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The present textbook “Journalism as a Profession” caters for the second year students of the faculty of journalism, specialty journalism, international journalism. This book is a part of the study complex “English for Journalism” within the programme “English for Specific Purposes”. It is designed for encouraging students to develop language, speech, discourse and professional competence.

The aims of the present textbook are as follows:

  • expanding vocabulary;

  • development of reading skills;

  • development of grammar skills;

  • development of communicating skills;

  • development of translation skills;

  • development of skills of professional writing.

The textbook consists of two Units. The Units include:

  • Part I. Students’ Book

  • Part II Practice Book

  • Part III Supplementary Reading

  • Part IY Keys to Practice Book

The book is also supplied with the listening scripts and glossary.

The textbook contains samples of original texts on the issue of The Major Discipline and Its Scope.

The students are supposed to work on Part I in class. It includes: The textbook contains samples of original texts on the issue of Journalism.

  • texts for reading and comprehension check;

  • follow up activities;

  • communication activities;

  • translation activities; project work;

  • listening/ watching;

  • achievement test.

The material of Part II is mainly aimed at self study. It includes the following parts:

  • expanding and learning vocabulary;

  • reading;

  • grammar in use;

  • writing.

Both parts contain tests on reading comprehension, grammar and achievement check.

Part III includes additional texts on the topics under study. Keys in Part IV will help to improve and save time on checking.


Students’ book



I don’t know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.”

M. Thatcher


It is difficult to imagine a more rewarding way of life than journalism. It is fairly safe to say that the journalist who is most likely to get to the top is a good, all-round person and at the same time has made himself/herself something of an expert in one or two special directions. He/she must know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little. He/she should have not only an ordinary education, but an extraordinary broad one. On top of this he/she should have a pleasant personality, be sincere, enthusiastic, have a sense of humour, be dependable, sensitive, idealistic, dedicated, open-minded and responsible. Ask anyone in business what it takes to make a newspaperman you are likely to get the whole catalogue of human virtues in answer.

What sort of people are journalists? What skills do journalists need? What qualities and qualifications do they possess? What do journalists do? The answers to these and other questions you will find in the Unit.

- Why does journalism appeal to young men and women?

- What appeals you in journalism?

- Can anyone be a journalist?

- Have you seen any films about journalists?

- Think of the most important qualities of a journalist

- What important qualities of a journalist do you think you possess?

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