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иностранных языков

English for marine engineering cadets (Английский для курсантов-судомехаников)

Учебное пособие

для курсантов I курса СМФ

Мурманск 2011

Составители -

Лариса Ивановна Окунева, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета.

Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой иностранных языков, протокол №

Рецензент -

кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета.

Редактор Г.В. Зобнина

© Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2011


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для курсантов 1 курса судомеханического факультета на начальном этапе обучения по дисциплине «Английский язык». Целью данного курса является обучение как устной, так и письменной форме общения.

Для обучения устной речи в учебное пособие включены упражнения и задания, помогающие обучаемым приобрести навыки подготовленного и неподготовленного монологического высказывания, развить умения и навыки диалогической речи и научиться участвовать в беседах и дискуссиях, а также воспринимать на слух различные сообщения по изучаемой тематике.

Для обучения чтению в учебное пособие включены тексты, которые включают изученный грамматический и лексический материал. Послетекстовые упражнения направлены на развитие умений и навыков ведения беседы по темам прочитанных текстов.

Особое внимание уделяется изучению грамматического материала и расширению активного и пассивного словаря общеразговорной и морской лексики. Учебное пособие включает упражнения на активизацию новой лексики, справочный грамматический материал и лабораторные работы на закрепление полученных знаний. Наряду с тренировочным лексико-грамматическим материалом в пособии предусмотрен раздел на повторение изученной лексики и грамматики для подготовки обучаемых к выполнению контрольных заданий.



REVISION……………………………………………………………………….. 17




1. Match the phrases with the pictures. 25


2. Listen to the CD. A visitor wants to see the ship. The Chief Officer takes him on a tour. What places do they talk about? 26

3. Listen to the dialogue again. Rearrange the places they talk about in correct order (according to the dialogue). There are some extra places which you don’t need to use. 26

The chart room 27

The officers’ messroom 27

The bridge 27

The officers’ cabins 27

The hospital 27

The radio room 27

The ratings’ cabins 27

The engine room 27

The laundry 27

The galley 27

The Captain’s office 27

4. Match the questions with the answers. 27

Where is the hospital? 27

Behind the bridge. 27

Where is the Captain’s office? 27

At the end of the corridor. 27

Where is the ratings’ accommodation? 27

Up the stairs. 27

Where is the chart room? 27

On the port side. 27

Where is the bridge? 27

Two decks/levels down 27

5. Pair work. Act as the Chief Officer and explain a visitor the way to different places on the ship. Start from the main deck. A visitor (your study partner) wants to get to: 27

The bridge 27

The radio room 27

The chart room 27

The hospital 27

The officers’ cabins 27

The ratings’ cabins 27

The Captain’s office 27

6. Read the dialogue and check whether your directions were correct. 27

7. Read the phrases below. They show that you understand or agree. Find the words and phrases in the dialogue in Ex 6 and reproduce the situations where these phrases are used. 28


8. Listen to the recording. Repeat the phrases. 28

9. Make up short dialogues “Guests at the University”. Ask for directions to the Dean’s office (the library, the English chair, the gymnasium, the college hostel, the messroom and so on). Your study partner must explain the way to the place you need. 28

LESSON 4 (additional lesson) 28

approximately 28

[q'prOksimitli] 28

приблизительно 28

area 28

['Fqriq ] 28

регион, территория 28

beautiful 28

['bjHtiful] 28

красивый 28

buy 28

[bai ] 28

покупать 28

chef 28

[Cef] 28

шеф повар 28

clothes 28

[klouDz] 28

одежда 28

continue 29

[kqn'tinjH] 29

продолжать 29

east 29

[Jst] 29

восток 29

explore 29

[iks'plL] 29

исследовать 29

explorer 29

[iks'plLrq] 29

исследователь 29

famous 29

['feimqs] 29

известный 29

food 29

[fHd] 29

еда 29

free 29

[frJ] 29

бесплатный 29

hill waking 29

['hil 'wLkiN] 29

горный туризм 29

in honour 29

[in 'Onq] 29

в честь 29

journey 29

['GWni] 29

путешествие 29

local people 29

['loukql 'pJpl] 29

местные жители 29

market 29

['mRkit] 29

рынок 29

mountain 29

['mauntin] 29

гора 29

north 29

[nLT] 29

север 29

outdoor sports 29

['autdL 'spLts] 29

спорт на открытом воздухе 29

owner 29

['ounq] 29

собственник 29

rent 29

[rent] 29

взять на прокат 29

restaurant 29

['restqrOnt] 29

ресторан 29

shop (go/do shopping) 29

[SOpiN] 29

делать покупки 29

skiing 29

['skiiN] 29

катание на лыжах 29

south 29

[sauT] 29

юг 29

souvenir 29

['sHvqniq] 29

сувенир 29

square 29

[skwFq] 29

площадь 29

statue 29

['stxtjH] 29

статуя 29

surfing 29

['sWfiN] 29

серфинг 29

view 29

[vjH] 29

вид 29

village 29

['viliG] 29

деревня 29

west 29

[west ] 29

запад 29

1. Look at the map of the area of New Dale. Look for : a hotel, a hospital, a river, a hill town, the beach, two bridges, four villages. 29



noun + -у, -ous adjective 34

verb + -able adjective 34

It snows in winter. 35

Зимой идет снег 35

время и расстояние 35

It is two p.m. now. 35

It is far from the center. 35

Сейчас два часа дня 35

Это далеко от центра 35

оценку совершения действия и состояния 35

It is difficult to translate the text from Russian into English. 35

It is cool in the classroom. 35

Трудно переводить текст с русского на английский 35

В классе прохладно 35

Now put these words into the correct columns: 36


1. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the degrees of comparison. 40

4. Answer the following questions: 41

5. Read and translate the following phrases. 41

The Weather in Britain 41


1. Read the text “Winter in Murmansk” 42


Причастие настоящего времени 45

(Participle I) 45

Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) образуется от инфинитива глагола, к которому прибавляется окончание –ing: 45


talk  ing  talking 45

Если глагол оканчивается на непроизносимую букву –е, то при прибавлении окончания –ing эта буква опускается: 45

take + ing = giving 45

Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, перед которой стоит одна гласная, то конечная гласная удваивается: 45

cut + ing = cutting 45

Если глагол оканчивается на букву –у, то при добавлении окончания –ing эта буква сохраняется: 45

study + ing = studying 45

В предложении Participle I выполняет следующие функции: 45

1. Определения: 45

The approaching ship is a passenger liner. 45

Приближающееся суднопассажирский лайнер. 45

The ship approaching the port is a passenger liner 45

Судно, приближающееся к порту – пассажирский лайнер. 45

2. Обстоятельства: 45

времени: 45

(When) approaching the port the ship orders a tug. 45

Приближаясь к порту, судно заказывает буксир. 45

причины: 45

Wishing to know English well he studies hard. 45

Он усердно занимается, так как хочет хорошо знать английский. 45

образа действия: 45

The marine engineer repairs the machinery reading the manual. 46

Механик ремонтирует оборудование, читая инструкцию. 46

1. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. 46

1. The ship entering the port is a tanker. 46

2. The man steering the ship is experienced AB. 46

3. Working on deck the cadets learn how to use the tackle. 46

4. They maintain the machinery properly cleaning and lubricating it when it is necessary. 46

5. He wants to be a good specialist that is why he spends much time reading a lot of technical literature. 46

6. Repairing the pump he always consults the manual. 46

7. The smiling girl is my sister. 46

8. Being an experienced seaman he always helps to navigate the ship. 46

9. The man overhauling the engine is the ship’s second engineer. 46

10. Wishing to take the exam in mathematics he works hard solving difficult tasks. 46

2. Make up Participle I adding –ing to the given verbs. 46

Check, go, board, clean, load, carry, test, know, enjoy, walk, smoke, buy, visit, lubricate, replace, plot, hold, take, stay, explore, fit, place, paint, sweep, prepare. 46

Настоящее длительное время 46

(The Present Continuous Tense) 46

Present Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем лице и числе и Participle I смыслового глагола: 46

to be + Participle I 46

утвердительная форма 46

отрицательная форма 46

I am working 46

you are working 46

he (she, it) is working 46

we are working 46

you are working 46

they are working 46

I am not working 46

you are not working 46

he (she, it) is not working 46

we are not working 46

you are not working 46

they are not working 46

вопросительная форма 46

краткие ответы 46

am I working 46

are you working 46

is he (she, it) working 46

are we working 46

are you working 46

are they working 46

Yes, I am. (No, I am not) 46

Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.) 46

Yes, he (she, it) is. (No, he (she, it) isn’t.) 46

Yes, we are. (No, we aren’t.) 46

Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.) 46

Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t.) 46

The Present Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения: 47

1. действия, совершающегося в момент речи: 47

He is translating the text now (at the moment) 47

Он переводит сейчас текст. 47

- What are you doing, Mark? 47

- I’m repairing my bike. 47

- Что ты делаешь, Марк? 47

- Я ремонтирую свой велосипед. 47

2. действия, совершающегося в настоящий период времени: 47

Now they are resting somewhere in the south. 47

Сейчас они отдыхают где-то на юге. 47

3. запланированного будущего действия: 47

We are taking the English exam on Friday. 47

Мы сдаем экзамен по английскому языку в пятницу. 47


Present Continuous не употребляется со следующими глаголами: 47


Be, have, like, love, hate, want, know, understand, forget, agree, prefer 47


3. Match the phrases with the pictures. 47

is reading a manual 47

is painting the wall 47

is steering the vessel 47

is boarding the vessel 47

is cleaning the cabin 47

is writing a letter 47

is checking the charts 47

is carrying a pot 47

is repairing the radio 47

is sweeping the deck 47

is testing the alarms 47

is loading the cargo 47


4. Complete the sentences using Present Continuous. 48

Example: The steward ……… the flow. (clean) 48

The steward is cleaning the floor. 48


1. Look at the pictures of Ex. 3 (lesson 3). Listen to the recording. The Chief Officer is talking to the Bosun. What activities do they talk about? Tick the activities you hear in Exercise1. 50

2. Look at the picture. 50


a) ask your study partner questions about the seamen’s activities on deck. 51

b) practise a dialogue “Your ship is arriving at the port. The Captain commanded “All hands job”. What’s happening on deck?”. Let your study partner act as a Chief Officer and you as a bosun. 51

3. Look at a new picture. Are all seamen at work now? Is the work on deck well organized? 51


4. Make up a dialogue between the Captain and the Chief Officer. The Captain is interested what is happening: 52

On the bridge. 52

The following words and expressions may help you 52

for the Captain 52

for the Chief Officer 52

To be on watch 52

To plot the route on charts (take bearings) 52

To steer the ship 52

To take over 52

Experienced (inexperienced)seaman 52

In the engine room. 52

for the Captain 52

for the Chief Officer 52

As far as I know 52

To be in order (out of order) 52


To check the equipment 52

To repair the faulty machinery 52

To read manual 52

Must help 52

In the radio room. 52

for the Captain 52

for the Chief Officer 52

To be busy with 52

To be under repair 52

To be responsible of 52

To maintain communication 52

To take messages from the nearest port 52

To receive weather reports 52

On deck. 52


1. Look out of the window and answer the questions about today’s weather. 52

a) What season is it at present? 52

b) Is the weather fine (nasty)? 52

c) Is it cold or warm? 52

d) Is there much sunshine today? 52

e) Is the sky cloudy and overcast? 52

f) Is the sun shining brightly? 52

g) Is it snowing (raining)? 52

h) Is the snow melting and turning into slush? 52

i) Is the wind blowing? 52

j) Do you like today’s weather? 52

2. Describe today’s weather. 52

To be going (to do) 53

To be going to + инфинитив употребляется для выражения намерения совершить действие в будущем и переводится на русский язык глаголами «намереваться», «собираться (что-то делать)» 53

Утвердительная форма 53

I am going to stay in Moscow up to the 1st of September. 53

Я собираюсь остаться в Москве до 1-го сентября. 53

Вопросительная форма 53

Are you going to visit this sailing ship on Sunday. 53

Ты собираешься посетить этот парусник в воскресенье? 53

Отрицательная форма 53

He isn’t going to put to sea in a month. 53

Он не собирается в море через месяц. 53

3. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow? Make up the weather forecast for tomorrow. 53

4. Look at the picture. Marcus, an engineer, is thinking about his next voyage. Answer the questions. 53


1. Where is Marcus going to go? 53

2. When is he going to leave? 53

3. How is he going to travel? 53

4. What is he going to take? 53

5. Listen to the recording. Marcus is going to go to sea. He is talking to his friend, Peter, about his plans. Is anyone going to help him? 54

6. Listen to the recording again. Marcus is making a list of all things to do before his voyage. Write what each person is going to do. 54

1. Laura is going to ……… . 54

2. The office manager is going to ……… . 54

3. The children are going to ……… . 54

4. Tom is going to ……… . 54

5. Marcus is going to ……… . 54

7. Imagine that you are going to sea. What are you going to do before you leave? Begin your sentences with I’m going to. 54

8. Imagine that you are preparing for your next voyage. You meet your friend, Mark, in a café. Answer Mark’s questions and complete the dialogue. 54

Mark: Hi! How are you? 54

You: …………………………………….. 54

Mark: Fine. When are you going to go to see? 54

You: ..…………………………………….. 54

Mark: You don’t have much time, do you? 54

You: ……………………………………... 54

Mark: Where are you going to go? 54

You: ……………………………………… 54

Mark: How long are you going to be away? 54

You: ……………………………………… 54

Mark: Are you going to take a lot with you? 54

You: ……………………………………… 54

Mark: When are you going to come back? 54

You: …………………………………….. 54

Mark: Okay. Until then. Have a safe voyage! 54

You: ……………………………………… 54

Mark: Bye! 54




abandon 54

q'bxndqn 54

покинуть 54

accident 54

['xksident] 54

несчастный случай 54

attempt 54

[q'tempt] 54

попытка, пытаться 54

cargo hold 54

['kRgou 'hould] 54

грузовой трюм 54

collision 55

[kq'liZn] 55

столкновение 55

casualty (victim) 55

['kxZjuqlti 'viktim] 55

пострадавший 55

emergency party 55

[i'mWdZqnsi] 55

аварийная партия 55

enter 55

['entq] 55

входить 55

evacuate 55

[i'vxkjueit] 55

эвакуировать 55

extinguish 55

[iks'tiNgwiS] 55

тушить 55

fire 55

['fQiq] 55

огонь 55

flood (flooding) 55

[flAd] 55

затопить, (затопление) 55

grab 55

[grxb] 55

хватать 55

grounding 55

['graundiN] 55

посадка на мель 55

immediately 55

[i'midiqtli] 55

немедленно 55

inform 55

[in'fLm] 55

информировать 55

leak 55

[lJk] 55

течь, утечка, протекать 55

life boat station 55

шлюпочный пост 55

lower 55

['louq] 55

спускать 55

man overboard 55

человек за бортом 55

oil spill 55

[Oil spil] 55

разлив топлива 55

proceed 55

[prq'sJd] 55

проследовать 55

put on 55

надеть 55

put out 55

тушить 55

release 55

[re'lJs] 55

освобождать (зд. бросать) 55

smoke 55

[smouk] 55

дым, курить 55

sound 55

[saund] 55

звучать 55

spread 55

[spred] 55

распространяться 55

standby 55

[stxndbai] 55

режим ожидания 55

watch out! 55

осторожно! 55

1. Match the words with the pictures. Remember the emergency situations. 55


It’s very important that everyone understands commands in an emergency. Commands are usually very short. When we give commands we use the verb in the infinitive form (without to). We do not use I, you ,he, she… 56

Example : Sound the alarms! 56

Don’t open the door! 56


2. Look at the verbs. Complete the sentences. Choose a verb for each command. 56

get 57

call 57

lower 57

smoke 57

enter 57

close 57

proceed 57

stop 57

1. Fire in the kitchen! Get a fire extinguisher! 57

2. They are loading the fuel. Don’t ………… on deck! 57

3. Man overboard! ………… the life boat! 57

4. Emergency! ………… to your muster stations immediately! 57

5. Flooding in the engine room! ………… the Master! 57

6. The oil is leaking! ………… the pumps! 57

7. Fire in the cabins! ………… all fire doors! 57

8. The air is toxic! Don’t ………… that area! 57

3. Listen to the recording. Repeat the commands. 57

4. Read the commands. Choose those which are suitable in case of the emergency situations shown in the pictures of Ex. 1. 57

Sound the alarms immediately! 57

Inform the bridge! 57

Put out the fire! 57

Don’t smoke! 57

Watch out! 57

Lower the life boats! 57

Do not attempt to extinguish the fire! 57

Release the life buoy! 57

Prepare to abandon the ship! 57

Go to your emergency stations! 57

Grab the life buoy! 57

Proceed to your muster stations immediately! 57

Man overboard! 57

Get the fire extinguisher! 57

Call the Captain! 57

Put on your life jacket! 57

Get into (take to) rescue boat now! 57

Bring the First Aid Box! 57

Render the first aid! 57

Call the doctor! 57

Don’t enter the space! 57

Help the casualty! 57

Switch off electricity! 57

Put the engine on standby! 57

Remember: this - these that - those 57


5. Look at the pictures. Complete the commands. Use this, that, these, those. 58




6. Complete the commands using a suitable verb. Choose this or these. 59

1. …………… life buoy. 59

2. …………… alarms. 59

3. …………… face mask. 59

4. …………… immersion suits. 59

5. …………… life jackets. 59

6. …………… First Aid Box. 59

7. …………… alarm. 59

8. …………… operational manual. 59

9. …………… pumps. 59

10. …………… room. 59


7. Complete the commands using a suitable verb. Choose that or those. 59

1. …………… muster station. 59

2. …………… telephone. 59

3. …………… cargo holds. 59

4. …………… extinguishers. 59

5. …………… safety manual. 59

6. …………… fire doors. 59

7. …………… fire hose. 59

8. …………… life raft. 59

9. …………… spaces. 59

10. …………… rescue boats. 59

8. Listen to the CD. There is an emergency on board. What is it? 59

9. Now read these commands. Only some of them are in the dialogue. Listen to the dialogue again. What commands do you hear? 59

Prepare to abandon the ship! 59

Watch out! 60

Release the life buoy! 60

Go to your emergency stations! 60

Proceed to your muster stations immediately! 60

Man overboard! 60

Lower the life boats! 60

Sound the alarms immediately! 60

Do not attempt to extinguish the fire! 60

Put out the fire! 60

Call the Captain! 60

Get the fire extinguisher! 60

Get everybody out! 60


1. Tell what your actions are if you hear “Fire in the engine room!” alarm and you are: 60

1. in the engine room; 60

2. in your cabin; 60

3. a member of the emergency party. 60

2. Look at the pictures. They show an enclosed space rescue. What must the members of the emergency party do? Talk about each picture. 60

3. Read the text from a safety manual. Check your answers from Exercise 1. The words given below the text may help you to understand it. 61

apply 61

[q'plai] 61

использовать, применять 61

monitor 61

['mOnitq] 61

контролировать 61

remove 61

[ri'mHv] 61

уносить, перемещать 61

resuscitation 61

[ri"sAsi'teiSqn] 61

реанимация, ~ционный 61



Past Indefinite (прошедшее неопределенное время). 64

to ask (спрашивать) – asked [t] 64

to play (играть) – played [d] 64

to translate (переводить) – translated [id] 64

to carry (нести, везти) – carried [d] 64


2. Use the pictures and complete this story about Jane’s yesterday. 68


3. Read and translate the text. Consult a dictionary if it is necessary. 69

5. Correct the following statements and give your arguments in support. 70

1. The accident happened when the Russian ship was on its way to Haiphong. 70

2. The watch engineer noticed the fire and informed the bridge. 70

3. The fire was not great and they used fire extinguishers. 70

4. Yuri Razuvayev stopped putting out in an hour. 70

5. Yuri graduated from the Murmansk State Technical University. 70

6. Tell in what situations the following phrases are used. 70

1. …noticed a fire aboard; 70

2. …sounded the alarm signal; 70

3. …took up the fire-hose; 70

4. …managed to put it out; 70

5. …risked his life; 70

6. …perished during that accident; 70

7. …awarded with Medal for Labour Valour. 70

7. Pair work. Tell your study partner about: 70

a) the emergency on board; 70

b) fighting the emergency; 70

c) Yuri Razuvayev. 70


Let your study partner add the details if you omit them. 70



LESSON 5 (additional lesson) 74

And in spite of all this there was somewhere in me the thought: this is an adventure – something you read about; and it is my first voyage – and I am only twenty – and here I am enduring it as well as any of these men. 75


LESSON 7 Future Shipboard Training 80




I. Comparative and superlative of adjectives: regular and irregular. 94

Rachel: I like living in the city. Shopping`s easy, for one thing. There aren`t so 94

Example: Shopping is more difficult in the country. 94

Now give your own opinions. 94

Daniela 96

7. Translate the following texts into English. 98




B: (+) ... 111

How good is your memory? 111

Q1: ... was your first word? 111

A: ...... 111

A: ...... 112

Q12: ... was the weather like on the way to school? 112

A: ...... 112

Q13: In ... classroom was your first lesson today? 112

A: ....... 112

Q14: ... was your teacher in your first lesson? 112

A: ...... 112

II Past simple of irregular verbs: positive, negative, questions 115

III Past Simple of regular and irregular verbs 116

A 116

B 116

Example: 1. b) I`ll call the police. 117

V Future with will: questons and short answers 118

Список использованной литературы 124


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