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Key Theme:

3.4. Stylistic Devices (Tropes and Figures of Speech) and Communicative Stylistic Function

Problem Question:

Read the information below. What is the basic difference between figures of speech? Prove that any stylistic device (trope or figure of speech) on the violation of the law of a sign.

Tropes are based on the «transfer» of meaning, when a word is used an object which is not usually correlated with this word (metaphor, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, antonomasia, irony, etc.).

Figures of Speech are based on the specific arrangement of words, unusual constructions, repetitions or extension of a phrase (alliteration, assonance, all types of repetitions, litotes, euphemism, pun, zeugma, periphrasis, simile, etc. (Задорнова, 1986 : 4). Tropes are categories of paradigmatics («an axis of choice»), while Figures of speech belong to syntagmatics, (to the «axis of combination») (R. Jakobson).

Tropes are divided into: 1) «intellective» (based on the logical connection between the object and a word): metaphor, personification, metonymy, antonomasia, synecdoche etc.; 2) «emotive», based on the emotive — expressive —evaluative attitude to the object: hyperbole, euphemism, irony, enantiosemy, etc.

The stylistic effect of figures of speech is created due to the arrangement of linguistic units, unusual construction or extension of utterance.

There are 5 types of figures of speech: 1) periphrastic (periphrasis) antonomasia, euphemism, litotes, simile;

  1. figures, based on repetition: a) of sounds — alliteration, assonance, pun, paronomasia; b) of morphemes — polyptotone, equal ending; c)of words - epiphora, anadiplosis, chiasmus; d) of conjunctions — polysyndetone; e) of sentences — parallel construction; f) anaphora — uniting repetitions at all the levels;

  2. figures of speech, based on the rearrangement of the соmponents: anastrophe, hyperbaton, reversed epithet, «spoonerism»; . ь

  3. figures, based on the semantic arrangement of the components: ascending and descending gradation (climax and anticlimax), oxymoron, etc.;,

  4. «dialogue» figures, implying real or hidden dialogue: rhetorical question, aposiopesis, etc.

3.4.1. Graphical Expressive Means Graphon

Graphon is a creative stylistic device based on the intentional violation of the graphical shape of a word used to reflect its authentic pronunciation, or on the change of the accepted graphical text representation as in the poems below

Problem Question:

What is achieved by the graphical changes of writing — its types, the spacing of graphemes and lines? State the function of graphon in captions, posters, adverticements, etc., repetedly used in press, TV, roadside advertizing:

Word-form dissection (Figurative verses):

Lord, Who created in wealth and store

Though foolishly he lost the same,

Decaying more and more

Till he became

Most poor;

With Thee

Oh, let me rise

As larks harmoniously

And sing this day Thy victories:

Then shall fall further the flight in me.

My tender age in sorrow did begin;

And still with sickness and shame

Thou did so punish sin

That I became

Most thin.

With Thee

Let me combine

And feel this day Thy victory

For if I imp my wing on Thine,

Affliction shall advance the flight in me.

George Herbert (1593-1633)

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