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6. Тг 1. The main grammatical categories of the noun

Noun is the central lexical unit of language. It is the main nominative unit of speech.

1. semantically – N names physical objects or abstract notions (in a general sense)

morphologically – N has 3 categories: of case, number, gender

syntactically – N can be the subject, attribute, adverbial modifier or compound nominal predicate

2.grammar-semantic classes of N:

common (нариц) – proper (собств)

common divided: countable(исчис), uncountable, collective (собир)

count: concrete (animate одуш \boy\ & inanimate \table\)

non-count: abstract \fun\ - material \bread\

collective: animate (nouns of multitude) – inanimate (collective proper \money, news, info\)

3.the cg of gender it does not find regular morphological expression. The distinction of male, female and neuter may a) correspond to the lexical meaning of the N: names of male beings – man, husband; names of female beings – woman, wife; names of inanimate objects – table, house.

4.the cg of number E N have singular (oneness, generalization, indiscreteness(неразделен)) & plural(the esistence of several objects, the inner discreteness, pluraletantum(glasses) ) forms. T sg form is unmarked, t pl form is marked by t inflection –(e)s. It also can be expressed by vowel-change: man-men, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice. Or identical forms: sheep

5.the cg of case is a gram cg which shows relation of t N with other words in a sentence. Is expressed by t form of t N. E N have 2 cases – t common case & t genitive (possessive) c. There are certain N (inanimate objects) that cannot be used in the genitive case. T common c is unmarked. T genitive c. is marked by t apostrophe & suffix –s. T main meaning of t genitive c. is that of possession. T possessive c. is mainly used with animate nouns & sometimes with inanimate such as: 1) geographical names (town, country, England, world, Moon) 2) transport names (ship, car) 3) words denoting time & distance (a mile’s distance; an hour’s walk). T poss c. in E can function only as attribute before a determined noun.

7. Тг 2. General characteristics of the adjective and the categories of the a.

The meaning of A. is the mean of property. According to this meaning all A. can be classified as qualitative(качественный) and relative(относительн).

Formation of A. Many F. are formed from other parts of speech by adding different suffixes (Ex: -able, -ible, -al, -ish,-ful, -less, y, etc.).

The A. has the forms of degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative.

Degrees of comparison

are formed 1) by adding the suffixes –er and –est; 2) by using more and most before A. A few A. have irregular forms for degrees of comparison.

Function in phrases

  1. May combine with nouns presiding and following them: big room, times immemorial.

They also may combine with a presiding adverb :Very large.

A. can be followed by phrases: free from danger.

They may combine with verbs : married young.

Function in the sentence

  1. An attribute(определ). A. used attributively usually precede the noun immediately.

She had pleasant blue eyes and very long hair.