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английский колок 3

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(Passive) They____(not/meet) at the station, so they had to take a taxi. Were not met

There are some__hospitals in our town private

How___people were invited to the party? Many

Usually 3 or 4 general practitioners___ join together in a partnership

He was diagnosed with stomach ulcer __ last year -

Students___ a test at the next lesson will be given

The public healthcare system in Great Britain is officially called ___ the National Health Service

A person who uses the National Health Service is free to choose___ a general practitioner in the area where he lives

There are about 2000 patients on Dr. Smith's___ list

It is usual __ three or four general practitioner to work in partnership for

Consultants at NHS hospitals are___ doctors with considerable experience and high qualification

The laboratory of antibiotics__ by Academician Belozersky in 1946 was setted up

This museum___by a lot of tourists every day is visited

(Passive) The conference will take place in May or June. You___(inform) about the exact date later will be informed

A specialist consultation or hospital treatment within the NHS is__ rather expensive

The ambulance__ to the place of the traffic accident was called

The operation didn't take___time much

I have got__ work to do today some

In Great Britain there is a fixed__ for prescribed drugs payment

(Passive) He__ (advise) to go to the seaside, so he went to Sochi was advised

English___in many countries is spoken

The patients of this hospital can have the best possible__ treatment

People who use the National Health Service__ must be registered on a general practitioner's list

Doctors in NHS hospitals are in several grades, from housemen at the bottom to___ consultants at the top

Have you got ___news for me? Any

Regular exercise is good for your__ health

Free treatment___ in hospitals which are within the National Health Service is provided

An average general practitioner has on his list__ a little over 2000 patients