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Archaic, obsolescent and absolute words.

The word stock o any lang is in an increasing state of changes. There’re 3 stages in the aging process of words.

1)obsolescent words become rarely used. They are in the stage of gradually passing out of general words. To this category first of all belong morpholgical forms typical of the early stages in the development of the language. (thou- thee- thy-thine are fors of you)

2)absolute words have already gone out of use but are still recognized by the English speaking community. (nay- no)

3) archaic proper words are no longer recognizable in modern lang. they were in the use in old English and have either dropped out of the lang entirely or have changed in their appearance so much that they have become unrecognizable. (alosel- a lazy fellow)

4) historical words. In diff periods of life in any society there were prominent events, customs and objects which are no longer in use. Such words that denote these ideas never disappear from the lang and have no synonyms.

5) Archaic words are primarily used in the creation of the realistic background to historical novels. AW can be found in the st of official docs. Their function there in terminological in character. They help to maintain the exactness of expression so necessary in this style. AW are sometimes used for the satirical purposes to create an elevated effect.

Barbarism. They bare the appearance of a borrowing and are held as something alien ...It’s the science of linguistics the branch of etymology in particular that reveals a foreign nature of such words. B are words which have already become facts of Eng. they are heart and muscle of the engl word stock though they remain on the outskirts of the literary vocabulary. In printed words foreign words are generally italicized to indicate their alien nature or their st value. B on the contrary are not main conspicuous in the text unless they bare the special load of st information. They are foreign words in the engl voc which fulfill a term function. Such words as soviet, colhoz denote certain which an objective reality not familiar to engl speaking community. There are no names for them. So they have to be explained. B on the contrary may have almost exact synonyms.


Phonetical and graphical st.d. Thus the phonemic structure of the word proves to be important for the creation of the expressive and emotive connotation in some sp types of sound instrumenting the leading role belongs to alliteration (the repetition of consonants) as in the beginning of words and assonance (repetition of similar vowels in stressed syllables). They both may produce the effect of euphonemy (a sense of ease, comfort in pronouncing the heading ) or cacophony (a sense of strain and discomfort). To create additional into a prose discourse sound instrumenting is seldom used. In Mass Media creative prose sound is foregrounded mainly through the change of its accepted graphical representation. This intentional violation of the graphical shape of the word is used to reflect its authentic pronunciation and it’s called graphon. Grapon is a coincise but effective means of supplying into the speaker’s origin and background, physical and emotional condition. Graphon is very good at conveying the atmosphere of authentic life communication, some amalgamated force which are the result of very strong assimilation became clichés in prose, dialogue (gimme, gonna). Graphical changes may reflect not only the peculiarities of pronunciation but are also used to convey the intensity of the stress, emphasizing and foregrounding the stressed words. Sometimes rules are not violated when in italics and capitalization.

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