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Skim the text and speak on the location, structure and functions of the organs of the cardiovascular system.

Reviewing anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system begins its activity when the fetus is barely a month old and is the last body system to cease activity to the end of life. This system is so vital that its activity defines the presence of life.

The heart, arteries, veins, and lymphocytes form the cardiovascular network that serves as the body's transport system, bringing the supporting oxygen and nutrients to cells moving metabolic waste products, and carrying hormones from one part of the body to another. Often called the circulatory system, it may be divided into two branches: pulmonary circulation, in which blood picks up new oxygen and liberates the waste product carbon dioxide; and systemic circulation (including coronary circulation), in which blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all active cells while transporting waste products to the kidneys, liver, and skin for excretion.

Circulation requires normal functioning of the heart, which propels blood through the system by continuous rhythmic contractions. Located behind the sternum the heart is a muscular organ the size of a man’s fist. It has three layers: the endocardium the smooth inner layer; the myocardium the thick, muscular middle layer that contracts in rhythmic beats; and the epicardium — the thin, serous membrane, or outer surface of the heart. Covering the entire heart is a saclike membrane called pericardium, which has two layers: a visceral layer that is in contact with the heart and a parietal, or outer, layer. To prevent irritation when the heart moves against this layer during contraction, fluid lubricates parietal pericardium.

The heart has four chambers: two thin-walled chambers called atria and two thick-walled chambers called ventricles. The atria serve as reservoirs during ventricular contraction (systole) and as booster pumps during ventricular relaxation (diastole). The left ventricle propels blood through the systemic circulation. The right ventricle, which passes blood through the pulmonary circulation, is much thinner than the left because it meets only one-sixth the resistance.

As a person ages, his heart usually becomes slightly smaller and loses its contractile strength and efficiency.

Mind the pronunciation:

angina pectoris [æn’dʒainə 'pektəris]

endocarditis [,endouka:'daitis]

arteriosclerosis [a:,tiəriəuskIə'rəusis]

atherosclerosis [ ,æθrəskIiə'rousis]

hypertension [,haipə'ten∫ən]

infarction [in'fa:k∫ən]

ischemia [ is'kimiə]

List of the words to be learned.

1. arrest [ə'rest] – n, остановка, задержка, прекращение;

v, задерживать, останавливать;

2. congenital [kən'dʒenitl] – adj, врожденный;

3. damage ['dæmidʒ] – n, повреждение, поражение;

v, повреждать;

4. disturbance [dis'tə:bens] n, расстройство, нарушение, повреждение;

5. dyspnoea, dyspnea [dis'pniə] – n, одышка;

6. edema [i'dimə] – n, отек;

7. effusion [e'fjuʒən] – n, выпот, излившаяся из сосудов жидкость;

8. failure ['feiljə] – n, остановка, повреждение, нарушение;

9. fibrillation [,faibri'lei∫n] – n, трепетание, фибрилляция;

10. insufficiency [,insə'fi∫ənsi] – n, недостаточность;

11. murmur ['mə:mə] – n, шум (в сердце);

12. occlusion [ɔ'kluʒən]- n, акт закрытия или состояние закрытия, окклюзия;

13. onset ['onset] – n, начало, приступ;

14. pacemaker [peis'meikə] – n, любой ритмический центр, определяющий темп активности, водитель ритма;

15. palpitation [,pælpi'tei∫n] – n, сильное сердцебиение, трепетаниe;

16. radiate ['reidieit] - v, распространяться, излучаться;

17. result in [ri'z٨It] – v, заканчиваться, приводить к чему-либо;

result from - происходить в результате, быть следствием;

18. suffer from['s٨fə] – v, страдать, переносить.

Read the terms and their definitions. Translate them.

bacterial endocarditis – inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, especially heart valves;

angina pectoris – chest pain;

arteriosclerosis – a process which causes stiffening or hardening of the walls of the arteries;

atherosclerosis – a form of hardening of arteries in which lipids (fats) collect in the walls of blood vessels causing blockage or occlusions (closures);

hypertension – high blood pressure in the arteries;

infarction – area of tissue which dies due to lack of blood supply (ischemia);

ischemia – insufficient blood flow to a tissue;

congenital heart disease – abnormalities in the heart at birth;

septal defects – small holes in the septa between the atria or ventricles;

tetralogy of Fallot – a combination of four congenital heart defects resulting in failure of enough blood reaching the lungs, ‘blue baby’;

mitral stenosis – narrowing of the mitral valve;

rheumatic heart disease – streptococcal infection which indirectly leads to pancarditis;

coronary artery disease – blockage of the two major arteries which circle the heart and supply blood to the myocardium;

angiocardiography – process of recording (x-ray) the heart and major vessels;

arrhythmias – abnormal heart rhythms;

atrioventricular node (A – V node) – specialized tissue between the upper and lower chambers of the heart which conducts an electrical impulse through the heart to cause it to beat;

bundle of His – specialized conductive tissue in the wall between the ventricles which stimulates them to contract and force blood out of the heart;

cardial catheterization – introducing a catheter (tube) into the heart and blood vessels for diagnostic purposes;

emboli (embolus, sing) – floating clots or other material carried in the bloodstream;

fibrillation – random, irregular contractions of heart muscle;

flutter – rapid but regular contractions of the heart muscle;

murmur – abnormal heart sound;

pacemaker – sensitive tissue in the right atrium which begins the heartbeat, also called the sinoatrial node (S-A node);

patent – open;

bradycardia – slow heartbeat;

cardiomegaly – enlargement of the heart;

tachycardia – rapid heartbeat;

palpitation – the condition when the patient is conscious of his heart-beat.

Descriptive words for the pain:

causative factors character location timing

pain: dull in the chest long lasting

on exertion sharp deep (deep-seated) constant

on moving shooting superficial off and on

on walking severe radiating: every hour/day

at rest throbbing down to the left arm once a month

after meals burning to the left shoulder intermittent

after emotions boring to the sternum sporadical

after overstrain squeezing to the jaw at night

cramping steady

band-like sudden





Find the English equivalents to the following:

Боль – спазматическая, тупая, жгущая, сверлящая, сдавливающая, покалывающая, опоясывающая, сжимающая, кинжальная, острая, сильная, простреливающая, пульсирующая.