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GRAMMAR: The Future Indefinite Tense

Будущее неопределенное время (the Future Indefinite Tense) употребляется:

1. Для выражения однократного или повторяющегося действия или ряда последовательных действий в будущем: Next year they will finish school. В следующем году они закончат школу.

2. Когда решение что-либо сделать принято в момент разговора: I'm tired. I will take a taxi. Я устал. Я возьму такси.

3. Для выражения обещания или просьбы что-либо сделать: Ill (will) call you as soon as I arrive. Я позвоню, как только приеду. Will you shut the window, please. Пожалуйста, закройте окно.

4. Для выражения мнения относительно действий в будущем: I think he’ll (will) arrive tonight. Думаю, он приедет сегодня вечером.

5. Глагол shall используется в вопросах, когда спрашиваем разрешения, указания, совета: Shall I open the window? Открыть окно? What shall we do this evening? Что будем делать вечером?

На будущее время в предложении могут указывать обстоятельства времени: tomorrow завтра, next week на следующей неделе, next year в следующем году, in a week через неделю, in a few days через несколько дней, one of these days на днях и т.д. Например: One of these days we shall go to the country. На днях мы поедем за город.

Следует запомнить, что the Future Indefinite Tense не употребляется в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов: when когда, if если и др. В этих предложениях будущее действие выражается глаголами в Present Indefinite: When I come to the country, I shall go skiing. Когда я приеду за город, я пойду кататься на лыжах.

Образование the Future Indefinite Tense

The Future Indefinite Tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall для 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа и will ля всех остальных лиц и инфинитива без частицы to смыслового глагола.




I /we shall come tomorrow.

You (he/she/it/they) will come tomorrow.

I /we shall not come tomorrow.

You (he/she/it/they) will not come tomorrow.

Shall I /we come tomorrow?

Will you (he/she/it/they) come tomorrow?

Примеры образования кратких ответов:

Shall we come tomorrow? Yes, we shall. No, we shall not (shan’t).

Will he come tomorrow? Yes, he will. No, he will not (won’t).

Примечание. В современном английском языке вспомогательный глагол will употребляется со всеми местоимениями. Сокращенная форма используется в разговорной речи.

Grammar exercises

1. Fill in the blanks. Translate into Russian:

A) will B) won’t C) shall

1. Your English is good. I’m sure you … pass the test. 2. … there be a lecture tomorrow? 3. What time … I come this evening? 4. The train … arrive at the station on time, … it? 5. Did you post a letter? – Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot. I … do it in a minute. 6. … I translate this paragraph? 7. We … solve this problem without any delay. 8. … there be drugs for every kind of disease in 50 years time? 9. Perhaps in the future men … live on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land. 10. What field of science … you work in? – I … do ecological research. 11. Any nuclear strike exchange … result in an emission into the atmosphere of fine dust and fine smoke particles. The resulting cloud … screen sunlight.

2. Replace the infinitives given in brackets by the Future Indefinite Tense or the Present Indefinite Tense. Translate into Russian:1. The delegation (to start) for London as soon as they (to receive) their visas. 2. At the travel bureau they (to tell) you exactly when the train (to leave). 3. I (not / to think) I (to be able) to call on them and (to say) good-bye before I (to go) abroad.4. Ask the dean if we (to study) according to the old timetable, or a new one (to be) ready when we (to begin) to study. 5. If you (to give) me your dictionary for a couple of days, I (to translate) this text. 6. You (not / to pass) the exams, if you (not to revise) the material. 7. If she (not / to pass) her exam, she (not / to get) a scholarship. 8. It (to be) impossible for us to get into the hall when the lecture (to begin). It (to be) full of people. 9. You never (to finish) your report, unless you (to stop) wasting your time like that. 10. If my friend (not / to work) in my office, we (not / to meet) every day. 11. What you (to do), if you (not / to find) the job? 12. Many scientists are speculating about life on the lunar surface. When the moon (to be) suitable for living is still not determined. But experts believe that colonization (to take place) in several steps. There (to be) a need for housing to provide living space for more permanent type settlements. 13. If we (to be) so careless about the nature, we (not / to save) the ecology. What we (to do) to improve the situation? Firstly, in the nearest future the scientists (to encourage) recycling because it is the production of new materials that causes the most damage. Secondly, driving an environmentally-friendly car (to be) also helpful. Furthermore, people (to join) an organization that (to plant) trees and (to clean) beaches, it (to be) a proof that they are really concerned about the environment.

3. Read and translate the text: The greenhouse effect

A) Pay attention to the usage of the Present Indefinite Tense and the Present Continuous Tense.

1) A greenhouse

A greenhouse is a building made of glass, where you can grow flowers and other plants that need a lot of warmth.

2) How it works

The sun shines in through the glass and warms the greenhouse and the roof and walls keep the heat from getting out.

3) Our greenhouse

The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases (with names like carbon dioxide) that act just like a greenhouse. The sun shines in, and the blanket of gases traps (поглощает) the heat like a roof, keeping it close to the planet. That’s good – we can’t live without warmth.

4) What’s going on

Factories, electric power plants, and cars are making a lot of new gases. Even trees, when they’re cut down, give off the gases! These new gases are trapping more and more of the sun’s heat. This is called the greenhouse effect, or global warming.

B)Put the verbs into the correct form: the Present Indefinite Tense or the Future Indefinite Tense.

5) What can happen

If the earth’s temperature (to get) hotter by just a few degrees, it (to change) the weather all over the planet in big ways. Places that (to be) warm (to become) too hot to live in and places that (to be) cold (to become) warm. The place that (to grow) most of our food (to get) too hot to grow crops anymore.

We (to help) stop the greenhouse effect if we (to use) less energy, (to protect and to plant) trees, and (to recycle) materials.

C) Ask general, alternative, special and disjunctive questions to the first sentence of the last part of the text.

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