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Translate the following words and word combinations or find Russian equivalents.

  1. range of activity

  2. to encourage customers

  3. promotion efforts

  4. buy two and get one free

  5. brand awareness

  6. to increase shelf space

  7. pricing promotion

  8. point-of-sale materials

  9. sales meeting

  10. monetary incentive

Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions.

  1. кампания по организации и стимулированию сбыта

  2. цели стимулирования сбыта

  3. бесплатный образец

  4. специальное предложение

  5. повысить узнаваемость торговой марки

  6. привлечь внимание потребителя

  7. покупательская корзина

  8. наиболее выгодное место для продаж

  9. методы стимулирования сбыта

  10. скидка (магазину) для компенсации расходов на организацию выставки товара

Translate the following sentences front Russian into English.

  1. Газеты пробовали использовать лотерею «бинго» для повышения тиража.

  2. Внимание ребенка легко привлекается конфетами около кассы.

  3. Супермаркеты, гаражи и туристические агентства часто проводят конкурсы для повышения эффективности сбыта.

  4. Стимулирование сбыта часто принимает форму побуждения, например «купи два и получи один бесплатно».

  5. Средства стимулирования сбыта должны помочь дилерам действовать более эффективно.

Free Word-of-Mouth Marketing

(Маркетинг и повседневное общение людей)

Each year every person in the United States spends about $600 to cover the costs of huge amount that businesses spend on advertising. A family of four spends about $2400 each year. Whether or not we want to spend this much is irrelevant. That’s what it costs businesses in the USA each year. And, this does not include the additional billions of dollars spent each year on point of purchase displays, other merchandising, packaging and product placement fees. What do we get for our $600 each year? Millions of radio and TV commercials, billboards, and advertisements in newspapers and magazines — we are bombarded with thousands of advertising messages (some of them wasteful) every day.

So many advertising messages rush at us daily, we cut through all that type (which often we do not trust) to get the essence of the messages we need. Word-of-mouth (which usually we trust) allows us to sort it all out. By using the principles of word-of-mouth marketing, these businesses and, in turn, you and I, could be spending a whole lot less cash each year.

Unique among other promotion methods, word-of-mouth is the only known promotion method that is both the means of marketing and the end of marketing. It is not only a dynamic method to communicate with consumers. Also, it is the goal to which most organizations strive. Vigorous positive word-of-mouth is the quintessential sign of success in a competitive global marketplace.

Managing your successful word-of-mouth marketing program should start by using three simple steps. As you consistently apply these three steps, you can embellish them with additional activities as you have time and resources. These three steps apply universally to any enterprise, business, or organization. With these three powerful elements you will never be at a loss to know what should be doing to build positive word-of-mouth.

The three steps are:

1. FIND champion customers (and other loyal supporters),

2. INSPIRE these champions (opinion leaders), to spread your reputation,

3. THANK your champions when they bring you referrals.

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