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I. Прочитайте та усно перекладіть текст. А.М. Terpigorev (1873-1959)

1. Academician A.M. Terpigorev is a well-known mining engineer who successfully combined his practical experience with scientific research. In 1892 he finished school with honours and decided to get a higher education. He chose the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg.

2. At the Institute he studied the full range of subjects relating to metallurgy, mining and mining mechanics. At that time students' specialization was based on descriptive courses and elementary practical training. One of the best lecturers was A. P. Karpinsky. His lectures on historical geology were very popular.

3. A.M. Terpigorev visited mines during his practical training and saw that the miners' work was very difficult. While he was working in the Donbas he collected material for his graduation paper which he soon defended. The Mining of flat seams in the Donbas was carefully studied and described in it. In 1897 Terpigorev graduated from the Institute with a first-class diploma of a mining engineer.

4. His first job as a mining engineer was at the Sulin mines where he worked for more than three years first as Assistant Manager and later as Manager. From 1900 till 1922 Terpigorev worked at the Yekaterinoslav Min­ing Institute (now the Mining Institute in Dnepropetrovsk).

5. In 1922 he accepted an offer to take charge of the mining chair at the Moscow Mining Academy and moved to Moscow. From 1930 he headed the chairs of Mining Transport and Mining of Bedded Deposits at the Moscow Mining Institute.

6. Academician Terpigorev took a particular interest in mine safety. As a result of his investigations a series of safety measures in gassy collieries was worked out. For some time he was working on the problem of fire damp, the most harmful and dangerous of all the gases in mines.

7. His two-volume work Coal Mining and Mine Transport Facilities is a full description of the state of mechanization and the economy of the Donbas. His other works are about mining transport facilities, mecha­nization of coal mining and mining machinery.

II. Знайдіть відповіді на запитання.

  1. What institute did he graduate from?

  2. What material did he collect while he was working in the Donbas?

  3. Where did Terpigorev work from 1900 till 1922?

  4. What did Terpigorev take a particular interest in?

  5. What problems do Terpigorev's works deal with?

III. Вкажіть номери речень які відповідають змісту текста.

1. After school Terpigorev decided to work at a mine.

2. Terpigorev collected material for his graduation paper which dealt with mining thick seams in the Donbas.

3. When the students study surveying they have practical work in the field.

4. He was one of the first to work on the problem of gasification of coal.

5. Sediments are formed either at the surface or near the surface of the earth.

IV. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть 1 2, 3, 4, 5 та 6 абзаци тексту.

V. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх на українську мову. Визначте в кожному з них видо-часову форму, стан та інфінітив дієслова-присудка.

1. During the practical training Terpigoriev visited mines and saw that the miner’ work was very difficult.

2. We were shown a number of experiments illustrating the presence of high-energy particles in the cosmic radiation.

3. At the moment I’m working very hard because I have exams soon.

4. The research workers had made a lot of experiments before they received positive results.

5. Many important observations are being made about outer space by the cosmonauts.

VI. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на типи підпорядкування.

1. When two elements combine, they form what is known as a compound.

2. The machine that was installed in our shop yesterday is likely to be put into operation next week.

3. We know that they were investigating this phenomenon in the laboratory for a month.

4. Until the device is repaired, we can’t do anything.

5. The access to the mountain was difficult due to the great amount of snow which had fallen during the last weak.

VII. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на функції слів one (ones), this (these), that (those).

1. In case of need one can easily replace any detail.

2. The program requirements of an extra-mural education are similar to those for regular institutes.

3. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.

4. The methods of loading that have been developed lately differ greatly from the old ones.

5. This excavator proved to be more effective than the one we had used.

VIII. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на форми та функції інфінітиву.

1. The road surface to be repaired was destroyed many years ago by heavy vehicles.

2. To show this phenomenon in terms of forces between currents is the purpose of our experiments.

3. To estimate a nickel ore the geologists must know how nickel is distributed.

4. They are sure to take part in the research.

5. They are glad to have obtained such results.

А.М. Терпигорев (1873-1959)

1. Академик А.М. Терпигорев- знаменитый горный инженер, который успешно совмещал свой практический опыт с научными исследованиями. В 1892 он закончил школу с отличием и решил получить высшее образование. Он выбрал горный институт в Санкт-Петербурге.

2. В институте он изучал полный набор предметов, касающихся металлургии, горного дела и горных машин. В то время специализация студентов основывалась на описательных курсах и элементарном практическом обучении. Одним из лучших лекторов был А.П.Карпинский. Были очень популярны его лекции по истории геологии.

3. А.М. Терпигорев во время учебы посещал шахты и видел, насколько была трудна работа шахтеров. Во время работы на Донбассе он собирал материал для дипломной работы, которую вскоре защитил. В ней он подробно изучил и описал разработку плоских пластов на Донбассе. В 1897 А.М. Терпигорев закончил институт с первоклассным дипломом горного инженера.

4. Его первым местом работы в качестве горного инженера были Сулинские рудники, где он проработал более трех лет сначала заместителем директора, а позже – директором. С 1900 по 1922 А.М. Терпигорев работает в Екатеринославском высшем горном училище (сейчас Днепропетровский горный институт).

5. В 1922 принял предложение возглавить кафедру в Московской горной Академии и переехал в Москву. С 1930 возглавлял кафедру горного транспорта и добычи пластовых месторождений в Московском горном институте.

6. Академик Терпигорев проявлял особый интерес к безопасности труда на шахте. В результате его исследований был выработан ряд мер безопасности в загазованных рудниках. Некоторое время он работал над проблемой рудничного газа, наиболее вредного и опасного из всех газов в шахте.

7. Его двухтомная работа «добыча угля и горный транспорт» -это подробное описание состояния механизации и экономики Донбасса. Другие его работы – о горном транспорте, механизации добычи угля и горном оборудовании.

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