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Computer reader.doc
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Lesson 1 evolution of the computer

  1. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

electronic computing machine – електронна обчислювальна машина

advanced - передовий

brainwork - розумова праця

reliably - надійно

forecast - прогноз

scope - сфера, масштаб

research establishment - дослідницький заклад

accounts department - бухгалтерський відділ

man's muscles - людські м'язи

human being - людина

same - той самий, однаковий

to play an important role - грати важливу роль

fast - швидкий

cheap - дешевий

aircraft design - проектування літаків

a few - декілька

undoubtedly - безперечно

to widen - розширяти(ся), поширювати(ся)

II. Read and translate the following text:

Not many years ago the electronic computing machine was little more than a highbrow laboratory in­strument, to be found only in the more advanced mathematics departments of universities or government research establishments.

Nowadays it performs nearly all the functions of a large commercial accounts department. These ma­chines are constructed on the best engineering princi­ples.

But what is the reason for this sudden popular­ity? The answer is of course, that a new and advanced form of mechanization is beginning to appear in indus­try and commerce - mechanization of brain work.

Whereas in the Industrial Revolution it was man's muscles that were replaced by mechanical power, in this latest phase, which we sometimes call the Second Industrial Revolution, we see machines taking over some of his simpler mental processes. It is uneconomic to employ human beings, when there are machines which can do the same operations faster, cheaper and more reliably.

Aircraft design, ballistics, crystallography, elec­tron optics, astronomy, pure mathematics and weather forecasting are just a few of activities in which comput­ing machines are playing an important role. And the scope will undoubtedly widen in the future.


L Answer the questions:

What was the electronic computing machine not many years ago?

  1. Where could they be found?

  2. What was replaced by mechanical power, in the latest phase, which we sometimes call the Second Industrial Revolution?

  3. What machine is economic to employ instead of hu­man beings in taking over some of their simpler mental processes?

  4. In what activities does the computer play an impor­tant role?

II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:

1. Is the slide rule probably … accurate device?

  1. When did processes expand and become complex?

  2. Since 1973, the number of micro­computers in use has ... than doubled.

  3. ...plants are logically structured more into general - to specific level of operating in pyramidal fashion.

the most




III. Give the English equivalents:

» електронна обчислювальна машина;

  • урядовий дослідницький заклад;

  • передова форма механізації;

  • швидше, дешевше та надійніше; » прогнозувати погоду;

  • механізація розумової праці;

• збудований за кращими машинобудівними принци­пами.

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