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Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации Департамент научно-технологической политики и образования ФГБОУ ВПО «Челябинская государственная агроинженерная академия»

Л. П. Малятова, С. А. Нестерова


Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов I и II курсов

Часть I



УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2Англ М 219

М 219

Малятова, Л. П., Нестерова, С. А.

Английский язык для неязыковых вузов [Текст] :

учеб.-метод. пособие / Л. П. Малятова, С. А. Нестерова. – Челябинск : ЧГАА, 2015. – 104 с.

ISBN 978-5-88156-716-3

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучения английскому языку студентов I и II курсов дневного отделения всех специальностей неязыковых вузов.

Данное пособие содержит материалы для разговорных тем, диалогов и лексико-грамматических упражнений, которые служат основой для формирования общекультурной и профессиональной компетенций, являющихся основой межкультурной коммуникации. Познавательный характер текстов и гибкая система упражнений направлены на интеллектуальное и творческое развитие личности.

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2Англ

Рецензенты Ларионова Г. А. – докт. пед. наук, профессор (ЧГАА)

Черушева Н. В. – канд. пед. наук, доцент (ЧГПУ)

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ЧГАА

ISBN 978-5-88156-716-3

©Малятова Л. П., Нестерова С. А., 2015.

©ФГБОУ ВПО «Челябинская государственная агроинженерная академия», 2015.




Introduction ………….................................................................


Unit 1. ABOUT MYSELF……………………….......................


Unit 2. HOME SWEET HOME...................................................


Unit 3. MEALS. SHOPPING......................................................


Unit 4. EDUCATION...................................................................


Unit 5. COUNTRIES AND CULTURES………………….........


Irregular Verbs………….............................................................






Среди ранжированных требований, предъявляемых к качеству подготовки специалиста, в настоящее время особое место занимают экстрафункциональные компетенции, наряду с собственно профессиональными знаниями, умениями и навыками. Поэтому цель данного учебного пособия заключается в формировании у студентов общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций, необходимых специалистам для осуществления межкультурной коммуникации в профессиональной среде.

Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов неязыковыхвузов, прошедшихкурсанглийскогоязыкавсредней школе, составлено в соответствии с требованиями программы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для студентов I и II курсов.

При организации учебного материалаавторы ставили целью повторение и обобщение основных грамматических тем и лексики, пройденных в средней школе, а также углубленное изучение тех грамматических и лексических явлений, которые необходимы будущим специалистам для осуществления межкультурной коммуникации в профессиональной среде.

Учебноепособиесостоитиздвухчастей, вI частисодержится 5 уроков-тем, во II части – 6. Основой каждого урока являются тексты, объединенные общей тематикой, затем следуют вопросы к тексту, список активной лексики и упражнения. По своей структуре данное пособие приближается к учебникам нормативной грамматики для неязыковых вузов. Однако оно отличается в основном тем, что грамматические явления излагаются поурочно, справочный материал представленных в пособии грамматических явлений организован в таблицах.

Упражнения к каждому уроку разбиты на две группы: 1) лексико-грамматические упражнения; 2) упражнения для развития навыков устной речи. Лексико-грамматические упражнения представляют собой тематические упражнения, предназначенные для закрепления лексического и грамматического материала в аудитории. Упражнения для развития навыков устной речи содержат расширенный диалогический текстовый материал. Представленные диалоги рекомендуется заучивать наизусть. Большинство упражнений для перевода с русского языка


на английский рекомендуется использовать в качестве внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы для закрепления лексики и грамматики. При этом авторы следуют принципу постепенного усложнения как текстов, так и заданий. Обширная тематика и большое количество текстов, заданий к ним и упражнений дают возможность преподавателю варьировать работу в зависимости от уровня подготовки группы и давать индивидуальные задания студентам.

Представленные в пособии интерактивные задания ориентированы на доминирование активности студентов в процессе обучения, что побуждает студентов к самостоятельному поиску путей и вариантов решения поставленной учебной задачи; обучает проявлять терпимость к любой точке зрения, уважать право каждого на свободу слова. Учебное пособие обеспечивает практическое овладение английским языком как средством общения, формирует у студентов межкультурную коммуникативную компетенцию.




Topics for discussions: About myself. Relationships within the family. About my family. Family duties. Family traditions. My daily routine. Leisure activities. Hobbies.

Grammar: Nouns. Verbs to be, to have. The Present Indefinite Tense. Indefinite pronouns some, any.

Dialogue: Getting Acquainted.

My Family

I am Alex Sidorov. Alex is my first name and Sidorov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. It is not very large. I have got a mother, a father, a brother and a grandmother. We are five in the family.

Let me introduce my parents. My mother’s name is Helen. She is a good-looking woman with big grey eyes, long thick lashes, small turned-up nose and thin lips. She is forty-four but she looks much younger. My mother is tall and slim. She is always well-dressed. She has a good eye for colour, good taste and style. My mother is a Music teacher. She has a good ear for music. She likes jazz and plays the piano and the guitar very well.

My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He knows everything about computers. He is the most brilliant man I’ve ever met. My father is tall, handsome, dark-haired, blue-eyed and broad-shouldered.

He has a good sense of humour and he is the heart and soul of every company. My father is good-natured, intelligent, just, friendly, very energetic and what is more important, he is a loving father. I’ve got good relationship with him. He is always interested in what I do, gives me advice which I try to follow and he is always ready to come to help when I have some problems. I trust him a lot and I’m sure I can rely on him in any situation. He never lets people down.

My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common but they have different views on music, books, films and sports. For example, my father likes horror films, thrillers and science fiction films and my mother likes feature films, comedies, documentary films, and love-stories.


My father is fond of badminton, skiing and playing chess. My mother doesn’t go in for sports but she likes to watch figure-skating on TV.

My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of my father and me. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands: she can sew, knit and cook.

My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy our flat.

My grandmother is a pensioner. She is sixty-nine but she doesn’t look her age. She lives with us and helps to run the house. My granny is fond of knitting and growing flowers.

My brother Nick is twenty-six. He is married and has a family of his own. His wife is an accountant in a joint venture company. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school.

Nick deals with marketing. He advertises goods his firm produces. I never quarrel with Nick. But if there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as soon as possible. What I like best about my brother he is always ready to help and share his knowledge, thoughts, feelings. I respect him for his fairness, strong will, intellect and modesty.

We have a pet, a very clever dog, Ermak by name. He is the apple of our family.

We also have got a lot of relatives: uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins and we get with them very well.


1.What is your first name? What is your surname?

2.How old are you?

3.When is your birthday?

4.Is your family large? How many are you in the family?

5.Have you got any brothers or sisters?

6.What are your parents? Where do they work?

7.How long have your parents been married?

8.Do they have much in common?

9.Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

10.What sort of things do you do together?

11.Do you go out with your parents?

12.Who runs the house hi your family?

13.What are your household duties?


14.What is your father’s hobby?

15.Can you describe your mother?


I. Find English equivalents for the following:

иметь хороший музыкальный слух, любимец семьи, иметь хорошее чувство юмора, отличный вкус, чувство цвета и стиля, душа любой компании, заниматься спортом, иметь хорошие отношения, хорошо готовит, никогда не подводит людей, совместное предприятие, умелые руки, заниматься маркетингом, ладить друг с другом, вести хозяйство, мириться, иметь много общего, рекламирует товары, любящий отец.

II. Choose the correct word.

1.She has a good (eye, ear) for music.

2.He is (the apricot, the apple) of the family.

3.She is clever with her (head, hands).

III. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions.

1.She is a good ... cooking.

2.I can rely ... him.

3.She has a good ear... music.

4.I respect him ... fairness, strong will.

5.He goes … sports.

6.He deals ... marketing.

7.She is clever... her hands.

8.He never lets people ...

9.We get... very well.

10.They have much... common.

11.We have a dog, Ermak... name.

12.They have different views ... music.

13.He is interested ... marketing.

IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using words and word combinations from the text.

Model: Everybody likes my mum’s apple-pies. – My mum is good at cooking.

1.My dad knows a lot of jokes and funny stories. When he tells them, people usually laugh.

2.Everybody in the family loves our dog Ermak.

3.My parents work much.


4.Mum usually cooks dinner, washes the dishes, goes shopping and tidies our flat.

5.Sometimes my brother and 1 don’t understand each other.

6.My mum can do many things: she can sew, knit and cook.

7.My father always keeps his promises.

8.My brother advertises goods his firm produces.

V. Make up your own sentences using the words below. 1. Model:

а) My granny has good relationship with her grandchildren.

b)He never quarrels with my niece.

c)Her uncle is the heart and soul of every company.

d)Their cousin has a good sense of humour.

nephew, niece, father-in-law, mother-in-law, aunt, uncle, cousin, husband, wife, stepmother, stepfather, granddaughter, child, relatives.

2. Model:

а) I respect my mother for her modesty.

b) What I like best about my niece is her honesty .

fairness, kindness, intellect, sincerity, tolerance, strong Will, politeness, tact, courage, patience, self-controll, good manners.

3. Model:

a)His nephew is interested in jazz.

b)Her son is fond of classical music.

books, foreign languages, chess, football, sport, philosophy, legends and myths of Ancient Rome, photography, ballet, poetry, science fiction.

4. Model:

a)My stepmother is good at cooking.

b)Our relatives are fond of English.

playing chess, drawing, singing, dancing, biology, swimming, reciting poems, telling jokes and fiinny stories, knitting, skating, sewing.

VI. Complete the sentences, make up your own ones.

Model: His stepfather is a lawyer. He knows everything about the law.

a)Our friend is a computer programmer.

b)Their sister is an English teacher.

c)My grandpa is a botanist.

2. Model: His broter is a manager. He deals with marketing. a) Her nephew is a driver.


b)His niece is an accountant.

c)Her best friend is a designer.

VII. Read and translate the text, then answer the questions.

My Friend

My best friend’s name’s Nick. We made friends a few years ago. We are of the same age. We live in the same block of flats, so we see each other almost every day.

Nick is a tall slender boy. He has got dark hair, large dark eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. He wears spectacles. He is very honest and just, understanding and kind. I trust him a lot and I’m sure that I can rely on him in any situation. He never lets people down.

Nick is only 19 but he is very responsible – he finishes whatever he starts. He’s got only one shortcoming. He is a bit stubborn, nevertheless he is pleasant to deal with.

Nick’s an only child and his parents love him very much. His father is a lawyer. He is the most brilliant man I’ve ever met. He knows everything there is to know about the law. His mother is a music teacher. No wonder Nick is so talented. He’s got a very good ear for music. He likes jazz and plays the piano very well.

We spend a lot of time together. We often watch video or listen to music. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theatre, or walk around the centre of Moscow, visiting small cafes, museums, art galleries, shops. We talk for hours about all sorts of things (politics, love, teachers). We discuss films, television, books.

I never quarrel with Nick. But if there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as soon as possible. What I like best about him is that he is always willing to help and share his knowledge, thoughts, feelings. I respect him for his fairness, strong will, intellect and modesty.

I miss Nick when we don’t see each other for a long time. Without him I would feel lonely and uncomfortable. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.


1.Have you got a lot of friends?

2.What is your best friend’s name?

3.How long have you been friends?


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