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Section 3. Social business letters block 1. Letters of congratulation, appreciation, sympathy and condolence


  • How often do business people write letters of congratulation, sympathy and condolence?

  • What are the major characteristics of social letters?

  • What style is mainly used in such letters?

Письма, направляемые коллегам или партнерам в связи с радостными или, напротив, грустными событиями, должны быть написаны в сдержанной манере, используя традиционные обороты речи, уместные и не пространные. Отличительной особенностью таких писем следует считать их лаконичность и четкость1.

Не стоит быть чрезмерно эмоциональным, поскольку это не свойственно культуре англоязычных стран, но в то же время следует в ненавязчивой форме выразить свое сопереживание или радость.

Focus 1

LETTER 1 (Congratulatory letter on promotion)

25 September, 20…

Dear Mr. Blackstone,

On behalf of the Coopersville Bank, I offer you our sincere congratulations on your recent promotion to national sales manager. I know that you have worked hard for Newton Corporation and therefore I am delighted that you have been promoted to this new and challenging position.

Your company is very fortunate to have benefited from your expertise as well as loyalty during the past nine years.


Anne Doyle

Anne Doyle

LETTER 2 (Congratulatory letter to a top sales team)

August 14, 20…

Dear Sirs

Congratulations! Murray Sofas and Chairs is, once again, leading the Northeast zone sales standing report for both the month of July and calendar year to date.

Please pass along my thanks to your sales team for an extraordinary comeback effort during the month of July.

Best regards,

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

LETTER 3 (Letter of appreciation)

July 6, 20…

Dear Sirs

On behalf of the Board of Directors and Officers of the Heyerdahl Corporation, I would like to express sincere appreciation and congratulations to Davis Construction Company for successfully completing the reconstruction of our headquarters building in Woodstown, which was devastated by fire last year.

Your company has distinguished itself as a leader in the construction industry by performing what appeared to be an almost impossible task. Working under difficult conditions and accelerated construction schedules, your company completed the building on July 1, as scheduled.

This accomplishment is a tribute to the fine group of professional engineers and skilled craftsmen you assembled on site, and to the individual skill and dedication of your project manager, David Wallace.

Sincerely yours,

Carl Adams


LETTER 4 (Letter of sympathy to an ill person)

April 2, 20…

Dear John,

We have just heard of your illness and of your admission to Claremont General Hospital last week. We understand that you will be hospitalized for three or four weeks. Therefore, we hope that by the time you receive this letter, you will soon be all right again. William and I intend to visit you on Sunday, April 4th.

With best wishes,

Joe Bright

Joe Bright

LETTER 5 (Letter of sympathy to an injured person)

May 30, 20…

Dear Jack,

Barbara and I were very sorry to hear that you were injured in a car accident and we want to let you know how concerned we are. We will come to see you at the hospital as soon as you are able to receive visitors. We are hoping that you will make a speedy recovery and will soon be out of the hospital. So hurry and get well!

Warmest regards,

Daniel Albright

Daniel Albright

LETTER 6 (Letter of condolence)

27 October, 20…

Dear Mr. McNeal,

Upon my return to the office this afternoon, I was grieved to learn of the sudden passing of your father. Albert was a colleague and I knew him as a man of integrity, ability, and kindness. I will certainly miss him. You have my deepest sympathy. I only wish there were some way in which I could lighten your burden of sorrow.

With sincere condolences,

Sarah Donald

Sarah Donald

LETTER 7 (Letter of condolence)

November 25, 20…

Dear Albert,

The sad news of your wife’s death, while not unexpected, was nevertheless a severe blow to us. Laura and I remember that you often spoke of how difficult Annette’s long-time battle with her illness was. Although we are deeply saddened by the death of your beloved wife, we share your understanding and relief that Annette, who has suffered so long, has finally found release and is now at peace. She was a very courageous and brave woman. You can also take great comfort from the fact that you did everything possible to make Annette’s last days as easy as possible for her.

The time of grief is always difficult, but we know it will be greatly eased by the loving support of your son and daughter. If we can help you and your family in any way, please do not hesitate to call.

Please accept our sincere condolences in your time of great sorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

With deepest sympathy,

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