and targets, such as aircraft, ships, buildings, mountains, and even people at various distances and with incredible accuracy, even when darkness, fog or cloud make the targets invisible.

A radar consists essentially1 of a microwave transmitter, an antenna system, microwave receiver, a timer or synchronizer and an indicator – all working with microsecond precision.

To determine the exact location of any target is made possible through accurate measurements of range, altitude, and azimuth, whether the target is in space, on the ground or in the sea.

The data obtained (directly or through electronic processing2) are displayed continuously on an indicator. This is usually a cathode-ray tube3, the type of which is dependent on the kind of data to be displayed – range, altitude, azimuth etc.

essentially1 – в основном, в сущности

through electronic processing2 – с помощью обработки на

электронной вычислительной


cathode ray tube3 – электронно-лучевая трубка

31. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на способы

перевода инфинитива.


Computers are known to provide capability to make rapid calculations, compare and make decisions, and send massages through communication links to geographically scattered places, etc.

The organization of these capabilities into a system which is capable of solving problems and realizing aims depends on computer programmes. The process of telling a computer what to do and how to do is called programming. The set of instructions is known as the programme.

Programmes are considered to be integral part of computer systems: they have been given the name "software" to indicate that they are distinct from but parallel to the "hardware".

More exactly, software includes not only the computer programmes, but also their documentation and the training required for people to use total system and operate and maintain the programmes.

Programmes are designed to solve particular problems and they are all different. In part, this is true. But there are also programmes that are very general in their applicability.

The complexity of computer programming is well known. The reasons of such complexity are partly the nature of the computer, partly the nature of the problems being programmed, and partly the nature of the human thinking process.

The computer is certain to require absolute detail.

32. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на способы

перевода инфинитива.

Translating Machines

Translating machines are known to have been built many times. None of them was put into practice. However, research on translating machines has gone on continuously, ever since the birth of the electronic computer in the late 1940s. Electronic computers are expected to be the only kind of machine which one can hope to translate one language to another.

Most attempts to do so have used general-purpose computers: the problem, then, is to write programs, or lists of instructions, which enable the computer to carry out the many logical processes involved in translating.

Let us suppose that we have a French text to be translated into English, and it is in a form which the machine can read – it is on paper tape with holes punched in it. The first step in the translation process is for the machine to "look up" each French word in its own internal dictionary. Of course, only substituting an equivalent English word doesn't produce an intelligible translation. The machine also has to know grammar, in order to analyze the relations between the words of each French sentence and construct a corresponding English sentence.

Machines which can do this, with various languages, have been built in several countries. However, the resulting "translations" have sometimes been bizarre. The commonest problem is where a word could mean either of two different things. A human translator knows which meaning to choose from the context. But the machines have been known to make the wrong choice.

If a machine is to make usable translations, the machine itself must be able to extract some of the meaning of the text. That is what scientists are now trying to achieve in several countries including the USSR, the USA, Britain and France.

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