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Love & Relationships

ask for someone's hand in marriage

- to ask someone to marry you

After dating his girlfriend for several years the man finally asked for her hand in marriage.

attracted to (someone)

- to feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone

I was attracted to the woman at the party from the moment that I first met her.

blind date

- a date where the two people have never met before

I went on a blind date in university but it was not too successful.

break (someone's) heart

- to cause someone emotional pain

The man broke his girlfriend's heart when he told her that he no longer loved her.

break up

- to end a relationship

The couple broke up after dating for more than three years.

crazy about (someone)

- to think that another person is wonderful

My cousin has been crazy about her colleague for many months now.

date (someone)

- to go on a date with someone, to have a date with someone

My sister has been dating her boyfriend for about two years.

dig (someone)

- to like someone a lot

The girl really digs the boy in her chemistry class.

double date

- a date where two couples do something together

It was fun to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something different.

dump (someone)

- to end a relationship by telling someone that you do not want to see him or her

The woman dumped her boyfriend after they had a big fight.

fall for (someone)

- to begin to feel love for someone

The woman always falls for the wrong person and is never happy.

fall in love (with someone)

- to begin to experience feelings of love for someone

The man fell in love with a woman from his university class and they got married several months later.

find Mr. Right

- to find the right or perfect person

The woman is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she has not had any luck.

find the right girl/guy

- to find the right partner, to find the person you want to marry

The woman is always making an effort to find the right guy.

first love

- the first person that one falls in love with

The girl's first love was with a boy in her high school art class.

get along with (someone)

- to have a good friendly relationship with someone

The woman gets along with everybody very well.

get back together

- to return to a relationship or marriage after separating

The man got back together with his girlfriend after separating for several months last winter.

get engaged

- to decide to marry someone

The man got engaged to his wife several years before they got married.

get hitched

- to get married

My sister and her boyfriend surprised everyone by suddenly getting hitched last weekend.

get serious (with someone)

- to become more serious with someone (used for a relationship)

The two students dated for several months before they began to get serious.

give (someone or something) a second chance

- to try to save a relationship by forgiving and welcoming the other person back, to give a person or a relationship a second chance

The girl's boyfriend left her for several months but when he came back she was happy to give him a second chance.

go dutch

- to go on a date where each person pays half of the expenses

Many university students have little money so they often go dutch when they go on a date.

good together

- to be able to get along well with each other

The couple are good together and nobody has ever seen them argue.

go out with (someone)

- to go on a date or to be dating someone

I am going out with a woman from my hiking club.

go steady

- to date one person regularly (not so common recently but at one time used often by teenagers)

The two students have been going steady for three years now.

have a crush (on someone)

- to have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results)

The girl has a crush on a boy in her class.

have a thing for (someone)

- to be attracted and care about someone

The girl has a thing for the new boy in her class.

head over heels in love with (someone)

- to be very much in love with someone, to be completely in love

My friend is head over heels in love with someone in his company.

hit it off (with someone)

- to get along well with someone (from the first time that you meet that person)

I hit it off with a woman in my photography class and we have been dating for several months now.

hung up on (someone)

- to be obsessed with another person, to be interested in another person

The young woman is hung up on a member of her tennis club.

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