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Riddles and Silly Questions

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1- What are two things people never eat before breakfast?

2- Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window?

3- Why did the man throw the butter out the window?

4- Why did the man put the clock in the safe?

5- What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?

6- What has a neck, but no head?

7- Where is the ocean the deepest?

8- "What letter of the alphabet is always waiting in order?"

9- Why did the man throw his watch out of the window?

10What State in the United States is High in the middle and round at the ends?

11How do you spell mousetrap?

12How many legs does an ant have?

13How many people are buried in that cemetery?

14What can't be used until it's broken?

15What do tigers have that no other animals have?

16What is Black and white and read (red) all over?

17Why is number six afraid ?


18What did number 1 say to 7?

19Which is the most self-centered letter of the alphabet?

20Which letter is always trying to find reasons?

21Which letter is not me?

22What letter can do the work in one day that you can do in two days?

23Why is the A like a flower?

24Why is the letter "A" like noon?

25- "What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?"

26What has two heads, four eyes, six legs and a tail?

27What is as big as a horse but doesn't weigh anything?

28What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?

29What did zero say to eight?

30Do you know why birds fly to south in the winter?

31Which letters do Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday have in common?

32Which room has no doors, no windows.

33What gets wetter as it dries?

34- A man rode into town on Tuesday. Two days later he rode home on Tuesday. How is this possible?

35Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?

36- A father and his son were in a car accident. The father died. The son was taken to the hospital. The doctor came in and said: I can't do surgery on him, because he's my son. Who was the doctor?

37Why did the student take a ladder to school?

38What are the two strongest days of the week?

39What do you call a bear without an "ear"?

40Which is faster, heat or cold?

41How many apples can you eat if your stomach is empty? B: 4 or 5

42Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space?

43What do you call a Spaniard who can't find his car?

44What's the difference between electricity and lightening?

45What part of your body disappears when you stand up?

46What do you call a witch at the beach?

47What's the difference between a lion with toothache and a wet day?

48Why are baseball stadiums so cool?

49What do you call a fish without an eye?

50What has thirteen hearts but no body and no soul?

51What do you call a fish that only cares about himself?

52Why couldn't Mozart find his teacher?

53What's a minimum?

54Why can't a bicycle stand on its own?

55What's got a head and a tail, but no body?

56What's got a wave but no sea?

57Where does a boxer who weighs 135 kilograms sit on a bus?

58What makes "oom" and gives milk?

59Where does Dracula stay when he goes to New York City?

60What do cows like to read?

61What is the longest word?

62What is the word that everybody always says wrong?

63What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

64What's the longest word in the dictionary?

65How many seconds are there in one year?

66What two days of the week start with the letter "T"?

67Why did the pony have a sore throat?

68What did the undertaker die of?

69Why can't a nose be twelve inches?

70How do porcupines kiss each other?

71What has four wheels and flies?

72What has teeth but can't bite?

73Why did the chicken cross the road?

74Why do people call their own language their mother tongue?

75Why is it impossible to starve in the desert?

76Do you know where people send a horse when it is sick?

77What did the doctor say when the invisible man called to make an appointment?


78Which 'BUS' could cross the ocean?

79What a bee says when it gets in the hive? 80How do you catch a squirrel?

81What do you call a deer with no eyes? 82Where do cows go for entertainment?

83What animal is it that has four legs a tail and flies?

84What do you call 'a fly' without wings? 85What goes "ZUB, ZUB"?

86What did one light bulb say to another light bulb?

87What flowers have two lips?

88They travel all over the world but end up in the corner, what are they?

89Why didn't the farmer cry when his dairy cow fell off the cliff?

90What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailor?

91Why do cows have bells?

92Why were the little drops of ink crying?

93How many sheep does it take to make one wool sweater?

94What's a teacher's favorite nation?

95What's the most colorful state of U.S.A.?

96In what state does it cost the most to live in?

97What did the cannibal who was late for dinner get?

98What do you call a dog with no legs? 99How do you top a car?

100Is there a word in the English language that uses all the vowels including "y" ?

101Why do birds fly south for the winter? 102What is the tallest building in our town?

103What did the fish say when he hit the wall?

104The teacher speaking to a student said, "Saud, name two pronouns."

105Teacher: Today, we're going to talk about the tenses. Now, if I say "I am beautiful," which tense is it?

106What is orange and sounds like parrot?

107Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?

108What do you call a deer with no eyes?

109ESL teacher: You must never begin a sentence "I is ...".

110How should you dress on a cold day?

111Why do witches fly about on broomsticks?

112Who tells chicken jokes?

113What's white when it's dirty, and black when it's clean?

114What's the capital of "England"?

115What do we tell the donkey worn its pajamas (pyjamas-Brt)?

116What's "bacteria"?

117What's the biggest part in a car?

118What day do fish hate?

119Why are roosters the neatest birds?

120Which three letters of the alphabet do all the work?

121What illness do you get in China?

122What do you get if you cross a baby with a U.F.O.?


123When is it bad luck to have a black cat following you?

124Why did the egg go into the jungle ?

125Teacher -First came the Ice Age, then - the Stone Age. What came next?

126What's the easiest way to double your money?

127Which driver never commits a traffic offence?

128When does it rain money?

129What gets dirty by washing?

130What would be worse than finding a maggot in an apple you 're eating ?

131What is the best day for cooking bacon and eggs?

132What do Martians eat for breakfast?

133What is round and red and goes up and down?

134What is a sick crocodile called?

135What can make a cow fly?

136- 'Did you hear about the man who invented a device for looking through walls?'

'No, what does he call it?'

137What was awarded to the inventor of door knockers?

138Teacher - How many seconds are there in a year?!

139What kind of running means walking?

140What nail should you never hit with a, hammer?

141Who wrote Great Eggspectations?

142What is it that occurs once in a second, once in a month, once in a century, yet not at all in an hour, or a week or a year?

143Five automobiles were lined up bumper to bumper. How many bumpers were actually touching each other?

144How many parts of the human body can you name that have only three letters?

145How far do you have to count before using the letter A in spelling a number?

146Name as many articles as you can think of that start with the letter S that are worn on the feet.

147What continent do you see when you look in the mirror in the morning?

148What is found in the very center of both America and Australia?

149What relatives are dependent on you?

150Why is the letter T like an island?

151What part of London is in France?

152Nine crows sat on a limb of a tree. Farmer Jones shot three of them. How many crows remained?

153Which is the loudest vowel?

154What is it that no man ever yet did see, which never was, but always will be?

155How many birthdays does the average person have?

156What is a beautiful cat?

157What is an unusual seat?

158What is a comical rabbit?

159What is an angry boy?

160What is an irritated employer?

161What is a bashful insect?

162What is a large hog?

163What is an uncontrollable boy or girl?

164What is a joyful father?


165What is a noisy group of people?

166The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?

167What can you cut with a knife and never see a mark?

168What asks no questions but receives a lot of answers?

169What grows bigger the more you take from it?

170- I saw a nutcracker up in a tree. What was it?

171What goes up but never comes down?

172If you feed it, it will live. If you give it water, it will die. What is it?

173What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?

174Something that shines in the sky at night

Changes to rodents that gnaw and bite.

175- A fruit that's green and often sour Becomes a distance you walk in an hour.

176Something that frogs do very well Can be the sound of a ringing bell.

177An animal that eats a paper or can Becomes the cloak of a Roman man.

178What helps you keep your teeth together?

179How do you make a lemon drop?

180What is all over the house?

181What is a UFB?

182Why did the teenager put his clock in the oven?

183When can a man be six feet tall and be short at the same time?

184What happens to a refrigerator when you pull its plug?


185Why did the teenager put sugar under her pillow?

186What is the first thing that a gardener puts in the garden?

187What is the perfect cure for dandruff?

188What do you call a person who doesn't have all his fingers on one hand?

189What's the best thing to take when you're run over by a car?

190How many months have twenty-eight days?

191Name five things that contain milk.

192By inserting the same letter 16 times in appropriate places, this jumble of letters will be transformed into a sentence of some sense: VRY VNING RNST ARND IGHTN CNTS XCDINGLY ASILY.

193- A man was locked in a room with only a bed, a calendar, and a piano. How did he drink, how did he eat, and how did he get out? Another man was locked in a room with only a mirror and a table. How did he get out? A third man was locked in an empty room. How did he escape?

194- A man goes into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun, and points it at the customer. "Thank you" replies the customer and walks out. What happened?

195How can you throw a tennis ball with all your strength and, without it hitting a wall or other obstruction, have it stop and come right back to you?

196How close a relative would the sister- in-law of your father's only brother be?

197It takes 4 1/2 hours for a jet plane to fly between the east and west coasts of the United States. One plane leaves Los Angeles for New York at 4:40 o'clock, while another plane leaves New York for Los Angeles at 6 o'clock. Which plane will be closer to New York when they pass each other?

198- A rope ladder is hanging over the side of a ship. The ladder is twelve feet long, and the rungs on the ladder are one foot apart. The lowest rung is resting on the top of the ocean. The tide rises four inches an hour. How long would it take before the first four rungs of the ladder are under water?

199There are ten black stockings and ten white stockings in a drawer. If you reach into the drawer in the dark, what is the least number of stockings you must take out before you are sure you have a pair that matches?

200How many bricks does it take to finish a house?

201What has a fork and mouth, but cannot eat?

202What can be measured, but has no length, width, or thickness?

203What comes down, but never goes up?

204What goes up and down but doesn't move?

205Why did the boy put his radio in the refrigerator?

206What has four wheels and flies? 207How many feet are there in a yard? 208What can you serve, but never eat? 209What's the best way to win a race? 210What has no beginning and no end? 211Why do lions eat raw meat?

212Which football player wears the biggest helmet?

213Why does a firefighter wear red suspenders?

214Why do we dress baby boys in blue and baby girls in pink?

216If a rooster laid an egg on top of a pointed-roof henhouse, which side would the egg roll off?

217There was a big alligator walking down the street with a little alligator. The little alligator was the big alligator's son, but the big alligator wasn't the little alligator's father. Who was the big alligator?

218If an electric train travels ninety miles an hour in a westerly direction, and the wind is blowing from the north, in which direction will the smoke blow?

219Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each fisherman caught a fish, yet only three fish were caught. How is this possible?

220At this moment, everyone in the world is doing the same thing. What is it?

221If you dropped a tomato on your toe, would it hurt much?

222How much dirt is there in a hole exactly one foot deep and one foot wide?

223If six children and two dogs were under just one umbrella, how come none of them got wet?

224Two teachers teach at the same school. One is the father of the other's son. What relation are they to each other?

225What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right hand?

226Can a man living in New York be buried in California?

227- A cowboy had twelve cows. All but nine died. How many cows did he have left?

228Two men were playing checkers. They played five games. Each man won the same number of games. How is this possible?

229How many books can you put into an empty school bag?

215What kind of bushes do rabbits in California sit under when it rains?


230- A donkey was tied to a rope six feet long. A bale of hay was eighteen feet away, and the donkey wanted to eat the hay. How could he do it?

231If there were six crows sitting on a bench and a hunter shot one of them, how many would be left?

232If you count twenty horses on your right going into town, and twenty horses on your left coming home, how many horses have you counted in all?

233If it takes three minutes to boil an egg, how long will it take to boil three eggs?

234Seven is an odd number. How do you make seven even?

235- A man who worked in a butcher shop was six feet tall and wore size eleven shoes. What did he weigh?

236What is the best exercise for losing weight?

237What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and not once in a hundred years?

238Which is better: "The house burned down" or "The house burned up"?

239What can be right, but never wrong?

240What is it that a man can use for shaving, polishing his shoes, and sleeping in?

241In the middle of the night, while Mr. Jones was asleep in his hotel room, the telephone beside his bed rang. Mr. Jones woke up, picked up the phone, and said "Hello." Then he put the phone down and went back to sleep. Can you guess who had telephoned him?

242- A man ran down the street, walked into a bar, and asked for a glass of water. The bartender gave him the water and pointed a gun at him. The man said "Thank you" and walked out of the bar. Why did he do that?

243- A man phoned his daughter to ask her to buy a few things he needed for a trip. He told her she would find enough dollar bills for the purchases in an envelope on his desk. She found the enve-

lope with "98" written on it. In a shop she bought $90 worth of things, but when it was time to pay, she didn't have $8 left over, as she thought she would. In fact, she didn't have enough money to pay for all the purchases. By how much was she short, and why?

244- A farmer must transport his dog, a duck, and a bag of corn across a river. The boat he has to use is very small-so small that he can take only one of the three in the boat with him at a time. If he leaves the dog alone with the duck, the dog will kill and eat the duck. If he leaves the duck alone with the corn, the duck will eat up the corn.

What is the least number of trips the farmer must make to transport all three across the river safely?

245One day a cat fell down a well. The well was eighteen feet deep. When the cat tried to climb out, it found that the sides of the well were very damp and slippery. However, with patient determination it finally managed to climb out.

It took the cat one minute of climbing to gain three feet. However, after climbing for a minute, the cat had to rest for a minute before it could go on. During each minute of rest, the cat slid back two feet.

How long did it take for the cat to get out of the well?

246- A traveler had the misfortune of being caught by an enemy tribe and condemned to death. The only question that remained was how he was to be done away with.

According to tribal custom, the chief of the tribe was to make this decision on the following basis: The victim was told to make an affirmative statement. If the chief considered the statement true, the victim would be shot with a poisoned arrow. If the statement was judged to be false, the victim would be tied to a stake and die by fire. In any case, his death was apparently inescapable-or so it seemed to everyone except the traveler.

He made a short statement which so perplexed the chief that it was found impossible to carry out the execution.

What were the words that the clever traveler must have uttered?


247Tom came to a bridge marked "Total weight 100 kilos." Now, Tom weighed 95 kilos, but he had three pineapples, each weighing 2 kilos. He couldn't throw them across the river, because the pineapples would be smashed to pieces. How did Tom cross the bridge?

248Two girls appeared at the registrar's office of a college. The receptionist handed each of them a questionnaire to fill out. Each girl wrote the following facts on the questionnaire.

Each had the last name Smith. Each was born on February 29, 1960. Each was born at 376 East 53rd Street, New York City. Each had a father named John Smith and a mother named Gertrude Smith.

When the girls had completed the questionnaires they handed them to the registrar. The registrar read them and asked, "Are you two girls' sisters?"

They replied, "Yes, we are." Looking up from his papers, the registrar saw the two girls and noticed that they looked exactly alike. He said, "You're twins, aren't you?"

They both promptly answered, "No." Assuming that all the answers they gave were true, and that they had the same mother and father, how do you account for the fact that they were not twins?

249Albert Amblefoot walked outside in a heavy rainstorm for half an hour without getting a single hair of his head wet. He didn't wear a hat, carry an umbrella, or hold anything over his head. His clothes got soaking wet. How could this happen?

250As you are traveling in the kingdom of Jerafa, you come upon a boy and a girl who are dressed exactly alike.

"I'm a boy," says the one with red hair. "I'm a girl," says the one with black hair.

If at least one of them is not telling the truth, which is which?

251- A man lived at the southern tip of a small forest which was exactly circular in shape. His house was at the very

edge of the forest. One fine day in the spring he decided to take a walk around the forest. He set out from his house, heading in a westerly direction, that is going in a clockwise direction, all around the forest and returning to his house, He found that it took him eighty minutes to do this, walking at a steady rate and making no stops along the way.

Another day a few months later, he again took a walk around the forest, but this time he went in a counterclockwise direction. Walking at the same rate as before and making no stops, he found that the trip took him one hour and twenty minutes. Can you explain why?

252Ruling over the kingdom of Komosay was a very powerful king who had a beautiful daughter named Yamah. When Yamah fell in love with a poor peasant boy, the king was shocked and distressed. To show how fair he was, however, he promised to give the boy a 50-50 chance to marry his daughter by letting him choose one of two slips of paper. On one piece of paper would be written the word MARRIAGE; on the other, the word DEATH.

Because of his great love for Yamah, the boy agreed to take this risk.

As he came near to the castle on the fateful day, he happened to overhear a conversation between the king and one of his attendants:

"Your Majesty," said the attendant, "how can you do this thing, and let that unworthy boy have a chance of marrying your daughter?"

The deceitful king laughed and said, "The way I will do it, he will have no chance. I will write the word DEATH on both pieces of paper. But of course, he will not know that; he will think he has chosen the wrong piece of paper."

When the boy heard that he was stunned and didn't know what to do. But then he thought of a clever solution to the problem. When the time came to choose, he put his plan into action. The next day he and the princess were married.

What was his solution?


1- Lunch and supper.

2- He wanted to see the waterfall.

3- He wanted to see the butterfly.

4- He wanted to save time.

5- A clock.

6- A bottle.

7- On the bottom.

8- "The Q. (queue)

9- He wanted to see time fly.


11- C-A-T.

12Two, the same as an uncle.

13All of them.

14An egg.

15Baby tigers.

16- A newspaper

17Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine)

18Nice hair

19- "i" (I)

20- "y" (Why?")

21- U.

22- W (Double u- Double you)

23Because the B is after it.

24Because it's in the middle of the day. 25- "The C"

26- A horse and its rider.

27The horse's shadow.

28- A teapot.

29Nice belt.

30Because it's too far to walk there.

31None! None of them have "c", "o","m" or "n" in them.

32- A mushroom.

33- A towel

34His horse's name is Tuesday.

35He didn't have anybody to take. (any BODY)

36The doctor was his mother.


37Because he/she was going to high school!

38They are Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weak (week) days.


40Heat, because you can catch a cold.

41No, that's wrong, because after eating one apple your stomach isn't empty.

42To find Pluto.

43Carlos (It's pronounced "carless")

44You don't have to pay for lightening.

45Your lap. (good for phrasal 'stand up', and 'laptop', lap-dog, etc.)

46- A sandwich.

47One's roaring with pain the other's pouring with rain

48There is a fan in every seat.

49Fsh. (Hint: No "eye" = No "i")

50- A pack of playing cards.


52Because the teacher was Hayden. (Hayden, Hidin', Hiding)

53- A very small mother! (mini-mom)

54Because it's two-tired (too tired)

55- A coin.

56My hair.

57Wherever he wants to.

58- A cow walking backwards.

59The Vampire State building.

60The mooooospaper

61Smiles, because there is a mile between the first and last s.

62- "Wrong".


64- Rubber-band - because it stretches.

65Twelve. January second, February second, March second...

66Tuesday and Thursday? NO, today and tomorrow!

67Because it was a little horse. (hoarse)

68Coughin' (coffin)

69Because then it would be a foot.

70Very carefully.

71- A garbage truck.

72- A Comb.

73To get to the other side.

74Because their fathers seldom get a chance to use it.

75Because of all the sandwiches (sand which is) there.

76To a horsepital.

77Tell him I can't see him today.


79Hi Honey! I'm home!

80Climb a tree and act like a nut !

81No idea. (No eye deer)

82They go to the mooovies!

83- A dead horse!

84You call it 'a walk.'

85- A bee flying backwards.(Buz,Buz)

86You are the light of my life.



89There's no use crying over split milk.

90- A jeweler sells watches. A jailer watches cells.

91Because their horns don't work.

92Their mother was in the pen and they did not know how long her sentence would be.

93- I didn't even know sheep could knit!

94- Expla-nation.

95- Color-ado.


97The cold shoulder.

98Why bother, he won't come anyway.

99Tep on the brake, tupid!


101Because it's too far to walk.

102The library. (It has the most stories.)


104Saud who suddenly woke up, said, "Who, me?"

105Student: Obviously it is the past tense.

106- A carrot

107The Empire State Building can't jump!

108No idea.(No-eye deer)

109Clever student: Please sir, what's wrong with "I is a vowel".


111Because vacuum cleaners don't have a long enough cord?


113- A blackboard.

114The capital of "England" is E

115We call it ZEBRA

116The back entrance of a cafeteria.

117The biggest part in a car is the MIRROR of the car. Sometimes we can see a mountain in it.

118- Fry-day

119Because they always carry their combs!

120- N.R.G.!

121- Kung-flu!

122An unidentified crying object!

123When you're a mouse!

124Because it wanted to do some eggsploring!

125Student -The sausage!

126Fold it!

127- A screwdriver!

128When there's a change in the weather!


130Finding half a maggot!

131- Fry-day!

132Unidentified frying objects.

133- A tomato in a lift!

134An illigator!

135The letter R , because it makes a cow into a crow!

136- 'A window.'

137The No-bell prize!

138PupilTwelve, sir. Second of January, February, March, etc.!

139Running out of petrol!

140Your fingernail!

141Charles Chickens!

142The letter N


144There are ten;eye, ear, rib, jaw, toe, lip, arm, leg, hip, gum

145One thousand

146Shoes, socks, stockings, sandals, skis, slippers, skates, sneakers, snowshoes

147Europe - You see you're up

148The letter R

149Your aUnts, Uncles, and coUsins. (They all need U.)

150Because it is in waTer

151The letter N

152None, the surviving crows flew away 153- I. It's always in the midst of noise 154Tomorrow

155Only one

156Pretty kitty

157Rare chair

158Funny bunny

159Mad lad

160Cross boss

161Shy fly

162Big pig

163Wild child

164Glad dad

165Loud crowd



168- A telephone

169- A hole

170- A squirrel

171Our age


173Time to get a new fence.

174- star-rats

175- lime-mile


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