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GRAMMAR: Reported Speech

Self-Study #4. Report “An Outstanding Physical Educator”



1. In pairs, discuss the questions below.

  1. Who was your favourite teacher at primary school?

  2. What can you remember about him/her?

  3. Why did you like him/her?

2. Read the text and answer these questions.

  1. What kind of pupil was Graham?

  2. How did Mr. Jenkins help him?

  3. What did Mr. Jenkins think about Graham?

  4. How does he feel about Graham now?

  5. Why does Mr. Jenkins love teaching?


Graham Lawre nce, 29, science author and TV presenter went to OvertonComprehensive, (1981-89).

I haven't seen Mr. Jenkins since I left school but he was my inspiration. I wasn't very good at most school subjects. I suppose I was a bit lazy and now I wish I'd done a bit more work, especially in languages. But when I went into Mr Jenkins's; science class to prepare for my GCSEs, I really became interested in a subject for the first time.

Mr. Jenkins was full of enthusiasm and made everything interesting. I wish my French teachers had been the same! He used to demonstrate things with lots of practical examples. One day he took us outside and we built a rocket. It was great fun. I wasn't a particularly willing and cooperative student at school. I know I shouldn't have been so rebellious, but it was probably because I lacked confidence.

Mr. Jenkins made me feel that I could do things. I was interested in astronomy and he asked me to give a lesson to the class. That was really the first time I ever tried to explain science to an audience!: Now, when I'm preparing a programme, I think about how Mr: Jenkins would have done it. Sometimes, I wish I could phone him and ask for his opinion!

My pupil

Brian Jenkins,

science teacher

at Overton Comprehensive School.

When Graham came into my class he was a bit 'difficult'. But when he got interested, it all changed. He was extremely bright and he should. I have done much-better in all of his other subjects. I've read a couple of his books and seen films on TV.I say to my wife, “Oh I look I used to teach him.

I certainly wish I was as successful with all my pupils as with Graham. It's difficult teaching nowadays. There are discipline problems and not enough money. The government should give more for science education. I also wish the classes were smaller- it is difficult doing lessons in laboratories with big groups. My wife often wishes I had chosen a less stressful career. But I love teaching It's a great feeling when you know you've taught something well. It also makes me proud when I see my pupils doing well like Graham. I feel that I've achieved something.


  1. Study the Active Vocabulary

to help out - виручати;

responsible - відповідальний;

communicator of knowledge - носій знань;

model of competence - взірець обізнаності:

to communicate - спілкуватися;

ability - здібність, здатність;

to temper smth. - регулювати чимось;

aptitude - схильність;

to mock - насміхатися:

to discourage - відбивати охоту, розхолоджувати:

to require - вимагати;

authority - авторитет:

respect - повага;

community - суспільство;

to pay attention to - приділяти увагу:

to foster - виховувати;

gift - талант, хист;

to keep abreast of- йти в ногу з;

vice – зло,порок;

austere - суворий;

affection - показність, манірність:

abuse - образа;

clumsy - незграбний;

untidy - неохайний;

to overindulge - надмірно захоплюватись;

to irritate - дратувати.

  1. Read and translate the following text.

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