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Материалы для семинарских занятий

Seminar 1. The Role of Sound Phenomena in Communication. Phonetics as a Science

Task 1. Imagine that you are the participants of a philological conference. Team up into 5 groups (3-5 people). Choose from the list below one problem for discussion (one group is responsible for one problem only, problems mustn’t be repeated in groups). Make use of the material of the lecture and additional material (obligatorily!!!!!!!!!):

1. Speech & language… Think about the terms & their definitions. Single out the levels of a language system. Define the phonetic system of a language, its levels and units.

2. How is oral speech produced ? Prove that any speech act manifests the aspects of sound phenomena.

3. How is phonetics defined by different linguists? What does the object of the science comprise? Speak about the main branches of phonetics & the methods applied in investigating the sound matter of the language.

  1. Phonology. Should it be separated from phonetics or not? Represent different points of view & give your own arguments, please.

  2. What fields can phonetics be applied to? What is the role of phonetics in language learning & teaching? What interdisciplinary overlaps (phonetics & other sciences) would you like to mention?

Prepare the presentation of a problem, distribute the roles in a group in the following way:

a) SPEAKER (making use of the lecture material, additional material, Internet resourses presents a 4-5 minute report on a chosen problem);

b) ASSISTANT-SPEAKER (making use of the lecture material, additional material, Internet resourses adds a SPEAKER’s report on a chosen problem, 2 minutes);

c) GROUP MEMBER (every member of the group, except a speaker and an assistant-speaker, prepares one question beforehand and addresses the question either to a speaker or to an assistant-speaker);

d) COUNTERSPEAKER (beforehand prepares 3-5 questions on the information presented by the speaker and an assistant-speaker and addresses them to the members of the other groups, assesses the answers, puts down the marks, passes the list with the surnames and marks to a teacher).

Thus, in the end of the seminar every student gets a mark for activeness-passiveness at the seminar.


  1. Боисова, Л.В., Метлюк, А.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: учеб.пособие для ин-тов и фак. иностр.яз./ Л.В. Борисова, А.А. Метлюк. – Минск: «Вышэйшая школа», 1980. – С. 3 -17.

  2. Васильев, В.А. Фонетика английского языка. Нормативный курс: учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр.яз./ В. А. Васильев [и др.] – 2-е изд.перераб. - М.: Высшая школа, 1980. - С.7 – 36

  3. Соколова, М.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. Практикум: учеб.пособие / М.А. Соколова, И.А.Афонская, Л.Б.Ковалева [и др.] – М.: «Профобразование»,2001. – С. 3 -6

Key terms: the phonetic system, the segmental level, the prosodic level, articulatory aspect of sound phenomena, acoustic aspect of sound phenomena, auditory aspect of sound phenomena, linguistic aspect of sound phenomena, constitutive function of sound phenomena, distinctive function of sound phenomena, identificatory function of sound phenomena, phonetics, phonology.

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