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Infectious diseases in which the infecting orga...docx
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Infectious diseases in which the infecting organism penetrates through an abrasion or wound of the skin or mucous membranes. Such are, for example, pyogenic bacteria, causing septicemia, gonococcus infection, toxemia.

Infections caused by the pathogenic microorganisms through the respiratory tract are:

a) diseases due to various types of streptococci: rheumatic fever, quinzy, scarlet fever;

b) diseases due to filtrable viruses: measles, .mumps, smallpox, chicken-pox, polio­myelitis.

Infections, generally bacterial, disseminated principally by the intestinal discharges, such as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera.

Stages in the course of infectious diseases: incubation (latent period), prodromal period, invasion period, active period, period of decline, convalescence.

Incubation is the time between the date of exposure to the disease and the beginning of clinical manifestations.

Inoculation – прививка; to define - определять; to acquire – приобретать; temporary - временный


Acute infectious disease. It is caused by a filtrable virus. The incubation period is 1-3 days.Symptoms: chill, high temperature, bad headache, pain in the eyes, back, joints and muscles, dry cough, sore throat, sneezing . The patient must be put in bed for at least 3 days. The disease may have complications, such as: otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia and so on. Treatment: the patient's room must be constantly aired. Patients should always be given plenty of fluid to drink, antigrippin (different anti-viral drugs (such as arbidol, remantadin).

  1. The onset of the disease is sudden, а) по меньшей мере 5

  2. As to treatment b) тяжесть 3

  3. it depends on the severity of disease, с) начало, наступление 1

  4. The child recovered rapidly d) озноб 6

  1. He must stay in bed for at least e) что касается 2 three days f) быстро 4

  2. The patient may have a chill when he has a high temperature.

Pneumonia (пневмония)

Pneumonia is a specific acute disease which involves an entire lung or a part of a lung. The chief predisposing factors are: weather, draughts, loss of sleep and contact with patients who have infections. It is caused by various viruses and staphylococci. Symptoms are chill, fever, general weakness, sweating and persistent dry cough, sometimes local chest pains or stomachache. Children may expectorate bloody sputum.The disease sets in abruptly (внезапно). The treatment: bed rest, antibiotics (penicillin). Complications: empyema, otitis media, mastoiditis, pericarditis, endocarditis and meningitis.

draught – сквозняк

1. This food is very nutritious, а) частый, часто 3


2. The disease sets in abruptly b)корь 5

3.During this season the disease is very с) резко, внезапно 2 frequent d)питательный 1

4. Pneumonia may complicate е) коклюш 4 whooping cough.

5.Measles may also be complicated by pneumonia..

Whooping cough (pertussis) (коклюш)

Caused by the Bordutellia Pertussis. Characterized by a catarrhal period of nonspecific respiratory symptoms progressing to the stage of paroxysmal cough, accom­panied by the typical inspiratory whoop and vomiting. The incubation period is about from 7 to 21 days. Symptoms: 3 stages:

  1. The catarrhal stage (1 or 2 weeks). begins with the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection or common cold. The child may appear listless and irritable. Sometimes the only manifestation is a dry hacking cough. After about a week the cough begins to occur in paroxysms.

  2. The paroxysmal stage (4 to 6 weeks): The cough comes in explosive bursts. A series of 5 to 10 short, rapid coughs are given on one expiration (выдох), followed by a sudden inspiration, associated with a characteristic sound or whoop, the child's face becomes red or cyanotic, the eyes bulge, the tongue protrudes. In severe cases infants may stop breathing (apnea).

  3. The convalescent stage is marked by cessation of whooping and vomiting. the number and severity of paroxysms decrease.

Diagnosis is made by the paroxysmal nature of the cough, the red or cyanotic appearance of the child during an attack and the associated vomiting. During the catarrhal stage - white blood test. Children should be immunized at the age of 5-6 months with a pertussis - diphtheria vaccine.

Immune – невосприимчивый; complication – осложнение; complicated – осложнённый; severe – тяжелый, severity – тяжесть; suppressing – подавление; suppression – подавление; predominance – превосходство; dominant – доминирующий; suggest – предлагать

Chicken-pox (ветряная оспа)

А very contagious disease of children. Children of-the first four years of life are the most susceptible. Symptoms: a slight fever, pains in the back and legs. Almost at the same time (within twenty four hours) a characteristic eruption appears on different parts of the body,very frequently on the scalp (the hairy part of the head).

The eruption consists of red macules quickly progressing to papules and vesicles. Soon they become crusted. The brownish crusts dry up and fall off in 2 –3 weeks. The child remains infectious until the scabs scale.

The number of vesicles is very variable: from 8 to 10; in severe cases - six or seven hundred.

Children remain feverish for 2 – 3 days, while new vesicles still appear and after that feel well.The recovery is usually complete. Complications are rare. Encephalitis may occur in uncommonly severe cases..

The eruption- высыпания; rash – сыпь; to burst to amount – достигать количества; to fall off – отпадать; to scale – шелушиться; to require – требовать; contagious – заразный; slight – лёгкий; complete – завершённый; eruptive - сопровождаемый сыпью: beyond – за, вне; smallpox – оспа; malaise – недомогание

SCARLET FEVER (Скарлатина)

Scarlet fever is an acute contagious disease characterized by high temperature, rapid pulse, a punctate eruption 'followed by desquamation, inflammation of the throat. It is caused by Hemolitic Streptococcus.

The disease may be transmitted by clothing, books, food-stuffs, infected by the patient or by means of droplet infection (during coughing, sneezing or talking). All children are susceptible, adults have only sore throat without the eruption characteristic of scarlet fever. The incubation period is 4—7 days.

Symptoms: sore throat, temperature to 39 — 40°C, nausea, vomiting, headache, chills. The lymphatic nodes of the neck are enlarged. The child' is restless and sleeps badly.

At the end of the first or in the beginning of the second day a diffuse red rash appears on the neck, chest and back, spreading to the arms and legs. The area around the mouth remains free from rash. The rash lasts 1 or 3 days and then fades away. After that – desquamation (10—14 days). Complications: acute nephritis, adenitis, otitis media, pericarditis, endocarditis. Patients should be isolated and stay in bed. Antibiotics are prescribed.

desquamation - чешуйчатое шелушение; by means of – при помощи

MEASLES (корь)

The disease is spread by infected droplets from the nose and throat sneezed or coughed into the air.

Incubation period of 9—10 days. Symptoms are fever, cough and sneezing + a rash which appears on the 4th day,at first on the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is known as Filatov-Koplik's spots. These are tiny white spots on a bright red background. Then red maculopapular rash appears on the skin, at first behind the ears, then on the face, body and limbs. After the disappearance of the rash desquamation begins. The cough and cold in the head become aggravated, the eyes get purulent. If the disease is not complicated, the patient recovers quickly.

The patient's room must be aired. The patient's bed must be placed so that the day light should not fall on his face, but the room must never be darkened because the sun rays kill bacteria. It is necessary to keep the patient's mouth clean.

to rinse – полоскать; to wash out –промывать; to expose – подвергать; mucous – слизистый; purulent — гноиться, to be vaccinated — сделать прививку

LACK OF APPETITE (Отсутствие аппетита)

Feeding problems mostly arise in perfectly healthy children as the result of mismanagement of nutrition, feeding and care.

Digestion is regulated by the nervous system: if the food centre is in an excited state the person feels hungry. If the food centre is in a state of repression, or inhibition, the desire for food – the appetite - will deteriorate or disappear.

Both excitation and inhibition of the food centre are associated with changes in the constituents of the blood flowing in this area of the brain. Depletion of the blood of nutritive substances stimulates the digestive centres; this stimulation or excitation is transmitted to the salivary glands and the glands secreting gastric juices, and also to the corresponding muscles.

It is important to feed children at definite times over strictly definite intervals differing in children of different ages. A particularly harmful effect on appetite is produced by sugar and various sweets when given to children before or between meals. Children must not be overfed, neither must they be given too much highcalorie food or fats in excess. Poor appetite may be connected with a decreased function of the salivary glands. In such cases children keep their food in the mouth for a long time, not being able to swallow it. These children should be taught to take their food in very small amounts at a time.

excitation – возбуждение; inhibition – торможение; deteriorate – ухудшаться, портиться; anxiety - беспокойство; to improve – улучшать; strictly - строго; to a great extent - в значительной степени; impair – нарушать; properly – должным образом; to decrease – уменьшать; to moisten – смочить; to ensure – для обеспечения; to flow – течь; disturb – нарушать, беспокоить; overfed - перекормленный

1. To decrease a. useful 4

2. To improve b. full 6

3. Healthy c. irregular 7

4. Harmful d. to disappear 9

5. inhibition e. to deteriorate 8

6. hungry f. to increase 1

7. regular g. seldom 10

8. to stimulate h. excitation 5

9. to appear i. to impair 2

10. frequently j. sick 3

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