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КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА 1 для заочников.doc
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Контрольная работа № 1

По дисциплине «практика устной и письменной речи»

Для студентов 1 курса специальности « английский язык»

Факультета заочного отделения



Ex. 1 Insert letters.

D-ad w--ght, r-f-rence, r-la--on--hip, --brin.-ing, str--ght, ap--ar-nce, h--ght, to rev--e for a test, ba--el-r.

Ex. 2 Give:

  1. synonyms : to skip the lecture, problem student, to be pressed for time, old-fashioned, full- time students, to be a good mixer, to be at risk.

  2. antonyms : to benefit one’s health, quiet, post-graduate, to waste time, the watch loses, pretty, young.

Ex.3 Give the word according to its definition.

  1. the head of a faculty

  2. the head of a school

  3. someone who studies at an extra-mural department

  4. the clocks that stand on the floor

e) the process of doing about the house from top to bottom

f) to smooth out creases by applying pressure or heat

g) a male partner in a marriage

h) husband’s sister

Ex. 4 Give the English equivalents.

1 (Образование университетского стандарта) is also given in other institutions such as colleges of technology and agricultural colleges.

2 When do they (специализироваться) their particular field of study?

3 To avoid the inconvenience of local time variation (среднее время) has been adopted by most countries.

4 The last thing I do before I fall asleep is (наводить часы) for the next day.

5 He (провалить экзамен ), if he works (не систематически ).

6 But a public school in Britain is in fact a (частная школа).

7 In the morning I (прятать голову под подушку), pretending not to hear (будильник).

8 It’s very popular in Britain for men (отращивать волосы).

Ex.5 Choose the right word.

1. At last he managed to ....... the tooth paste.

a) screw

b) extract

c) compress

2. By 8 a.m. I finally ..... bed.

a) make

b) crawl out of

c) leave

3. As I live in the suburbs, every day I ......to work.

a) commute

b) go by bus

c) get

4. In some cases the Admission Board sends ... a refusal.

a) an applicant

b) a graduate

c) a sophomore

5. Marilyn Monroe had a … above her upper lip.

a) dimple

b) mole

c) beauty spot

Ex.6 Insert prepositions and post verbal adverbs where necessary.

1. I'm distantly related ... her. 2.They say she takе ... her mother. 3. He is not ... age, he is ... 18. 4. She outlived her husband … 12 years. 5. He doesn't take much care … his appearance. 6. He is clever and quiet and spends a lot …time … his computer. 7. Marriage is preceded ..., that is, young men and women are going … together. 8. It's an old custom to pelt the newly –weds … rice or sometimes … old articles … footwear. 9. Ann is married … John. 10. They got married … 1985. 11. Clark married … Jane last winter. 12. Her ambition was to take a degree ... engineering. 13. It is believed that small children pick ... the language very quickly. 14. Kate is very good ... English. She always helps her friends ... home-reading. 15. If you don’t know the meaning of the world, look it ... in the dictionary.

Ex.7 Paraphrase using active vocabulary.

To pay money for studies; to write a special paper before graduation from the University; to become adult and mature; to be on good terms with smb; the subject in which an American student majors in; to have no desire to do smth; to lie in bed for a long time in the morning; to make a very loud noise.

Ex.8 Finish the sentences in English.

1. He's got white hair, receding a bit, and a small седая борода.

2. Lost time is никогда не воротишь.

3. He's got very nice, large, brown eyes with lots of морщинок вокруг глаз.

4. Never put off till tomorrow то, что можно сделать сегодня.

5. If the watch goes too slow, мы говорим, что они отстают.

6. After completing 4 years of study the students receive степень бакалавра.