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V. Speaking

5.1. Speak about:

1. Your own opinion about the possibilities of the international scientific projects.

2. The use of some international scientific projects in our daily life.

5.2. Speak about Hubble Space Telescope using all information you have got.

5.3. Discuss these questions with your partner:

1. Do you know any interesting facts about some international scientific projects? Share this information with your partner.

2. What features of character must any scientist have in order to take part in the development of the international scientific projects?

3. Is it interesting for scientists to take part in the international scientific projects? Share this information with your partner.

Use the following phrases:

By the way …

My personal point of view …

It goes without saying that …

However …

It is obvious that …

5.4*. Role-play the following situations:

1. International scientific projects. What are pros & cons?

2. The professor asks his student about the importance of the international scientific projects.

5.5*. Make projects. Use tips given in the appendix 1.

1. The part of Russia in the international scientific projects.

2. Other international scientific projects.



The more we do, the more we can do.


1. Read the note to learn the meaning of the term «Information Technologies».

1.1. Make sure you know the words given in the text in italics.

1.2. Read the following words and word combination properly:

Telecommunications equipment, enterprise, networks, distribution technologies, television and telephones, Internet.

1.3. Read the text to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is Information technology?

2. How is this term commonly used?

3. What industries are associated with information technology?


Information technology (also referred to as IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones. Several industries are associated with information technology, such as computer hardware, software, elec- tronics, semiconductors, internet, telecom equipment, e-commerce and computer services.


Everything genius is simple.

I. Before you read

1.1. Pronounce the following words properly:

Information technologies; communication; application; Internet; distance; exchange; noise; the clarity of speech; treatment; commerce; antiques.

1.2. Words and expressions to learn:

To retrieve; to provide information; application; trading, network, growth, cellular phones, digital camera; digital screen; habits; vehicle; to make possible; vital role; to suffer; to improve; in order to; dimension; to be available; accessible to engage; solution.

1.3. Translating the text, pay attention to the following words and expressions:

To highlight – выдвигать на первый план;

to boost – способствовать росту популярности; повышать;

a digital moisture meter – прибор для определения влажности;

harvesting – уборка урожая;

by leaps and bounds – семимильными шагами; с большой быст-ротой;

to boost up – рекламировать;

unprecedented – невиданный; небывалый;

a keystroke – нажатие клавиши;

solitary – одиночный; отдельный;

an obsession – навязчивая идея; неотступная мысль.

1.4. Translate the following expressions:

To provide information; new technology trends; cloud computing and virtual servers; the necessity for multipurpose development; integrated satellite navigation; climate control thinking; a huge impact; a scrap dealer.

1.5. Form the adjectives with the help of the suffixes. Translate them:

1) -able, -ible:

to measure, to break, to read, to imagine, to control, to compare, to move, to wash, access, comfort;

2) -al:

season, continent, exception, condition, nation, education, nature, universe, practice, norm, fundament, profession, person, industry, physics;

3) -ant (-ent):

to depend, to differ, import(ance), emerg(ence);

4) -ful:

law, harm, tact, success, thank, truth;

5) -ary, -orу:

reaction, custom, to advise, to prohibit, explanat(ion), preparation;

6) -ic (-ical):

hero, atmosphere, metal, base, climate, geography, academy;

7) -ive (-ative):

to create, to talk, to inform, to communicate, to protect, affect;

8) -less:

hope, aim, limit, noise, colour, worth;

9) -ous (-ious, -uous):

advantage, mystery, disaster, humour, scandal, instant.

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