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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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VIII. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets:

  1. I’m about to move to London and I (to try) to decide which books and records to take along.

  2. She (to suffer) from a very unusual form of kidney disease.

  3. ‘Of course I (to joke),’ he said in confusion.

  4. The boy appeared with railway time-table in his hand. ‘The next train (to leave) in twenty minutes.’

  5. When she looked at him he was no longer smiling and lost in thought again. ‘How quickly your mood (to change)!’ – she exclaimed.

  6. What sort of parts you (to play) on the stage?

  7. What you (to do) tonight?

  8. ‘You are young,’ he said. ‘Young people (to do) a lot of foolish things’.

  9. Where we (to go) from here?

  10. He (to know) a lot of languages.

IX. Use Present Perfect or Past Indefinite in the following sentences:

  1. I never (to see) anyone more beautiful than your wife.

  2. I understand you (to have) an unpleasant experience at the week-end! What (to happen) exactly?

  3. You remember the coin you (to find) in the pool?

  4. ‘Good night. It (to be nice) to meet you,’ he (to say) and (go) off to his car.

  5. Well, I know what you (to be) through.

  6. I (to read) this book when I was at school.

  7. The lecture (to begin). I am a little late.

  8. The clock is slow. – It isn’t slow, it (to stop).

  9. When he (to arrive)? He (to arrive) at 10 o’clock.

  10. He (to light) a cigarette and (to walk) to the window.

X. Use Past Indefinite or Past Continuous in the following sentences:

  1. I (to open) the shutters and (to look) out. The car (to stand) where I had left it.

  2. Suddenly I (to realize) that they (not to pay attention) to me any longer. I (to turn) my head and (to look) where they all (to look).

  3. On my left I (to see) the lights of the first house of the village, and I (to hurry) towards it through the wood when a sudden flash of light (to make) me stop.

  4. At that time I (to look) for a job.

  5. Miss Nobbs (not to see) him leave the office. At half past four she (to make) herself a cup of tea.

  6. The idea first (to occur) to me that afternoon as I (to back) the car into the garage.

  7. I probably (to drop) the key when I (to look) for small change in my bag at the news-stand.

  8. All through the night I (to hear) them work, open drawers, drag cases over the floor. They (to pack).

XI. Translate into English:

  1. В пятницу, на прошлой неделе, шел сильный дождь. 2. Я обычно завтракаю в 7.30. 3. Он уже построил дачу? – Нет, он все еще строит ее. 4. Почему вы идете так быстро? – Я иду быстро, потому что боюсь опоздать на электричку. 5. Моя сестра никогда не носит шубу. 6. Почтальон обычно приходит в 8 часов вечера. Сейчас уже 8.30, а он все еще не пришел. 7. Когда я пришел к Пете в прошлое воскресенье, он читал новую книгу. Как только он закончит ее читать, он даст эту книгу мне. 8. Лекция еще не началась, и студенты разговаривают. 9. Я профессионально не играл в волейбол с 1983 года. 10. Куда едешь отдыхать этим летом? – В Испанию.

XII. Use the required Present, Past, Future forms in the following text:

Meanwhile it (to get) on to the time for family’s usual fortnight at the seaside. They always (to go) to Herne Bay and for years they (to take) the same lodgings. One evening Herbert (to say) to his mother as casually as could: ‘By the way, Mum, you’d better write and tell them I (not to want) my room this year. Betty and I (to get) married and we (to go) to Scotland for the honeymoon’.

His mother (not to say) a word. She (to go) deathly pale.

‘Oh, Mum, don’t take it so hard. I’m sure you (to like) Betty when you (to get) to know her. Everything (to be) all right if you only (to be) reasonable’.

‘That’s what you think. Well, let me tell you that this woman never (to set) foot in this house, only over my dead body’.