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SHPORA state exam theoretical questions.doc
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1.The historical development of analytical forms of the verbs in English.

Synthetical form form is the inner form of a word

Analytical form is a outer f. – is grammatical form which is a signal…

E.g.: Never mix up grammatical and lexical meaning of the word

grammatical meaning. – root form – generalized, referred to more than one form1st pers. Sing

Lexical meaning.individual meaning .Grammatical means – synth. (affixes – suff, preff and infixes and analitical. Infixes sometimes are called sound alteration (man-men)

Analytical – auxiliary words, change of stress and word order

‘s – 3 grammatical markers – 1per, sing – synthetical marker

Not many synthetical forms in English -s, -ing, -ed, -er (degree of comparison)

First analytical f. appeared in the end of Old English period – forms of future (see the table 81)

2. The historical development of plural forms of nouns in English. Development of plural ending :

Development of plural ending

To say that the only form of plural and –s is incorrect (0-endign[sheep-sheep, beer-beer]. So ending –s (es) goes back to the plural ending of nouns of masculine gender a-stem declension. - table 40

a-stem declension was the most used and inductive (influence other nouns to accepts its ending)

Many nouns, especially masc and neutral g. take ending (-s, -es)

  • analogical form

  • Historical form

The ending –n goes back to the weak declension of nouns (-an in Old English reduced and became –n) – naman – namen

Root declension (foot-feet, goose – geese), Book [boc] – (root declension)

Process of unification

0-ending (навіть в українській мові – «риба» і для однини і множини)

0-ending for plural goes back to a-stem declension of neuter gender with a long root vowel (ship [scip], sheep - ;

(later into English come words from Latin and Greek – medium – media, phenomenon – phenomena)

3. Classification of OE verbs. 4 main groups of verbs:

Strong, weak, preterite-present and, suppletive

Strong (current non-standard words)

Weak (слабкі дієслова – current standard words)

Preterite – past tense words considered by a speaker as present – (developed into current modal verbs???)“t” in the ending – once weak now strong (non-standard)

4. The development of adjectives throughout the history of the English language.

Adjectives were fully declinable words (gender, number, strong-weak, 2 degrees of comparison)

In MidE – reduction закінчень і прикметник втрачає свої категорії роду і числа, у нього залишаються лише ступені порівняння які мають редуковану форму. Перенос наголосу у цей період.Також залишаються strong and weak declensions (disappear in Middle English). Suppletive forms (good-better-best)

5. The development of pronouns throughout the history of the English language.

.The most numerous in OE were 2 groups of pronouns: -personal and demonstrative


  • Number (sing, plural, dual)

  • Gender 3 p. sing (m, f, n)


- Number и Протиставлення (то, что осталось в современном английском) – the other features disappeared

Changes in the system of Personal Pronoun :

During ME the Genetive case separates from the rest of cases and begins to function as posessive pronoun.

Dual number disappears (merged with plural), They - borrowed from Scandinavian, She began to be used instead of heo (ME)Dativee and Accusative began to merge in ME. In Early NewE pronouns are started to be used in singular


  1. Word derivation in Modern English

  2. Native and Borrowed Words in Modern English. Degree of Assimilation of Borrowed Words.

Words.:Assimilationphonetic, grammatic, semantic.

Assimilated, non-assimilated, partially assimilated

Ex: Data-datum – partially assimilated, Machine – French borrow – not-assim phonetically (because of stress on the second syllable)

  1. Compound words. Their Structure and Meaning.

  2. Polymorphic nouns. Their Structure and Meaning.

  3. Affixation as a Way of Word Formation in Modern English.

Affixation is … derivational affixes

Suffixation is more productive than prefixation. Affixes

1) living and dead (types of affixes): Beautiful – beauti-ful – living, Admit – ad-mittere – dead (merged)

2) Productive & non-productive

P – capable to produce new words (over-worked, under-estimated) Functional – derivational

3) convey grammatical meaning (near, near-er, near-est); do not form a new word

4) serving to supply the stem with components of lexical and lexico-grammatical meaning (bagg-y, fool-ish)root-affixational

5) lexical centre of the word (manage-ment, help-less)

6) (inflections and derivational affixes: hope-ful, like-able, warm-er)

7) free-bound

8) (occuring in isolation as separate words and functioning as independent words: sad, bamboo) not found in isolation: dis-function, use-less)

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