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Жбиковская О. А., Соловьева Н. Н.. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для подготовки к занятиям по контролю самостоятельной работы

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ОМСК 2019


Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта Омский государственный университет путей сообщения


О. А. Жбиковская, Н. Н. Соловьева



Утверждено методическим советом университета

Омск 2019


УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73


Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для подготовки к занятиям по контролю самостоятельной работы / О. А. Жбиковская,

Н. Н. Соловьева; Омский гос. ун-т путей сообщения. Омск, 2019. 28 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие содержит практические задания по английскому языку для студентов первого курса. Приведенные задания дают обучающимся установку на изучение лексики (устойчивых выражений, фразовых глаголов), грамматики английского языка, развивают умения и навыки чтения текстов, определения их основной мысли, составления плана.

Предназначено как для аудиторных занятий, так и для занятий по контролю самостоятельной работы студентов. Материал пособия разделен на семь уроков, каждый из которых содержит текст и упражнения уровня Intermediate.

Рецензенты: канд. филол. наук, доцент Ж. Б. Есмурзаева; канд. техн. наук, доцент А. Ю. Тэттэр.


© Омский гос. университет путей сообщения, 2019





Введение . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lesson 1. Who was Buffalo Bill? Discovering an American folk hero. . . . . . .


Lesson 2. The Titanic and the Temple of Doom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lesson 3. Close encounters with a Twister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lesson 4. More and more people want to live the rural life . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lesson 5.

Fancy a bad time? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lesson 6.

«The Terminal» movie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lesson 7.

Cultural differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов первого курса и может быть использовано для занятий по контролю самостоятельной работы. Основная цель настоящего издания – познакомить студентов с текстами на иностранном языке и развить у них умение и навыки чтения текстов, работы с лексикой, нахождения эквивалентов, определения основной мысли текста, пересказа.

Лексические упражнения и практические задания к текстам направлены на усвоение лексики, устойчивых выражений, используемых в текстах, и развитие навыков изучающего и просмотрового чтения. Цель речевых упражнений – стимулировать развитие навыков говорения по выбранной теме.

В учебно-методическом пособии представлено семь оригинальных текстов по истории, культуре, традициям стран изучаемого языка.

При изучении указанной темы студенты для нахождения необходимой информации могут воспользоваться следующими сайтами: https://linguapress.com/inter.htm; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Terminal; https://www. economist.com/britain/2002/10/10/fancy-a-bad-time




Exercise 1.1. Read the text and translate it.



The name «Buffalo Bill» is one of the most famous names in the history of the West. Once Bill was known as a great fighter and a great hunter. Today people prefer to remember other sides of his character. Later in his life he was a great showman and one of the first people to see that it was necessary to protect

America’s natural environment.

Buffalo Bill Cody was born on a farm in Scott county, Indiana, on 26th February 1846. At age 12, Bill killed his first Indian.

In those days, life in the American West was a constant struggle for survival, and Indians and white pioneers would fight to the death to protect their homes and their people.

Clearly, young Bill was a tough boy, who knew what he was doing. Before he was thirteen, he was an expert horse-rider and very good with a gun; and in those days, when the West was wild, that meant he had excellent qualifications for a job. Before the age of twenty, Bill left home and took a job with the Pony Express company, and very soon he became reputed as one of their best riders.

It was the time when the West was being opened up. After the Pony Express, Bill got a job supplying buffalo meat to the men building the Kansas Pacific railroad. In the space of 17 months, he claims to have killed 4,280 buffaloes. This is where he got his name, «Buffalo Bill».

In the 1870s, he worked as a scout for the army, during the Indian campaigns, and took part in General Custer’s war against the Sioux. Once, he killed Chief

Yellow Hand in a duel. This was just one of the exploits that were written about in popular story books. In those days, anyone who killed Indians was seen as a hero.

Today, we look at the Indian wars in a different light. Though many American Indians still call themselves «Indians», the expression «native Americans» is considered to be more correct. Huge areas of land have been given back to the Indian nations, and Americans accept that White pioneers stole it from them in the past.


In fact, Buffalo Bill was one of the first men in America to realise that white Americans and Indians could, and should, work together. Bill made his peace with the Indians, and when he established his famous «Wild West Show», he recruited many famous Indians to work with him. His grandson says, «At its height, there were over 650 people who travelled with the show, including 250 American Indians. With these Indians, with all the cowboys, they re-enacted the robbery of the Deadwood stage coach and the Pony Express mail relay system».

With the money he earned from his show, Bill purchased some land in Wyoming; but by then the West was already changing dramatically. Bill, the once-great buffalo-hunter looked nostalgically at the few rare buffaloes that were still around, and realised that they had to be protected. At the same time, he began trying to conserve aspects of the old Western life that were rapidly disappearing into the twentieth century. One of the things he did was to help establish America’s first National

Forest reserve in Wyoming.

When he died, aged 70, Buffalo Bill knew that the old West was almost dead too, except as history and stories. Yet he knew, too, that one of the most famous names associated with its legends, was his own.

Exercise 1.2. Find the equivalents in the text.

1) The air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding; 2) the largest administrative division of a U.S. state; 3) fight, battle; 4) existence; 5) a person colonizing new territory; 6) strong, resistant; 7) bring, provide; 8) say, insist; 9) organised fight between two people; 10) heroic action; 11) employ; 12) most important moment; 13) imitate, play; 14) buy; 15) to preserve; save; 16) protected zone.

Exercise 1.3. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1)The name «Buffalo Bill» is the most famous name in the history of the West.

2)When Bill was small, Indians killed his family.

3)In those days, life in the American West was exciting and safe.

4)Bill was excellent at shooting and riding.

5)Bill’s first job was connected with hunting.

6)During the war with the Indians, he performed a heroic deed.

7)Bill was alone for all his life.

8)Bill’s relations with the Indian improved.

9)Bill realized that buffaloes were dying out.


Exercise 1.4. Here is an imaginary interview with Bill Cody, aged 65. What questions were asked?

Reporter: How … ?

Bill: I was under 20.

Reporter: What … ?

Bill: I got a job providing buffalo meat for the men building the railroad.

Reporter: How … ?

Bill: Seventeen months.

Reporter: Later on … ?

Bill: Well, I realised that really we would do better to living and working together, rather than killing each other.

Reporter: What …?

Bill: I used it to buy myself some land in Wyoming.

Reporter: Do … ?

Bill: Oh no! I realise now that we ought to be protecting nature, not destroying it!

Exercise 1.5. Retell the text in detail.


Exercise 2.1. Read the text and translate it.


Apart from wars and natural catastrophes, one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century was the sinking of the great liner Titanic, in 1912. The «unsinkable» ship sank on a voyage from Liverpool to New York after striking an iceberg off the coast of Labrador. «How did it happen? How could it happen?» people asked. Yet it happened! Inexplicable, or was it? Is it possible that the sinking of the Titanic was caused by a ghost? A lot of this story is true... but did it really happen quite like this? As the Titanic sank, was the priestess of Amon-Ra looking on?

We need to leave the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic, and go thousands of miles back to the dry heat of the Nile Valley in Egypt. It is here, perhaps, that we can find the start of the mystery of the Titanic, here in the year 1910, in the great city of Cairo.


One day, a British Egyptologist, called Douglas Murray, was staying in Cairo, when he was contacted by a man he did not know, a strange American adventurer.

The American had something unusual to offer the British archaeologist, something that was certain to thrill him: a beautiful ancient Egyptian mummycase, containing the mummy of the high-priestess from the temple of the god Amon-Ra. The object was over 3000 years old, but in beautiful condition – gold, with bright paintings on it, and a «portrait» of the priestess. The American did not want a lot of money for it, and Murray was delighted. He gave the man a cheque.

The cheque was never cashed. That evening the American who had sold the case died. For his part, Murray arranged to have the treasure sent back to Britain. However, it was not long before he learnt more about the beautiful mummy: apparently it had been discovered in a funeral chamber in a dry part of the Nile Valley. On the walls of the chamber, there were inscriptions which warned of terrible consequences to anyone who broke into the tomb. Murray was pretty sceptical about this warning until a few days later, when a gun he was holding exploded in his hand, shattering his arm. The arm had to be amputated.

Murray decided to come back to England. On the return journey, two of his companions died from mysterious causes, two servants who had handled the mummy died soon afterwards. By this time, Murray had decided that there really was a spell on the mummy, and he decided to get rid of it. A lady he knew said she would like it, so he gave it to her. Shortly afterwards, the lady's mother died, and her fiancé left her: she herself caught a strange disease. She tried to give the mummy case back to Douglas Murray, but naturally Murray did not want to have anything more to do with the cursed object. In the end, it was presented to the British Museum.

It was presumed that that would be the end of the story, but it was not. Even in the museum, the mummy continued to cause strange events. A museum photographer died shortly after taking pictures of the new exhibit; and a curator also died for no apparent reason. In the end, the governors of the British Museum, not usually considered to be frivolous people, decided to get rid of the mummy. They decided to give it to a museum in New York.

At the start of April 1912, arrangements for the transfer were complete, and the mummy began its journey to its new home. Unfortunately ... or was it fortunately? The New York museum never received its new exhibit. For when it sank, one of


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