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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Вищий комунальний навчальний заклад Сумської обласної ради

«Лебединське педагогічне училище імені А.С. Макаренка»


розмовних тем з предмета

«Практичний курс англійської мови»

для студентів ІІ курсу


Підбірку тем здійснила викладач іноземних мов Криворука В.В.

Затверджено на засіданні циклової комісії іноземних мов ВКНЗ СОР «Лебединське педагогічне училище імені А.С. Макаренка»

Збірка рекомендована студентам ІІ курсу спеціальностей:

«Соціальна педагогіка з додатковою кваліфікацією вчитель іноземної мови», та «Початкова освіта з додатковою кваліфікацією вчитель англійської мови» з предмета « Практичний курс англійської мови» до підручника «Учебник английского языка» під редакцією Бонк Н.А.

Збірка видана для вдосконалення навичок усного мовлення, для зміцнення та розширення лексичного запасу. Тексти підібрані згідно програмового матеріалу, складені на основі сучасних англійських та американських оригінальних текстів.



My friend will have a birthday in a week, so I decided to look for a present for him. I went to the Central Department Store, which is situated in the centre of our city. It is a multi-storeyed building where one can get everything in the way of food and manufactured goods. I must confess, it is so difficult to make a suitable purchase at such a huge shop with a lot of counters and shelves. When I arrived at the Central Department Store, I first admired the window-dressing. Then I went along the ground floor and looked into the shop windows of the grocery, where I could see all kinds of foodstuffs: meat, fish, tinned food, sausage, fruit, wine, sweets, etc. I went on with my shopping and noticed that there were on sale; haberdashery, stationery, hosiery, leather-ware. To tell you the truth I found myself in a fantastic motley city of silk skirts and shirts, different kinds of frocks and coats, leather boots and shoes, woollen pullovers and sweaters, jeans and suits, jackets and blouses. There one can get everything in the way of clothes wanted by men, women and children: footwear, knitwear, ready-made clothes, furs and what not. I admired the cut and the style of alight summer frock and made up my mind to try in on. A pleasant-looking shop-assistant proposed me to try the frock on and to look in the mirror. But unfortunately, it didn't suit me perfectly, it was a bit loose on me. On the first floor I could see all kinds of household utensils: crockery, china, electric appliances, cutlery, pots and pans, vacuum-cleaners, washing-machines, cameras, radio and television sets, video, cassette-recorders and lot of other things. On the second floor there were the perfumery and gift and souvenir departments.

There was a big choice of different things. The shop-assistant suggested looking at a beautiful water colour. І liked it very much and was sure my friend would like it too. The price of the water-colour wasn't very high, 1 must admit. So I paid money at the cash-desk. The cashier, gave me a receipt and I came up to the shop-assistant again. She passed me a wrapped parcel with a string, thanked me and said she was always glad to see me again at their shop. After that I bought a beautiful birthday card. I was happy and a bit excited to buy such a good present and went out of the shop.

On my way home I suddenly remembered that my mother asked me to buy some food products. We had run out of bread and I had to drop in at the baker's. I bought a loaf of brown bread, some rolls and buns. Then I made my way to the grocer's where I bought a kilo of sugar and some sausage. There was a vegetable stall near the bus stop, and I decided to buy some oranges and apples. On my way home I was thinking about a nice present I had managed to buy.

Word List:

Central Department Store - Центральный Универмаг

to be situated in - быть расположенным, располагаться

multistoreyed - многоэтажный

in the way of - в смысле, по части

manufactured goods - промышленные товары

suitable - подходящий

purchase - покупка

counter - прилавок

to admire - восхищаться

window-dressing - оформление витрины

shop window - витрина

grocery - бакалея

foodstuffs - пищевые продукты

tinned food - консервы

haberdashery - галантерея

stationery - канцелярские принадлежности

hosiery - чулочные изделия

leather-ware - кожаные изделия

to tell you the truth - по правде говоря

motley - пестрый

footwear - обувь

knitwear - трикотажные изделия

ready-made clothes - готовая одежда

fur - мех

what not - все, что угодно

cut and style - покрой и фасон

to make up one's mind - решить

to try on - примерять

shop-assistant - продавец

mirr - зеркало

unfortunately - к несчастью

it was a bit loose - было немного велико

to suit perfectly -прекрасно сидеть (об одежде)

household utensils - предметы домашнего обихода

crockery - посуда

china - фарфоровая посуда

electric appliances - электроприборы

pots and pans - горшки и кастрюли

vacuum-cleaner – пылесос

camera - фотоаппарат

perfumery - парфюмерия

gift and souvenir department - отдел подарков

water-colour - акварель

price – цена

cash-desk - касса

cashier - кассир

wrapped parcel - завернутый сверток

receipt - кассовый чек

to run out of - истошить запас

to drop in at something - заходить в

baker's - хлебный магазин

a loaf of brown bread - буханка черного хлеба

roll, bun - булочка

vegetable stall - овощной ларек

on one's way home - по дороге домой

to manage – удаваться