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Seminar 5 (1\11\12)

Traditional division of the sentence into its parts

  1. Formal and notional grounds of the traditional division. Criticism of the traditional formal analysis.

  2. The opposition of main and secondary parts. The problem of their hierarchy.

  3. Main parts in detail. Types of Subject and Predicate.

  4. Secondary parts in detail. The problem of the rank of the object, the attribute and the adverbial modifier.

  5. The immediate constituents (IC) analysis.


  1. Бархударов Л.С. Структура простого предложения совр. англ. языка. М., 1966. http://www.classes.ru/grammar/116.Barhudarov/

  2. Блох М.Я. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. М., 2000. . Ch.20 § 5; Ch.24 § 2 (IC analysis)

  3. Блох М.Я., Семенова Т.Н., Тимофеева С.В. Практикум по теоретической грамматике английского языка. М., 2004. с. 310-327.

  4. Барабаш Т.А. Грамматика английского языка. М., 2001. с.186-205.

  5. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М., 1981. c. 183-207; 218-219. www.classes.ru

  6. Кобрина Н.А., и др. Теоретическая грамматика совр. англ. языка. М, 2007. c.211-214 (IC analysis), 217-314.

  7. Левицкий Ю.А. Основы теории синтаксиса. М., 2002. с. 66-92

  8. Прибыток И.И. Theory of English Grammar;.М., Academia, 2008. c. 195-200 (IC analysis), 209-239.

  9. Худяков А.А. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. М, 2005 с.72-74

  10. Arinshtein V.M., Pshenitsin S.L. The syntactic and communicative division of the sentence. SPb, 1995. c. 4-31.

  11. Ilyish B. The Structure of Modern English, L., 1971. c. 198-238.

Lecture on Sentence Parts

Traditionally, the simple sentence has been studied primarily from the point of view of its grammatical, or nominative division: the content of the situational event reflected by the sentence, which includes a certain process as its dynamic center, the agent of the process, the objects of the process, various conditions and circumstances of the process, form the basis of the traditional syntactic division of the sentence into its nominative (positional) parts, or members of the sentence. In other words, each notional part expresses a certain semantic component or “role” in the situation; in the structure of the sentence, they perform the function of modifying either each other or the sentence in general. Furthermore the sentence parts are identified according to their position in the sentence (WO), the degree of dependence\independence, their role in the theme-rheme organization of the sentence.

Criticism of the traditional formal analysis. – cм. http://www.classes.ru/grammar/116.Barhudarov/ и Arinshtein V.M., Pshenitsin S.L. The syntactic and communicative division of the sentence. SPb, 1995.

The syntactic functions or the members of the sentence are traditionally divided into principal (main) and secondary. The principal parts of the sentence are the subject and the predicate, which modify each other: the subject is the “person” modifier of the predicate, and the predicate is the “process” modifier of the subject; they are interdependent. The secondary parts are: the object – a substance modifier of the predicate; the attribute – a quality modifier of substantive parts, either the subject or the object; the adverbial modifier – a quality modifier of the predicate; the apposition – a substance modifier of the subject; the parenthesis (parenthetical enclosure) - a detached speaker-bound modifier either of one of the nominative parts of the sentence or of the sentence in general; the address (addressing enclosure) – a modifier of the destination of the whole sentence; the interjection (interjectional enclosure) – an emotional modifier.

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