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  1. Read and remember the words:

Data – данні, факти

Embarking – навантаження, входження

Satisfactory – задовільний

Gain – отримувати, добувати

Extent – розмір, ступінь

Strata – напластування, формація

Faults – порушення, зсув

Disturbance – порушення, дислокація, розрив

Water-bearing rocks – водомісткі породи

Estimate – оцінювати

2. Read and translate the text:

Why boring from surface is necessary

While much data as to conditions underground can be obtained from the study of geological structures on the surface, it is absolutely essential to obtain positive and exact information before embarking on costly sinking.

The most satisfactory way to do this is to bore holes from the surface and thereby gain knowledge as to: the depth, thickness, quality, extent and the number of coal seams or other materials; the amount, direction and variations in the dip of the strata; and the existence of any great faults or other disturbances of the strata. Valuable information is also obtained as to the nature of the strata passed through and the existence of water-bearing rocks. From the data obtained the mining engineer has a complete picture of conditions below the surface and is able to estimate the cost of sinking and the underground difficulties with which he will have to contend.

3. Fill the gaps with the words from the box.


Embarking, obtained, surface, bore, estimate, bearing, strata

  1. It is absolutely essential to _________ positive and exact information before _________on costly sinking.

  2. The best way to do this is to _______ holes from the _______.

  3. Valuable information is also obtained as to the nature of the ________.

  4. The existence of water-_________ rocks.

  5. The mining engineer is able to__________ the cost of sinking.

4.Choose the best variant.

1)Виходячи з даних.

А. The most satisfactory way.

В. From the data obtained…

С. Valuable information.

2)Інформація про підземні умови.

А. Boring holes from the surface

В. А safety-lamp cannot be lighted with a match or a lighter.

С. Data of the underground conditions.

3)Повна картина підземних умов.

А. A complete picture of conditions below the surface.

В. Gas-detector electric lamps are being developed, however.

С. The nature of the strata passed through

4)Визначaти кошти занурення.

А. Тhey can test the composition of the air at all times.

В. Variations in the dip of the strata.

С. To estimate the cost of sinking.

5)Тим самим здобути інформацію про глибину та якість.

А. Thereby to gain knowledge as to: the depth and quality.

В. It prevents the flame from penetrating outside and thus igniting an inflammable mixture outside the lamp.

C. It is absolutely essential to obtain positive and exact information.


1. Read and memorize the words:

Boring - буріння

Piercing - проколення

the removal of debris – усування залишку порід

to perform - представляти

Percussive drilling – ударне буріння

Rotary drilling – роторне буріння

tubular drill – трубчатий бур

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