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Anatomy of the Respiratory System

Анатомія Респіраторної Системи

Text: Anatomy of the Respiratory System

Grammar: Impersonal Sentences. Indefinite Personal Sentences

Pre-text assignments:

Exercise 1. Learn the following new words

  1. oxygen

  2. carbon dioxide

  3. trachea

  4. diaphragm

  5. to supplement

  6. division

  7. bronchus

  8. bronchiole

  9. to take place

  10. alveolus

  11. pleura

  12. ex-, inhalation

  13. life-threatening

  14. pulmonary embolism

  15. pneumonia

  16. to breathe


[‘ka:bən ‘daiəksaid]














  1. кислород

  2. углекислий газ

  3. трахея

  4. диафрагма

  5. добавлять

  6. разделять, распределять

  7. бронх

  8. бронхиола

  9. происходить

  10. альвеола

  11. плевра

  12. видох, вдох

  13. тот, который грозит жизни

  14. эмболия сосудов легких

  1. пневмония

  2. дишать

Exercise 2. Read the following paying attention to the rules of reading. Give examples of your own:

ch[tʃ] – each, chill, chest, chill

[k] – chemistry, ache, character, stomach – Greek origin

ture [tʃə] – suture, mixture, temperature, fracture

wh o [h] – who, whom, whose, whole

[w] – when, why, whale, white

kn [n] – knee, knuckle, knowledge, knight

Exercise 3. Remember the rules of word-building in the English language. Translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. form the Nouns with the help of suffix – ance (- ence) from the verbs: to disturb – повреждать; disturbance – повреждение; to assist – помогать; assistance – помощь; to differ – отличать; difference – отличия; to persist – выживать; persistence – выживание; to inherit – наследование; inheritance - наследственность; to resist – сопротивляться; resistance – сопротивление; to perform – исполнять; performance - исполнение.

b) form the Nouns with the help of suffix – ance (- ence) from the adjectives: patient – пациент (терпеливый) ; patience – терпение; tolerant – выносливый; tolerance – выносливость; distant – дальний; distance – даль; important – важный; importance - важность; incident – падающий; incidence - падение; dependent – зависимый; dependence - зависимость; excellent – превосходный; excellence - превосходство.

c) form the Adjectives with the help of suffix –ive, - itive, -ative from the verbs: to digest – переваривать пищу; digestive - пищеварительный; to reproduce – воспроизводить; reproductive – воспроизводимый; to cure – лечение; curative - лечебный; to compete – конкурировать; competitive – конкурирующий; to cooperate – объединять; cooperative - объединённый.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the word combinations into your native language

A constant stream of oxygen - постоянный поток кислорода; to remove carbon dioxide – выводить углекислый газ; to be lined with hairs and mucus membrane - быть выстланной волосками и слизистой оболочкой; to supplement or replace the nasal cavity’s functions – дополнять или заменять функции носовой полости; fine alveolar ducts – тонкие альвеолярные протоки; to be enclosed in a membranous sac – быть заключенным в мембранный мешок; the total surface of capillaries – общая поверхность капилляров; the vital capacity of the lungs – жизненная емкость легких; to increase the depth of respiration – увеличить глубину дыхания; mild and life-threatening forms of diseases – лёгкие и опасные для жизни формы заболеваний.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text


The cells of the human body require a constant stream of oxygen to stay alive. The respiratory system provides oxygen to the body’s cells by removing carbon dioxide.

There are 3 major parts of the respiratory system: the airway, the lungs, and the muscles of respiration.

The airway includes the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.

The nose and nasal cavity form the main external opening for the respiratory system through which air moves. The nasal cavity is a hollow space within the nose and skull that is lined with hairs and mucus membrane which warm, moisturize, and filter air.

The mouth or the oral cavity is the secondary external opening for the respiratory tract. It can be used to supplement or replace the nasal cavity’s functions when needed.

The pharynx, also known as the throat, is a muscular funnel. It extends from the nasal cavity to the larynx and esophagus.

The larynx, also known as the voice box, is a short section between the pharynx and trachea.

The trachea is a tube which extends from the base of the larynx to the lungs, where it divides into two bronchi.

The bronchi are two tubes which begin at the division of the trachea. The left bronchus is slightly longer than the right one as it passes around the heart to reach the left lung. Each bronchus leads into a lung. Inside the lungs, the bronchi divide, and subdivide, into smaller numerous bronchioles. The bronchioles end in very fine alveolar ducts leading to the alveoli.

The alveoli, or air sacs, are the ends of the air passages. Each alveolus is closely surrounded by blood capillaries. There are over 700,000,000 alveoli in the lungs. The total surface of the alveoli is about 90 sq.m (square meters).

The lungs are paired, spongy organs located in the chest. The lungs are divided into lobes - the right lung has three lobes and the smaller left lung has two lobes. Each lung is enclosed in a membranous sac, or pleura. The lungs have many capillaries with the total surface of about 80 sq.m.

It is considered that in the adult the vital capacity of the lungs is about 3-4 liters. When the depth of respiration increases the vital capacity may be 6 litres and even more.

Respiratory diseases range from mild, such as the common cold, to life-threatening like bacterial pneumonia, asthma, pulmonary embolism, and lung cancer.

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