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UNIT 3.doc
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Task 5. Fill in the appropriate form of the verb to have (have, has, have to, has to, had, had to, will have, will have to):

1. The psychologist reported that the simple exercise … a positive impact on her condition. 2. Social workers … struggle to learn about what AIDS really is. 3. Social workers who go into medical social work in a healthcare system … many opportunities to increase their medical knowledge. 4. I couldn’t come yesterday as I … an appointment with my psychologist. 5. She … quit the college as her parents could not support her any longer. 6. A clinical psychologist … be able to find a way with his clients. 7. Students must … access to a good library. 8. You … hardly any success in your career unless you are well qualified. 9. It is important for social workers to be part of interdisciplinary team and … a network of consultants available to them. 10. This pharmacy … no wheelchair access. 11. In the final year of study we … a deep understanding of major psychological problems. 12. Many women in addiction … no role model for parenting because their mothers were addicted. 13. Postgraduate students should … all the necessary research skills. 14. This psychodynamic approach … benefits for patients with personality disorders. 15. She … do the household chores when she stayed with her aunt.

Task 6. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Она не имела никакого отношения к их спору. 2. У вас будут трудности при сдаче экзамена по иностранному языку, так как вы пропускаете занятия. 3. Социальные работники и клинические психологи должны иметь много специальных медицинских знаний. 4. Пациенту не нужно просто следовать тому, что говорит врач, он может активно участвовать в выборе лечения. 5. У него были проблемы (трудности) с адаптацией к новой обстановке в новой школе. 6. У этого психолога прекрасные коммуникативные навыки. 7. Мне придется писать рефераты по нескольким предметам в этом семестре. 8. Какие занятия у вас по пятницам? 9. Мне не нужно переписывать контрольную, я получила «5». 10. У вас была лекция по психологии на прошлой неделе? 11. Приходилось ли тебе раньше не спать по ночам, готовясь к экзаменам? 12. У него не было выбора. Он вынужден был уйти. 13. В какое время он обычно ужинает? 14. Хорошо ли вы провели время на вечере первокурсника? 15. Имеют ли эти факты отношение к этому несчастному случаю?

Task 7. Read the text below.

Volgograd State Medical University

Stalingrad Medical Institute was founded in 1935. There was only one faculty then. It was the faculty of General Medicine. In 1985 the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. In 1993 it was granted the status of Academy, in 2003 - the status of University.

Nowadays Volgograd state medical university has thirteen faculties and affiliated medical, scientific and educational establishments:

- Faculty of General Medicine

- Faculty of Dentistry/Stomatology

- Pharmaceutical Faculty

- Faculty of Pediatrics

- Faculty of Biomedicine

- Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Work

- Faculty of Management

- Faculty of Biology

- Faculty of Preventive Medicine

- Faculty of Bioengineering Systems and Technologies

- Faculty of Post-Diploma Probation

- Faculty of Refresher Training

- Foundation Course for International Students

The medical university infrastructure comprises a number of research centres: the Centre for clinical and experimental rheumatology, the Centre for clinical and experimental pharmacology, the Federal centre for acupuncture, the Centre for licensing health care professionals, the Central research laboratory. There is also a medical college training dental technicians, pharmacists, nurses. Postgraduate training includes an internship, a clinical residency and a postgraduate course.

Four educational buildings and many multi-profile hospitals for 7000 patients are also at the disposal of the university.

At present about 5000 Russian and 1000 international students do courses at the university. The university is included into the WHO's List of the World medical schools. The Diploma granted by VolgSMU is recognized in over 80 countries and by the World Health Organization.

Today the staff of the university includes 3 academicians of the National Academy for Medical Sciences, about 100 professors, more than 100 assistant professors, and about 1000 faculty members.

The medical university has established numerous links with scientific research institutes of the Russian Academy for Medical Sciences, medical and pharmaceutical higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as strong international links. One of the partner universities of VolgSMU is Leeds University (Great Britain) implementing exchange programmes.

to grant – выдать, присвоить

Task 8. Match the English and Russian equivalents.

1. educational establishment

A. сертификация

2. post-diploma probation

B. аспирантура

3. refresher training

C. клиническая ординатура (практика в качестве

ассистента врача)

4. infrastructure

D. филиал

5. internship

E. образовательное учреждение

6. clinical residency

F. повышение квалификации

7. postgraduate course

G. факультет

8. faculty (Am.)

H. инфраструктура, производственно-техническая база

9. faculty (Br.)

I. интернатура (1 год последипломного образования

10. affiliated establishment

J. последипломное образование

11. licensing

K. профессорско-преподавательский состав

Task 9. Describe the facilities students of your university have at its disposal. Use the pattern and the prompts below:

Our students have educational buildings and many multi-profile hospitals at their disposal.

Prompts: spacious lecture halls; well-equipped laboratories; many classrooms; university clinics; up-to-date equipment; well-stocked library; Internet facilities; sport facilities; sport grounds; gymnasium; many textbooks and journals; computer classes.

Task 10. Use the nouns below to derive:

a) nouns naming an expert/specialist working in this field/setting;

b) adjectives.

Science, therapy, dentistry, stomatology, pharmacy, pediatrics, biology, psychology, research, rheumatology, pharmacology, clinic.

Task 11. Complete the sentences using the words from the list below: post-graduate student; faculty; dean; clinical psychology; intern; clinical psychologist; resident; assistant professor; applicant; lecturer.

  1. A person wishing to become a student and participating in the entrance competition is a …

  2. A person who studies at the faculty of ………. is a future ………

  3. The head of a …….. is a ………… .

  4. The one who delivers lectures is a ………….

  5. The one who gives practical classes is a ……………

  6. A graduate who does an internship course becomes an …………

  7. A graduate who does a clinical residency course becomes a ………….

  8. A person who starts a post-graduate course becomes a …………….

Task 12. Use the appropriate form of the verbs to make sentences:



The University

Each faculty

A dean

Each chair

The head of the department

A hospital

A chief doctor

to head

to be headed

to supervise

to be supervised

to be responsible for

the University.

by the rector.

by a dean.

a faculty.

by a head of chair.

the work of the department staff.

by a chief doctor.

a hospital.


The faculty of general medicine


The faculty of dentistry


The faculty of clinical psychology and social studies

International students

Interns, clinical residents and postgraduate students

The faculty of refresher training

to train

to be trained

physicians (therapeutists) and surgeons.

at the faculty of pediatrics.


at the faculty of pharmacy.

psychologists and social workers.

at preparatory course.

at post-diploma probation department.

medical specialists to equip them with the advances in medicine.

Task 13. Study the contexts in which the verbs below can occur.

To grant a status/a license/permission/a diploma/ a degree

To award an order/a medal/a prize/a diploma/ a scholarship/ a degree

Complete the sentences using the nouns which are appropriate in these contexts in the required form.

1. A bachelor’s degree is usually an academic … awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts four years. 2. After graduation he was awarded a … to do research. 3. Students who complete the course successfully will be awarded a … . 4. She was awarded a … for bravery. 5. The Nobel … is awarded annually. 6. He was granted a … to practice psychotherapy. 7. I was granted … to visit the client in hospital. 8. I tried to find out through the Internet which … are granted by the University of Liverpool. 9. When was this institute granted the …of university?

Task 14. Ask questions to the words in italics:

a) There is a medical college training dental technicians, pharmacists, nurses (2).

b) Volgograd state medical university has thirteen faculties and affiliated medical, scientific and educational establishments (3).

c) Students of clinical psychology have to work hard to do well in the exams (3).

Task 15. Speak about your university using the table below.

Our university

The VolSMU

The structure of the university

Four educational buildings and five hospitals

The course of studies

The diploma of the VolSMU

The staff of the university

The medical colleges

Postgraduate training

to be founded

to be granted

to have

to comprise

to be at the disposal

to vary

to be recognized

to consist of

to train

to involve

in 1935;

Academy status in1993;

University status in 2003;

nine faculties…;

affiliated establishments…;

of the students;

of the University;

from 5 to 6 years;

in 80 countries;

by the WHO;

dental technicians, pharmacists, nurses;

internship, a clinical residency and a postgraduate course.

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