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Answer the questions

1.What did the first generation of computers work on?

2. What tiny device managed to improve first computers?

3. Why did it become possible to create cheaper computer systems?

4. What technology were the third generation of computers based on?

5. Who wrote BASIC compiler for the first PC?

6. What computer companies came on the market in the late 1970s?

7. What is the difference between the third and the fourth generations of computers?

8. Who announced a plan for constructing of supercomputers?

9. What area can supercomputers work in?

10. When was the firth generation of computes put intro operation?

Text 5 Netbooks

A breakthrough in computer design could lead to computer technology being available everywhere, even in the poorest parts of the world. IT companies are developing laptops and netbooks with functions of stationary computers including WiFi, advanced processor and 1GB of storage capacity. Netbooks or ultraportables are a branch of rapidly evolving category of small, lightweight, and inexpensive laptop computers suited for general computing and Web-based applications.

At present, Amazon.com and other online stores are taking advance orders as Asus has introduced a new Eee PC with 9.5-hour battery life. Asusteck Computer Inc's new Eee PC 1000HE netbook offers up to nine and a half hours of battery life and features Intel's latest mobile processor.

The laptop includes a six-cell "Super Hybrid Engine" battery pack. Depending on usage, the battery pack offers a choice of adjustable performance and power consumption modes. The laptop uses the Intel Atom N280 processor, which draws about 2.5 watts of power. Batteries in netbooks now on the market can run for up to four hours depending on display and wireless usage.

The claim of nine and a half hours on the 1000HE Eee PC blows away past claims of netbook battery life. The extended battery life could help stimulate the netbook demand. Weighing 3.2 lbs. with the battery pack, the netbook includes a 10-in. screen, 1GB of memory and a 160GB hard drive. It also includes 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi capabilities and Bluetooth wireless networking.

The laptop uses Windows XP and users get 10GB of free online storage. Retail sites didn't list models of the netbook with Linux. The new netbook is priced at $399 on the Asus Web site but Amazon.com offers it for $374. Asus officials could not be reached immediately for information about shipping dates and retail sites.

The low-cost laptop industry took off when Asus introduced the Eee PC. The netbook is the poster child of a laptop category that now includes offerings from top vendors such as Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Acer and Lenovo.

Answer the questions

1.What features does a new Asus netbook have?

2. How long is the netbook’s battery life?

3. What could help stimulate the netbook demand?

4.What processor does the laptop use and what is its power consumption?

5. What is the netbook’s weight?

6. What is the netbook’s screen size and what is its storage capacity?

7. What new capabilities does the netbook include?

8. How is the netbook priced at on the Asus Web site?

9.What price for the netbook does Amazon.com offer?

10. What companies are the netbook's top vendors ?

Text 6. Different Types of Computers

A computer is an electronic machine that can accept, store, manipulate, and transmit data in accordance with a set of specific instructions. Digital computers are divided into five main types, depending on their size and power:

They are mainframes, minicomputers, desktop PCs, laptops, and handheld computers. Mainframes are the largest and the most powerful computers. The basic configuration of a mainframe consists of a central system which processes immense amount of data very quickly. This central system provides information and computing facilities for hundreds of terminals connected together in a network. Nowadays they are often used in large companies and corporations.

Minicomputers are smaller and less powerful than mainframes. However, they can perform more than one task at a time. However, nowadays they are out of use. In times past minicomputers were mainly used as file servers for terminals.

Personal computers carry out their processing on a single microchip. They can be also used as workstations for a group. Broadly speaking, there are two classes of personal computers - desktop PCs, which are designed to be placed on your desk, and portable PCs, which can be used as a tiny notebook. They are ideal for business executives who travel a lot.

The smallest computers can be held in a hand. They are called handheld computers or palmtops. They are used as reminders and electronic organisers for storing notes.

A computer system consists of two parts: software and hardware. Software is the information in the form of data and program instructions. Hardware components are the electronic and mechanical parts of the system. The basic structure of a computer system is made up of three main hardware sections: the central processing unit or CPU, the main memory, and the peripherals - a keyboard, a mouse, a monitor and a printer. Most CPUs now have a CD or DVD burner, that is a device for recording onto a CD or DVD, already built into the unit. They also have USB ports, that is to say sockets where you plug in other devices. Most CPUs have software already loaded when you buy the computer, but many people like to add other programs to personalize their computer.

Answer the questions

1. How do computers accept information?

2. What are the main groups of digital computers?

3. What is the basic configuration of the mainframe?

4. What types of computers are used to process immense amount of data?

5. What computers are the most suitable for the home use: desktop PCs or minicomputers?

6. What is a handheld computer?

7. Why are laptops ideal for business executives?

8. What parts does a computer system consist of?

9. What are the main peripherals

10 How is a DVD burner used?

Module IV. Programming, Computer Languages and Programs


Computers can deal with different types of problems if they are given the right instructions for what to do.

Computer programming is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging and maintaining the source code of computer programs. The source code is written in a programming language. The code may be a modification of an existing source or something completely new. The purpose of programming is to create a program that exhibits a certain desired behaviour. The process of writing source code often requires expertise in many different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic.

So, programming is the process of preparing a set of coded instructions, which enables the computer to solve specific problems. The essence of computer programming is to encode the problem by means of the algorithm. The matter is that problems are expressed in mathematical terms, and the computer cannot understand them. It means that the task must be specially processed for the computer.

The phase in which the programs are written is called the development stage. The program instruction must be completed in the appropriate sequence, or else the wrong answer will result.

To guard against errors, programmers develop special logic plans. There are two common techniques for planning the logic of the program. The first technique is flowcharting. A flowchart is a plan in graphic representation that uses predefined symbols to illustrate the program logic. It is a picture of the logical steps to be performed by the computer. A template can used to make drawing the symbols easier.

The second technique for planning the program logic is known as "pseudo code". Pseudo code is imitation of actual program instructions. Pseudo code is less time-consuming for professional programmers than flowcharting. It also emphasises a top-down approach to the program structure. Pseudo code has three basic structures - sequence, decision and looping logic.

Once you have written your program, you have to test it with the sample data to see if there are any bugs or errors. Usually they are, so the program has to be cleared of them or “debugged”.

Answer the questions

1. How can computers deal with different problems?

2. What is computer programming?

3. What is the essence of programming?

4. Why do programmers have to create a logic plan?

5. What are the main techniques for planning the program logic?

6. What does the flowchart illustrate?

7. How is a template used?

8. How can the actual program instructions be imitated?

9.What is the difference between pseudo code and flowcharting?

10.Why do we have to test programs?

Text 2. Programming Languages

Modern computers have dramatically changed our life. Nevertheless, they do not understand natural languages, as the central processor operates only on binary code numbers. That is why people use symbolic languages, which can be easily converted into a machine code.

Basic languages, where a program is similar to the machine code version are known as low-level languages. A low-level language uses a symbolic code of the particular computer and requires a special program - assembler to convert it into the actual machine language.

To make the programs easier to write, programmers worked out a number of high-level languages such as BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, Java and others.

In 1958, a group of computer scientists met in Zürich and from this meeting came ALGOL. It was used for mathematical and scientific purposes. A derivative of ALGOL is known as a C language originally designed for UNIX operating systems. Today it is widely used to write commercial applications programs. This portable language is small and very efficient. New versions of C are C++ and Objective C. They represent a new style of object-oriented programming. With object-oriented programming, we can concentrate on particular things, giving each object specific functions.

Visual BASIC is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft in 1990 to create all sorts of applications from small system utilities to database programs and Internet server applications. The original BASIC appeared in 1965, while the adjective “Visual” refers to the technique used to create a graphical user interface.

In 1990, a team of software engineers at Sun Microsystems worked out Java - an object-oriented programming language similar to C++. It is specially designed to run on the Web. Small Java programs are called applets, they can be downloaded automatically and let you watch a moving text and interact with information on the screen. Today Java is a hot technology that runs on any computer because there are Java interpreters or Java Virtual Machines for most operating systems.

Answer the questions

1. How have computers changed our life?

2. Why cannot computers understand natural languages?

3. What is the difference between a low-level and a high-level language?

4. When did a group of computer scientists meet?

5. What was created after their meeting in Zürich?

6. When was Visual Basic developed?

7. Where is C language used nowadays?

8. What opportunities do you get using object-oriented programming?

9. How can Java programs be downloaded onto your computer?

10. Why is Java a hot technology today?

Text3. Computer Programs

A program written in a high-level language is often called a source program. It cannot be directly processed by the computer without compilation or interpretation into machine code. It is performed by a special system program known as a compiler, which is unique for each computer. The program produced after the source program has been converted into machine code is referred to an object program or to an object mode.

Actually computer programs can be divided into two large groups - system programs and applications. The system software refers to all the programs which control the basic functions of the computer. They include operating systems, utilities, system routines and language translators. Thus, the linkage editor fetches required system routines and links them to the object program in machine code. The resulting program is called the load module. It is directly executed by the computer.

However, the operating system is the most important type of system programs as it controls the central processing unit, the input, the output and the secondary storage devices.

System utilities are small programs which improve a system's performance and help users to interact with a computer. They are often desk accessories, screen savers, virus detectors and crashed disk rescuers. Utilities are available for back-up, file search, virus protection and disaster recovery.

System programs as part of the main software, are usually provided by the manufacturer of the machine. Unlike system programs, software packages or application programs are sold by various vendors and not necessarily by manufacturers. They are sold as a set of programs designed to perform certain applications which conform to particular specifications of the user.

A company's payroll is an example of such a package. It allows the user to input data – hours worked, pay rates, special deductions, names of employees - and get salary calculations as output. These packages are coded in machine language on disks which can be purchased, leased or rented by users who choose the package that mostly corresponds to their needs.

Institutions, research and development centres (R&D) often commission their own programmers to write applets to meet the specifications of the users.

Answer the questions

1.How is a program written in a high-level language called?

2.What is an object mode?

3. Why do programmers use a compiler?

4. How are computer programs divided?

5. What is the linkage editor's function?

6. Why is the operating system the most important type of the

system software?

7. What type of software are program utilities?

8. What is the difference between system software and applications?

9. How are application packages presented to the public?

10.What examples of application software can you give?

Text 4 Computers Under Attack

Every time you turn on your computer and connect to the Internet, there is a possibility of attack. It could come from e-mail software programs or music you download, or even from a CD-ROM you are using. However, the most common source of danger is a virus. Sometimes serious,sometimes not, it can crash your system and make your computer stop working. Consequently, some companies and even government departments have to close while they are trying to find and destroy a virus. It can cost millions of dollars.

A computer virus is a program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. The term "virus" is also commonly used, to refer to many different types of malware and programs. The original virus may modify the copies, or the copies may modify themselves. A virus can spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer. Meanwhile viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer.

Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan horses. A worm can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a host, while a Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless. Another danger is spyware. Like the Trojan Horse, it hides inside your computer so that you even don't know it is there. It might not do any danger, but it collects information about you, for example, what you buy online or what you download. Most personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local area networks,facilitating the spread of malicious code. Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, Instant Messaging and file sharing systems.

Trojan horses. Rootkits. Botnets. Keyloggers - these terms might not mean much to the average computer user, but to the average computer they are the equivalent of the swine flu. Anti-virus applications allow users to pick and choose their own security software such as firewalls. They can cost less than security suites. They all include antispyware protection, and may have antirootkit components to defend against attempts to hide malware deep within a system.

Answer the questions

1. What can happen to your computer after connection to the Internet?

2. What is a computer virus?

3. How can computer viruses spread?

4. How do computer viruses and worms differ from each other?

5. Why is spyware so dangerous?

6. What can facilitate the spread of malware?

7. How do Trojan horses act getting into your system?

8. What can protect computers from malicious code?

9.Are anti-virus applications cheaper or more expensive than security suites?

10.What can be equivalent to the swine flu?

Module V. Different Faces of the Internet

Text 1.The Wild World of the Internet

The Internet is the wild-wired world. In just a few short years, it went from an obscure tool for universities and physicists to a fact of life in the homes and businesses of people. The Internet is changing the way we access, buy and use applications. For example, we can go online and download the software we want like any other digital product.

The Internet began in the 1960s as a communication network between educational institutions and private organisations. The U.S. Department of Defence contributed to the technology, and by the 1970s, a standard protocol connected a collection of networks (ARPANET). Private companies fund the Internet operations today. Most users connect to the Net through Internet Service Providers.

As the terminology of the Internet is constantly expanding, it is important to have a common definition of it. The Internet is a network of networks. It is a massive collection of computer networks, which connect millions of computers, people, software programs, databases, and files.

There are thousands of computer networks around the world. Some networks are private, and others are publicly accessible. The communication between disparate computer environments has become possible because of the communication protocols. Computers can get access to the Internet by means of Transmission Control Protocols. TCP/IP is a suite of protocols used to send packets of information to each other.

Many people use the term World Wide Web as a synonym for the Internet. Actually, the Web is just one of the many services available as part of the Internet. The Web is a great technology for communicating, while the Internet provides powerful and universal connectivity that makes the Web possible. Users can get access to the information they need through Web browsers.

The Internet has already become a part of our culture. Its educating power is enormous. However, some critics think that it can be addictive. Trying to escape from the real world into the virtual world of the Internet some people really behave like drug addicts.

Answer the questions

1. How is the Internet changing the way of communication?

2. How did the Internet begin?

3. Who funds the Internet operations today?

4. Why is the Internet a network of networks?

5. What is the Internet Service Provider responsible for?

6. What is the difference between the Web and the Internet?

7. What protocols do users need to get access to the Internet?

8. Why do you think the Internet will continue to dominate?

9. Why is the educating power of the Internet enormous?

10. How can the Internet be addictive?

Text 2. Electronic mail

Electronic mail or e-mail is a very simple Internet activity. It is based on ASCII files and carries out the exchange of text messages and computer files over communications networks. Nowadays all modern Internet service providers handle it.

E-mail systems are based on a store and forward model in which e-mail server computer systems accept, forward, deliver and store messages on behalf of users, who only need to connect to the e-mail infrastructure. Originally, e-mail was always transmitted directly from one user's device to another's; nowadays this is rarely the case.

Sending e-mail across the Internet is a lot like writing a postcard in pencil and sending it through the country. Anyone who handles it has the opportunity to read or even change its content. Growing concern about e-mail privacy has prompted the leading Web-browser makers,such as Firefox and Microsoft, to include e-mail encryption capabilities into the most recent versions of their software. However, before you can use the encryption software, you need a digital ID, and so does everyone to whom you will be sending your encrypted e-mail. When someone gets an e-mail with your digital signature, that person will know that your message has not been tampered with and that you are truly the sender.

In comparison with ordinary or Snail mail, electronic text messages have several advantages, though they cannot always get through. Even the slightest error in the address will stop a delivery. On the other hand, the delivery is fast and cheap despite the distance. Incoming mail is easily annotated, returned to its sender or to other people. Besides, you can send multiple copies as easily as you can send one.

An electronic mail message consists of two components, the message header, and the message body, which is the email's content. The message header contains control information, such as e-mail address. It is a string that identifies a user so, that the user can receive the Internet e-mail.

After sending an e-mail, it goes into a mailbox at your service provider and you have to log in to get it. There are several e-mail filters, attached in the e-mail software that automatically sort the incoming mail into different folders or mailboxes based on information contained in the message. Filters may also be used either to block or to accept e-mail from designated sources.

The e-mail management system is also in wide use today. It is an automated e-mail response system used by the Internet-based business to sort incoming e-mail messages into predetermined categories and either to reply to the sender with an appropriate response or to direct his or her e-mail to a customer service representative.

Unwanted advertising or spam is out of control now. More than 50% of all email messages in the world are junk mail, or spam. Unfortunately, some people are now using spam to trick other people and to get money from them. This is called phising. The simplest phishing attack is to send an email promising that you will get rich. However, to get this money, you must first send your bank details. Never give anyone your bank accounts.