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ИздательствоБашкирский государственный педагогический университет им.М. АкмуллыISBNГод2002Страниц28. Методическая разработка по теме Косвенная речь для студентов 2-3 курсов со второй специальностью Английский язык

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Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского cовета Башкирского государственного педагогического университета

Методическая разработка по теме «Косвенная речь» для студентов 2–3 курсов со второй специальностью «Английский язык» / Сост. Н.М.Имашева. – Уфа: БГПУ, 2002. – 28с.

Методическая разработка представляет собой комплекс упражнений, направленных на формирование навыков и умений употребления различных структур в косвенной речи.

Разработка предназначена студентам вузов и учащимся старших классов общеобразовательных школ.

Составитель: Н.М.Имашева, канд. пед. н., доцент.

Рецензеты: Ш.В.Нафиков, канд. филол. н., доцент; В.Д.Швайко, канд. филол. н., доцент.

© Издательство БГПУ, 2002



Настоящая методическая разработка представляет собой комплекс тренировочных и условно-речевых упражнений, направленных на формирование у студентов младших курсов навыков и умений употребления косвенной речи на английском языке.

Разработка состоит из трех больших разделов. Первый посвящен тренировке употребления в косвенной речи утверждений, второй – различных видов вопросов, третий – просьб и приказаний.

Вначале каждого раздела, а также некоторых параграфов, представлен теоретический материал в виде кратких грамматических правил на английском языке. Все тренировочные упражнения снабжены образцами. При составлении и подборе упражнений автор придерживался дидактического принципа «от легкого к трудному», а также требований программы. Это относится и к лексическому содержанию тренируемых структур.

Вотличие от упражнений, представленных в большинстве учебных пособий по грамматике, здесь каждое тренировочное упражнение посвящено тренировке учащихся употреблению только одной конкретной структуры. Тренировка различных структур осуществляется на уровне условно-речевых и речевых упражнений, представленных в конце разработки, а также при выполнении различных упражнений из учебника: Н.К.Бонк и др. Учебник английского языка: В 2-х частях – М: Деконт, 2000. – 637c.

Данная разработка является составной частью УМК на 2–3 курсах со второй специальностью «Английский язык». Она прошла апробирование в группах 2 и 3 курсов факультета башкирской филологии и татарского отделения филологического факультета БГПУ.

Данная разработка может быть использована как на аудиторных занятиях по грамматике, так и во время самостоятельной работы студентов.В данном случае рекомендуется снабдить учащихся аудиозаписями упражнений с контрольными образцами.


There are two ways of relating what a person has said: direct and indirect. In direct speech we repeat the original speaker’s exact words: He said, “I

have lost my umbrella”.

Direct speech is found in conversations in books, in plays, and quotations. In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or speech,

without necessarily using the speaker’s exact words:

He said that he had lost his umbrella.

When we turn direct speech into indirect, some changes are usually necessary. These are most easily studied by considering statements, questions, and commands separately.

I. Statements

§1. a. When the introductory verb (say, tell, remark, etc.) is in the present, present perfect or future, direct statements can be reported without any changes of tense: He says, “The train will be late” = He says the train will be late.

b. In indirect speech pronouns and possessive adjectives normally change from first or second person to third person except when the speaker is reporting his own words:

He says, “I like my new house” = He says that he likes his new house. c. In indirect speech the conjunction “that” is often omitted:

He says, “I have seen her” He says (that) he has seen her.

§2. Exercises

a. Put the following into indirect speech: Example: She says, “I have to go”.

She says (that) she has to go.

1. Tom says, “I am always late for my classes”. 2. Father says, “My watch is slow”. 3.The detective says, “There is something strange about this person”. 4. The sign says, “There is no parking here”. 5. Mum says, “It’s time to have lunch”. 6. The teacher says, “The lesson is over”. 7. The boy says, “I can ride a motor-bike”. 8. The weatherman says, “It will be icy tomorrow”. 9. The Prime Minister says, “I promise everything will be all right soon”. 10. She says, “I am leaving tomorrow”. 11. The son says, “I’ve never been in the circus”. 12. She says, “I am having tea now”. 13. Hue and Liz say, “We met two days ago”. 14. My dentist says, “Sweets are harmful for your teeth”. 15. “I can’t do it without your help”, says Roman. 16. The top-model says, “There is nothing better than a good sleep”. 17. He says, “They have made good progress in English”. 18. Oleg says, “In a day or two several English students will come to our school”. 19. Ann says, “I have just met Boris”. 20. She says, “Boris told me a lot of interesting things about his travels in the south”. 21. Nick says, “I’m going to the hotel to see my friends”. 22. He says, “They have not been here for a long


time”. 23. He says, “They were friends at school”. 24. He says, “I will take them to the theatre on Sunday”. 25. They say, “We’ll write you a letter when we return”. 26. Mike says, “I’m sure Ann and Kate will be excellent guides”.

b. Put the following into direct speech:

1. My uncle says he has just come back from the Caucasus. 2. He says he has spent a fortnight in the Caucasus. 3. He says it did him a lot of good. 4. He says he feels better now. 5. He says his wife and he spent most of their time on the beach. 6. He says they did a lot of sightseeing. 7. He says he has a good camera. 8. He says he took many photographs while travelling in the Caucasus. 9. He says he will come to see us next Sunday. 10. He says he will bring and show us the photographs he took during his stay in the Caucasus. 11. The teacher says the students will be writing their paper for an hour and a half. 12. He says he’ll be preparing for his report in the library. 13. She says she will have finished the translation in the evening. 14. The teacher says by the end of the year we’ll have learned a lot. 15. He says he will leave as soon as he gets the money. 16. She says she’ll go out only when she has done her homework. 17. Kate writes that she’ll send us a card after she has had a sightseeing tour of London.

§3. a. When the introductory verb is in the past tense, the following tense

changes are necessary:



Indirect speech


Direct speech
















Future continuous



Conditional continuous


Simple present



Simple past


Present continuous



Past continuous


Present perfect



Past perfect


Present perfect continuous


Past perfect continuous


Past simple



Past perfect


Past continuous



Past continuous


Past/past continuous tenses used in time clauses do not normally change: He said, “When we were living /lived in Paris…”

He said that when they were living /lived in Paris…

The main verb of such sentences can either remain unchanged or become the past perfect:

He said that when they were living /lived in Paris they often saw Paul / had often seen Paul.


b. “Say”, “tell”.

“Say” can be used with direct or indirect speech, and with or without the person addressed (preceded by “to”):

He said, “The roof is leaking”. “The roof is leaking”, he said.

The roof is leaking”, he said to me (“say to” is not normally placed before a passage of indirect speech).

When used with indirect speech “say to” is normally placed first, but “say to” is not much used with indirect speech, “tell” being normally preferred:

He said that the roof was leaking.

He said to me (told me) that the roof was leaking.

“Tell” must be followed by the person addressed. He told me that he hadn’t come.

It is sometimes used with direct speech, being then always placed at the end of a sentence:

“He hasn’t come”, she told me.

But its chief use is with indirect speech.

§4. Other changes necessary when the introductory verb is in the past tense. a. “This” and “these”.

“This” used in time expressions usually becomes “that”:

He said, “She is coming this week”. He said that she was coming that week.

b.“This” and “That” used as adjectives usually change to “the”.

He said. “I bought this pearl for my mother”.

He said that he had bought the pearl for his mother.

c.“This, these” used as pronouns can become “it, they/ them”:

He said, “We will discuss this tomorrow”.

He said that they would discuss it the next day.

d. Adverbs and adverbial phrases of time change as follows:




that day


the day before

the day before yesterday

two days before


the next day/ the following day

the day after tomorrow

in two days time etc.

nest week/ year etc.

the following week/ year etc.

last week/ year etc.

the previous week/ year etc.

a year etc. ago

a year before/ the previous year

“I’ll do it tomorrow”, he promised.

=He promised that he would do it the next day.

“I’m starting the day after tomorrow, mother”, he said. =He told his mother that he was starting in two days’ time.


She said, “My father died a year ago”.

=She said that her father died a year before/ the previous year. “I saw her the day before yesterday”, he said.

=He said he’d seen her two days before.

But if the speech is made and reported on the same day these time changes are not necessary:

At breakfast this morning he said, “I’ll be very busy today”.

At breakfast this morning he said that he would be very busy to day.

§5. Exercises

a.Put the following into indirect speech. Example: He said, “I work hard”.

He said (that) he worked hard.

1.“My friend lives in Moscow”, said Alec. 2. Our teacher said, “Thackeray’s novels are very interesting”. 3. Masha said, “I usually spend my holidays in the South”. 4. Boris said, “I go to the south every year”. 5. Oleg said, “My room is on the second floor”. 6. “I don’t go to this shop very often”, she said. 7. Little Betty said, “I am sleepy”. 8. Sally said, “I don’t like chocolate”. 9. She said, “I’m free tonight”. 10. Mother said, “I feel bad today”. 11. John said, “I’m a tourist. This is my first visit to Ufa”. 12. “They are in the concert hall”, the teacher said. 13. The pupil read, “London is the capital of England”. 14. “I don’t recognize you”, said the old woman. 15. “I live in Regent school”, the man explained. 16. The student said, “There are a lot of wide beautiful streets in Ufa”. 17. The man said, “She is a beautiful woman”. 18. “The Kremlin is in the Red Square”, he said. 19. “There are several districts in this city”, said the guide.

20.“You’ve got my umbrella”, I said crossly, “yours is in your bedroom”. 21. “Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun”, she said. 22. “We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work”, they said. 23. Ann said, “Englishmen make good husbands because they nearly always help in the house”. 24. Mary answered, “I like men to be useful but I don’t like them to be too domesticated. I prefer them to keep out of the kitchen altogether. Men look silly in aprons anyway”. 25. “I don’t know what to do with all my plums. The trouble is that none of us eats jam”, she said. 26. “We like working on Sundays because we get double pay”, explained the builders. 27. He said, “I’m quite a good cook and do all my own washing and mending too”. 28. “I have a Turkish bath occasionally, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference to my weight”, she said. 29. “This is quite a good model, madam. I use one of these myself”, said the salesman.

b.Example: He said to me, “I want to see you today”.

He told me (that) he wanted to see me that day.

1. The teacher said to Jack, “You work hard, I know. You are a good pupil”. 2. My uncle said to us , “I buy several newspapers every day”. 3. “You are an excellent cook. Everything is so tasty”, said my guest to me. 4. The mother said, “The children are in the nursery, doctor”. 5. “I have no time for lunch today”, said the boy to his mother. 6. “You speak English very well”, said the woman to me. 7. Father said to me, “Mr. Smith is an old man. He wants to come and see you”. 8. Tom said to us, “I have an exam tomorrow morning”. 9.


Peter said to us, “I am 15. I have a brother and a sister”. 10. The boy said to his friends, “I read books every day”. 11. “My father is not well”, Mary complained to us. 12. “I do everything myself at home”, my sister said to us. 13. She said to us, “My parents work in a shop. They start work at 8 o’clock”. 14. Iris said to us, “I do a lot of social work at school. My hobby is sport”. 15. “There are different issues which I want to explain today”, said the lecturer to the students.

c. Example: He said “I’m working hard”.

He said (that) he was working hard.

1. Peter said, “I am trying to do my best to help my parents”. 2. He said, “I am going to a rest-home tomorrow”. 3. He said to me, “They are staying at the “Europe” hotel”. 4. He said, “They are leaving next Monday”. 5. “I’m going to the theatre tonight”, he said to me. 6. My brother said to me, “I am going to become a doctor”. 7. “I’m going away tomorrow, mother”, he said. 8. “I’m going fishing with mother this afternoon”, said the small boy, “and we are going into the garden now to dig for worms”. 9. “I’m working in a restaurant, and don’t much care for it”, she said. 10. “We’re waiting for the school bus”, said the children. 11. “I’m living with my parents at present”, she said, “but I hope to have a flat of my own soon”. 12. “I’m leaving tomorrow”, she said, “by the 4.30 from Victoria”. 13. “The sales are starting tomorrow”, said the typist. 14. “I’m building myself a house”, said Charles. 15. “Someone is trying to murder me!”, said Mrs. Jones, “I keep getting threatening letters”. 16. “I’m taking my children to the zoo tomorrow”, she said, “to see the baby polar bear”. 17. “I’m talking on the telephone”, said my sister. 18. “She’s going to America for six months”, he said to us. 19. “I’m not feeling well”, she said. 20. “You’re putting a lot of weight”, she said to her husband. 21. Sue said, “I’m not wasting my time”. 22. “It’s getting colder”, the farmer said to his son. 23. Andris said to his brother, “I’m going to work in the garden”. 24. “We’re planning to see the Gallery in a few days”, they said. 25. “We’re going to see hospitals and museums there”, the guide said to the tourists. 26. The principal said, “they are working on a collective farm”. 27. “The weather is changing”, she said.

d. Example: He said, “I have worked hard”. He said (that) he had worked hard.

1. Ann said to me: “They haven’t yet come”. 2. Nick said: “I have never been to London”. 3. He said: “I haven’t seen my cousin today”. 4. Tom said: “I have already had breakfast, so I am not hungry”. 5. He said: “I have just received a letter from my uncle”. 6. My sister said to me: “I think you have recovered after your illness”. 7. “You haven’t done your work well”, said the teacher to me. 8. Mike said: “We have bought these books today”. 9. The rich man said to the judge, “This man’s horse killed my horse”. 10. “I’ve been in London for a month but so far I haven’t had time to visit the Tower”, said Rupert. 11. ‘We have moved into our new flat. We don’t like it nearly so much as our last one”, said my aunt. 12. “I have a German lesson this afternoon and I haven’t done my homework yet”, said the small boy. 13. “You haven’t given me quite enough. The bill is for £14 and you’ve paid me only £13”, he pointed out. 14. She said, “I have made some interesting new friends”. 15. Tom said, “I’m sure they have received our letter”. 16. “I think they have returned from the


trip”, Sue said. 17. They said, “We have made a lot of pictures of New York”. 18. “We know you have travelled all over America”, they said to us. 19. “I haven’t been able to pass the exam”, Ann said. 20. “I don’t remember how long they have been learning English”, the teacher said.

e. Example: He said, “It has been raining since mornin”.

He said (that) it had been raining since morning.

1. He said, “They’ve been waiting for us since one o’clock”. 2. He said, “We’ve been studying English for three months”. 3. He said, “This building has been standing here for centuries”. 4. He said, “She’s been teaching at the University since 1956”. 5. He said, “I’ve been writing my report since morning”. 6. He said, “She’s been sleeping since 10 o’clock”. 7. He said, “I’ve been reading this book for three days”. 8. He said, “They’ve been decorating their house for several months”. 9. He said, “He’s been writing the exercises for two hours”. 10. He said, “She’s been waiting for me for fifteen minutes”. 11. He said, “My family has been living in the same house for 33 years now”. 12. He said, “They’ve been watching TV for an hour”. 13. He said, “She’s been talking to the director for a quarter of an hour”. 14. He said, “I’ve been planning all this week how to make this lunch a success”. 15. He said, “I’ve been typing for three hours”. 16. He said, “I’ve been walking for some time to get up a good appetite”. 17. He said, “We’re tired because we’ve been working in the garden since morning”.

f. Example: He said, “I worked hard”.

He said (that) he had worked hard.

1. He said, “I wrote the letter last week”. 2. Mother said, “Your brother returned an hour ago”. 3. “There were a lot of questions after the lecture”, they said. 4. “He had an accident a couple of days ago”, I said to him. 5. He said, “I saw them at the theatre last week”. 6. “We visited Liverpool, the home town of the Beatles, last summer”, she wrote. 7. “I’m sure you had a wonderful holiday in Moscow”, my father said to me. 8. “We had a very good time with our granny yesterday”, the children said. 9. The teacher said to the pupils, “Moscow became the capital in 1918”. 10. “This man spoke to me on the road”, said the woman. 11. “Oliver Cromwell died on the 14th of September. But he still called it his lucky day”, the teacher said. 12. “One day Robin Hood put on a red cape and took a basket with food to his sick grandmother in Sherwood Forest”, the pupil said to his classmates. 13. The classmaster said to us, “Aida made a good report on friendship last time”. 14. We said, “Velta, we didn’t meet your brother yesterday”. 15. I said to him, “I had no time to look through these magazines yesterday”. 16. Andris wrote, “Your letter came too late”. 17. “My brother didn’t go to the stadium yesterday”, said Ann. 18. Peter said to us, “I didn’t attend any kindergarten when I was small. I began to study at school nine years ago”. 19. The man said, “It was very dark last night”. 20. “I went home early”, Lou said. 21. “You gained 10 kilos last year”, she reminded me. 22. “They went to Rhodes last year”, Peter said. 23. “It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday”, he remarked. 24. Kate said, “I called my doctor this morning”.

g. The past continuous tense in theory changes to the past perfect continuous but in practice usually remains unchanged:


He said, “When I saw them last they were playing tennis”. =He said that when he saw them last they were playing tennis.

Though it would be possible to say:

=He said that when he saw them last they had been playing tennis. h. Put the following into indirect speech:

1. He said, “I was writing the composition from 6 till 9 yesterday”. 2. He said, “He was driving a car at 5 o’clock yesterday”. 3. He said, “They were reading a newspaper when he came in”. 4. He said “the train was pulling out of the station when she appeared on the platform”. 5. He said, “She was packing the suitcase when I entered the room”. 6. He said, “The cat was waiting on the doorstep when I came in”. 7. He said, “When I came back the cat was sitting on the kitchen table and eating the steak you brought for dinner”. 8. He said, “The fire was still burning at six o’clock in the morning”. 9. He said, “It was raining this morning when I went out”. 10. He said, “The light went out when we were having supper”. 11. He said, “They were dancing at the far end of the room when I entered”. 12. He said, “He was working from 8 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon yesterday”.

i. Example: He said, “I’ll do it”.

He said (that) he would do it.

1. He said, “I shall not stay with my friends too long”. 2. He said to her, “I shall do it today”. 3. The teacher said to the pupils: ‘Next year we shall have six hours of English a week”. 4. She said, “I shall do it if you like”. 5. “There will be an interesting lecture at the school assembly-hall tomorrow”, he said to us. 6. “One of our teachers will speak about Ch. Dickens”, the teacher said to us. 7. “I shall go skiing on Sunday”, Kate said. 8. “It will be pleasant when Tom comes home”, father said. 9. “I shall come as soon as I’m ready”, Tom wrote. 10. “I shall come to Philarmonie with you if you get tickets”, my friend said to me. 11. The teacher said to the class: “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow”. 12. She said: “You will read this book in the 9th form”. 13. “It will take you 2 hours to get there”, the policeman said to the passer-by. 14. “We’ll have our examination at the end of June”, I said to my mother. 15. “I’ll listen to the radio today”, John said to me. 16. “I’ll send the telegram at once”, he assured me. 17. “They’ll hear a lot of interesting things from them”, the teacher said. 18. The man said, “I shall not be able to forget the girl”. 19. “The weather will be sunny”, the announcer said. 20. “She will learn to play the piano”, he said.

j. Example: Tom said, “I shall come as soon as/if I am ready.”

Tom said that he would come as soon as/if he was ready.

1. “When I get a job, I’ll buy you a warm coat”, said the boy’s father. 2. “When you come to see me on Sunday, I shall show you my new dress”, she said to me. 3. “When your turn comes, listen very carefully to what the doctor tells you”, I said to my grandmother. 4. “I shan’t start anything new until I have finished this novel”, said the writer to the correspondent. 5. “If you spill the milk, there won’t be any for the cat”, said my mother to me. 6. “If Mary arrives before seven, she will call you”, she said to me. 7. “If you are in a hurry, we shall make only the first experiment”, said the laboratory assistant to me. 8. “I’ll


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