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There is little truth in the proverb that waMs...docx
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  1. There is little truth in the proverb that waMs us that "opportunity knocks but once." Opportunity may not knock very loudly every time it knocks, but it ...

A is here today and gone tomorrow

B comes to very few

C must be grasped at once

D does knock many times

  1. Dams may be used to create a reservoir that, in turn, may be used to control floods. These reservoirs should not be used until the flood comes. If they are utilized for storage under normal weather conditions, their capacity to control a flood is ...

A reduced

B unknown

C increased

D extended

3. For hundreds of years, people believed that heavy objects fall to the earth faster than do light object. But scientists have now proved that the difference is not due to weight but to shape. The air pressure is different against objects of different shapes. If a coin and a feather are dropped at the same time inside long tubes from which all the air has been removed V

A the feather will fall faster ...

B they will reach the bottom at the same time

C the coin will fall faster

D the feather will not fall

4. The expression " Divide and conquer " dates back to the dawn of history, but, in spite of its age, the maxim ...

A is found in all religious writings

B gives us insight into the ancient mind

С applies just as well now as it did then

d must be reinterpreted for understanding

5. The commander in chief was an old general when they brought him reports of the progress of the battle. He did not really listen to what they said but sought their faces for more important information, the intangible evidence that meant more that all their news his military experience had taught him that the ultimate course of events would be determined by the

A commands he issued

В spirit of the army

C weakness of the opposition

D training of his forces

6. Nine hundred years ago, there were no formal universities at which students could study specific courses and receive degrees after fulfilling certain requirements. Students in those days changed masters and fields of Study ...

A every two years C by permission

B at will D according to a schedule

7. The heat of any object is determined by the rapidity of motion of the atoms that comprise it. When we heat a pan of water on a stove, we the pan and indirectly the water to the energy radiated by the name and this energy speeds up the movement of the atoms that constitute the pan and the water. When we put a jar of water in the refrigerator, we create a situation in which ...

A atomic movements will be accelerated

B atomic energy will be increased

C less radiation will be reflected

D atomic movements will be retarded

  1. The book of Daniel in the Old Testament contains the story of Belshazzar, King of Babylon. At a banquet, the king saw the fingers of a hand writing on the wall words he could not read. The Hebrew phophet Daniel said that the words predicted the destruction of the kingdom of Babylon . We now use the Words " handwriting on the wall" to mean ...

A a warning of disaster

B Hebrew writing

C writing that no one can read

D punishment for sin

9. Words are symbols for ideas. The number of ideas and combination of ideas that you are capable of producing is limited by the number of idea symbols that you understand. If you wish to increase your proficiency with ideas, you must first ...

A increase your vocabulary

B improve your intelligence

C seek technical training

D learn how to think

10. The Tower of London, an old fortress that now houses a museum and the crown jewels of England , is traditionally guarded by the beefeaters, large guards in bright uniforms. It is said that they received their unusual name because an English King, wanting his guards to be strong and healthy, included in their meals large amounts of ...

A vitamins

B milk

C meat

D vegetables

11. A business that advertises its merchandise in the newspaper may prefer that its advertisement appear in a particular section of the paper- thus, sporting equipment is advertised in the sports section, and women's clothing's advertised in the women's section. Businesses want their advertisements to be read by persons who ...

A purchase the type of goods they sell

B read the newspaper regularly

C read either the sport section or the women's section

D cannot afford to buy the type of goods offered

12. Thomas Jefferson wrote that the people are imitative creatures. He stated that it is this quality that is the germ of all education in people. From the cradle to the grave people are learning to do what they ...

A wish others to do C see others do

B want to do D are required to do

13. The wise know not only how to work, but also how to play Relaxation is essential to reinvigorate the weary mind. Socrates, recognizing this principle, found time in his old age to learn ...

A logic and ethics

B history and philosophy

C music and dancing

D physics and astronomy

14. Gestures including facial expressions, are meaningful movements of the body. Gestures are utilized to express feelings and moods over and above those transmitted by words. Although friends may talk much, more is conveyed by their gestures than by their words. In like manner, parents may verbally threaten their children, but wise children will compare the threat with ...

A what their parents have done in the past

B the consequences of their actions

C the expressions on their parents faces

D their parents love for them

15. The goal of efficient study is maximum learning in minimum time. Students are expected to devote a large amount of time to studying. But little is said about the techniques of study. Too often it is assumed that the student knows instinctively ...

A the required subject matter C the value of study per second

B how to study properly D how to avoid studying

16. The production costs of an article can be reduced by shortening the time necessary to convert the raw material into the finished product. The longer an article is in the process of manufacturing, the ...

A more likely it is to become out of date

B greater is the loss due to depreciation

C greater is its ultimate cost

D more involved is its manufacture

17. The vocabulary of the Roman did not contain any words for steamship, cannon or gunpowder because the Roman civilization did not include these articles. Words represent ideas. We do not have words to represent ideas that ...

A we do not possess

B are not original

C may change with time

D are not concrete

18. Athens and Sparta were both Greek city-states, but they developed different types of government. Athens became a democracy. The word democracy is of Greek origin and means "rule by the people" In Sparta all of the governing power belonged to a handful of people. This form of government is called oligarchy, which means rule by ...

A the mob C a few

B a king D the people

  1. This particular metal was in great demand during World War II. Very few uses for it in a civilian economy have been developed, and since the war ...

A many new plants have opened

B its production has fallen

C it has been converted to military use

D scientists have realized its importance

  1. In large cities it is the responsibility of engineers to keep the water supply pure. Everyone in the city is dependent upon these engineers for the freedom to take a drink of water without worrying about disease- producing germs. Incompetence or negligence on the part of these engineers might result in ...

A increased wine sales

B a terrible epidemic

C disinterest in sanitation

D greater public appreciation

21. The largest star in the Milky Way is about 25 times the size of the smallest. In general, the big stars do not contain twenty-five times as much material as the smaller ones. The big stars are big because the material of which they are composed is very loosely held together, whereas, in the smaller stars, the material ...

A has a gaseous density

B bums itself up slowly

C is highly compressed

D is more homogeneous

22. When air is heated it expands. Blow air into a balloon until the surface of the balloon is smooth. Then hold the balloon near a moderate heat source. The balloon will ...

A gradually deflate

B slowly melt

C becomes larger

D burst into flames

23. There is an ironic old saying that it is the shoemaker's children who go without shoes. Another saying with the same point is that it is the baker's family that ...

A goes without bread

B eats only cake

C never has shoes

D always is plump

24. Ideas are essential in the 'diet' of business. A business "gets hungry" somewhat as a person does. People cannot live without food, and businesses cannot thrive without ...

A ideas C tradition

B influence D controls

25. More extensive brain development has enabled human beings to reach and stay at the top in the race of life. In certain ways, however, humans are inferior to various species in the lower groups of animals. For instance, fish can swim better and deer can run faster. But human brain development, resulting in unexcelled intelligence, has compensated for ...

A various physical limitations

B age differentials

C intellectual shortcomings

D having no tail

26. Sharing joys and sorrows with a friend increases our well being in two ways - it doubles our joys and halves our sorrows. Telling a friend of our triumphs makes our happiness twofold, whereas telling our troubles

A dispels all our sorrow

B weakens our friendship

C increases our shame

D lessens our grief

27. Many persons express "themselves poorly. They describe a million things as "nice" and a million objects as "things." They are too lazy to make distinctions by a more careful choice of...

A grammar

B objects

C ideas

D words

28.Aesop may have been a Greek who lived in the 6th century BC or he may have been a purely fictional character. Aesop's fables about animals that talk and act like human beings are still popular with young and old. Each story has a serious lesson to teach, and thus many of them are often quoted as ...

A stories for animal lovers

B unsuitable for children

C accounts of Greek history

D guides to conduct

29. To understand something thoroughly we must know its parts. For example, we know a house when we are familiar with its rooms and with the various details of its construction. Words are built much like houses, we shall understand words better by familiarizing ourselves with ...

A the best modern writers

B available reference sources

C the elements of which they are built

D the laws of syntax

30. Carbon dioxide is constantly being given off into the air by people, animals and fires. If other factors did not check or utilize the carbon dioxide, within a short time the percentage of this gas in the atmosphere would ...

A be reduced

B Increase enormously

C no longer be formed

D decrease in importance

31. Delaware is not quite the smallest state in the United States, it is larger than Rhode Island. Because it is so highly industrialized Delaware has great wealth in spite of its size and so it is sometimes called the ...





32. Thomas Babington Macaulay, the English historian, had a phenomenal memory. He remembered exactly what he had read in every detail. Some people said that if every copy of Milton's Paradise Lost has been destroyed, Macaulay could have

A reread it

B memorized

C destroyed it

D reproduced it

33. The U.S. colonists of 1789 having rid themselves of a king and elected a president, might have been surprised to know that George Washington was a descendant of four ...

C senators

D generations

A kings

B presidents

34. When the weather at any place on the earth's surface becomes unsuitable for life, the animals can do one of two things. Either they can leave that place and go to another that is more suitable, or they can ...

C fly away

D migrate

A stay and die

B go south

35. Most of us would be insulted if we were asked to earn our wages by throwing stones over a wall and then throwing them back again. We like to work at jobs that we thing are ...





Our knowledge of the experience of past generations should help us to avoid mistakes. The race, as well as the child, should learn ...

A from the experience of others B slowly and with difficulty C by inventing new methods D by trial-and-error methods

It is our problem to find and exploit the rich deposits of ore that nature has stored in the ground. Forests, like the mines are nature's ...

A children B store houses C delight D discoveries

Experts in the study of languages have shown that the words and grammar of English and Sanskit are somewhat similar, indicating that these two languages ...

A have been spoken for many years B are entirely unrelated C are easily understood D were derived from the same source

Some distance under the surface of the ocean the water is quiet still, even during a very great storm. This occurs because waves are caused by the movement of air and the effect of air ...

A cannot reach very far down B increases with distance from the surface C is very important

D decreases as the waves become higher

Manufacturers found a method for producing plastic chairs, but before the chair would sell and this bring in profits, it had to be not only more durable but also less expensive than other, comparable chairs on the market. Production was profitable because the finished product ...

A combined quality and economy C maintained consistent quality

B was low priced D performed a unique function

The ancient Romans built many wonderful roads, which lasted centuries. The Romans made their road beds very deep up to a depth of three meters, as compared to about two thirds of a meter in our modern roads. The Romans believed that the Roman Empire would be eternal and they wanted their roads to ...

A last forever too C impress their conquerors

B be built quickly D be only temporary

Life insurance companied report that among people forty-five to fifty years of age, the lowest death rate occurs among those whose weight is from 4,5 to 9 kilograms below average. Underweight seems to be associated with ...

A occupation C longevity

B medicine D sex

Although Europe is considered a continent, it is really a peninsula extending westward from Asia. For this reason, it is sometimes considered a part of the great continent of ...

Europe C China

Eurasia D the West

44. According to Greek mythology, the baby Achilles was plunged into the rives Styx by his mother, Thetis. This made him invulnerable except for the heel by which she held him. He became a great warrior but was finally killed when an arrow shot by Paris .. A struck his heart B struck Thetis' hand C fell into the river Styx D pierced his heel

45. The planes had been in their hangars for several days because it was storming. The pilots called the weather "low ceiling" which meant that the planes could not fly because the clouds were too heavy and too ... A damp and dank C close to the earth

B darkly grey D far from the earth

46. Whereas most elephants are grey, occasionally a white elephant is born. Many years ago in India these animals were considered to be very valuable, when one was found it was given to the ruler of the country. The ruler had to feed and take care of the elephant, although the elephant did nothing for him. Now when someone gives a gift that is hard to take care of and harder to give away, we speak of it as ... A a grey elephant C a white elephant

B a valuable gift D an Indian ruler

47. It has been said that restaurants in the United States sell as much apple pie as they do all other kings of pie put together. It is not surprising then, that people sometimes say ... A "It is American as apple pie" B "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" C "An apple for the teacher" D "Washington is the Apple State"

48. Education is a journey with a destination that advances as you travel towards it. It matters not how far the mind has travelled under the guidance of a teacher; it has ... A few travelling companies B lost its desire for travel C another voyage ahead D very little luggage

Many communities experience a demand for electrical power that exceeds the supply of power on some hot summer days. The widespread use of air conditioning on such days is considered the cause of these ... A public utility profits B national environmental problems C year-round power failures D temporary power shortages

The authors describe education as a process of gaining gradual freedom from incompetence. According to them, incompetence leads to certain failure. Students who do not make full use of the opportunity to become educated are agreeing to varying degrees of ...

A failure in life C freedom from restrictions

B abundant successes D pleasure in their natural state

In burning its way through the air, the lightning flash releases great amounts of nitrogen. The nitrogen comes down to earth in the raindrops and is absorbed in the soil. In this way, the earth receives at least a hundred million metric tons of this valuable chemical fertilizer a year. Lightning then, is both destructive and ...

A fatal C mysterious

B productive D violent

52. Our likes and dislikes in food depend largely on the part of the country we come from. Most of us like the things that ... A are highly seasoned C are good for us

B we are used to D are cheap

53. Light travels at a rate of about 300,000 kilometers per second. The distance between the earth and a star is so great that to measure this distance in kilometers would be very awkward. Therefore, star distances are measured in light years. A light-year is the distance light travels ... A on a star C in one year

B on the earth D in one second

54. Plastics are made from many raw materials and are used for many purposes. One well-known plastic is made by hardening a combination of formal dehyde and carbolic acid. Because this plastic is a nonconductor of electricity, it is used for ... A insulation C ash trays

B necklaces D fumigation

55. Since the word senate comes from the Latin for "old man" it implies that in tim e of the Romans the senate was made up of men who were ... A educated C elected

B elderly D honest

There are many reasons why the invention of money marked an important change from the method of barter. One is that money is easier to carry than pigs of sheep. Another reason is that money is easier to save. Pretend that you raise chickens and exchange eggs for all of your needs-meat, shoes, wood. Maybe you have enough of everything right now and want to save your eggs for future trading. Probably by the time you need to exchange your eggs, say two or three months later...

A the price of meat would have changed B the eggs would be spoiled C. you would have more eggs D your hens would have stopped laying

Some people seem to learn very quickly, but then forget what they have learned just as quickly. It is better to learn well, whether quickly or slowly, so that one does not

A need to study carefully B learn too rapidly C finish before expected D forget the new knowledge

58. Matter can have the form of a gas, a liquid or a solid. A solid ordinarily does not change its size or shape. A liquid changes its shape to fit its container, but it does not change its size. A gas can change both its shape and Its size. If steam is put in a pot, the steam will spread out into all the empty space In the pot. Steam is ... A. a liquid C a solid

B a gas D matter

59. Greek mythology tells us the story of Sisyphus, a crafty and greedy

king of ancient Corinth. After his death he was condemned by the gods to spend eternity rolling a huge stone to the top of a hill in the lower world. Just as he would reach the top of the hill the stone would roll down again, and Sisyphus would have to start ... A picking up the pieces C rolling it up again

B a different penalty D pleasing the gods

The vital part of a cell is its nucleus. A cell may survive the puncturing of its walls and the loss of a large quantity of its cytoplasm; but, if its nucleus is destroyed, the cell ...

A changes its fuction C enlarges its nucleus

B is unable to live D manufacturers cytoplasm

When we exercise, our muscles throw off acids that are normally burned up by oxygen in the blood. If these wastes accumulate in the muscles, fatigue results. During violent exercise, the amount of oxygen in the blood is not sufficient to burn up all the acids. Thus, with a continuation of strenuous activity, we become ...

A muscular C healthier

B stronger D exhausted

Transparent packaging of foods and other products adds to the sales appeal of the contents. We all like to ...

A buy things that are packaged B do our own shopping C see what we are buying D buy as cheaply as possible

In order to flow an electric current must have a complete path or circuit from the generator back to the generator. When we press the switch on an electric lamp to turn out the light, we ...

A start the flow of current B damage the battery C damage the lamp D break the circuit

The Polish composer Frederic Chopin was born in 1810 and at the age of seven had a polonaise published by a printed in Warsaw. Although he died a young man in 1849 he had already written so many brilliant piano compositions that ...

A he was soon forgotten B he was famous for awhile C his music remained unknown D his name became immortal

Her motto was: "Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well". In all that she undertook my mother was ...

A lucky B quick C thorough D inventy

66. Salary alone does not tell how much an employee earns. Many companies offer their employees bonuses, stock, summer vacations at company-owned resorts and other ...

A. benefits C jobs

B salaries D taxes

67. For many years the Chinese carefully guarded the secret of their method of raising silk worms and making silk. Anyone caught carrying silk worms or their eggs out of China was ... A considered a foreigner B rewarded by the government C automatically made a prince D punished by death

68. Early explorers travelled overland to find new countries. They endured great hardships to cross mountains and unfriendly countries. Later, brave explorers set out in ships to find new lands across the oceans. Now scientists are beginning to explore the space around the earth. When the first US. astronaut was successfully put into orbit, President Kennedy referred to space as the new ocean on which he believed the United States must ... A orbit C fly

B swim D sail

69. The pressure of the atmosphere varies with the altitude, the higher the altitude, the lower the pressure. The lower the pressure of the atmosphere, the lower the temperature at which water boils. Eggs boiled on a mountain top must be cooked ... A less C harder

B longer D soft

As the cross is a symbol in Christian countries, the crescent is a symbol in Moslem countries. Afghanistan is a Moslem country. It is not surprising that the organization there that corresponds to the Red Cross is called the ...

A Red Crescent B Afghan Cross C Moslem Cross D Afghan Society

Eighteenth century political theorists believed that all people are born equal and that environment and training are responsible for differences that later develop. Helvetius declared that any child could become a great artist, writer, or scientist if provided with the proper ...

A ability B intelligence C genes D education

In Athens many years ago, persons could offer themselves for payment of their debts. A great many persons did this and thus became A creditors C free

B slaves D poor

73. Aeolus, the mythical god of winds, gave to Ulysses, the beloved of the gods, a bag in which the winds were secured so that these forces would be at the command of the famous mariner. Ulysses' sailors carelessly untied the bag and their fleet was destroyed by the resulting ... A mutiny C collision

B fire D storm

A bit of advice that is frequently given on how to win friends is never to talk much about yourself but to let other persons talk about themselves as much as they like. The assumption is that people talk about themselves because they enjoy it and will like you better for ...

taking their advice B talking about yourself C listening to them D sharing their views

Cakes are best baked at one temperature, pies at another, bread at another. Different kings of meat are best roasted at specific temperatures. It takes the guesswork out of cooking if the oven has ...

A heat control C a grass door

B gas D electricity

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