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Market Leader (new edition) Brands

to be pro/for smth, to be against smth (pros and cons)

a branded product, branding, to rebrand,

to lift gross (net) margins

to manufacture in low-cost markets

to outsource products, outsourcing (the outsourcing of the marketing to a specialist firm)

to lisence, to have lisencing arrangements

guarantee, to guarantee

to face smth (Let’s face the problem)


to advertise smth, advertisement=advert=ad

logo (emblem)

to be fed up with smth



value for money

inflated prices, inflation

fancy, fashionable, top of the range, cool, sexy, well-made, timeless, reliable, durable, stylish

to deliver, delivery (delivery dates/tems)

to fix on smth

beacon in the darkness

to bank with smb

to tap into smb’s emotions

culture of organization


brand loyalty

brand image

brand awareness

brand stretching

brand name

classic brand

luxury brand

product launch, to launch

product endorsement

product lifecycle

product range (assortment, selection, variety)

product placement

licensing rights

copyright abuse

counterfeit = fake = illegal copy

global offensive


cooperate strategy

to rip off

to restructure

to get tough

to uncover smth

to expand interests

long-term deal (short-term)

to flood the market

to compete with smb, competitor

goods = merchandise = commodity = wares = products

(steady, brisk) demand for smth, to be in demand

to consume, consumer, consumption


to cancel smth, cancellation

diversion (of smth); departure times

jet lag, jet-lagged

lost / delayed luggage (baggage)

to overbook smth, overbooking; to confirm the booking, confirmation

return / round up trip; motorway / freeway; truck / lorry; cab / taxi; tube / subway; line / queue; car park / parking lot; flight attendant / steward / stewardess; timetable/schedule

to fill in / fill out / complete a questionnaire

to offer an incentive

to promote smth, promotion, to run promotion

voucher (that entitles smb to a free Economy class ticket)

to experience smb’s outstanding service

destination (tourist destination / resort / tourist attraction / tourist trap / camp / campground (BE – campsite) / holiday home / hostel (youth) hostel)

to provide smth (update / to update) for smth (database), to provide sb with sth

to ensure that / AE – to insure

to be relevant to smth/smb

to claim smth (a free Economy ticket)

to enter smth (the respondee’s name) into a prize draw

accommodation (housing / a roof over your head)

to find full details in the enclosed leaflet

to notify smb of smth, notification

to be of genuine relevance to smb (information), relevant to smth

to do smb a great favour by doing smth

to fix some time for an appointment /to arrange an alternative time /to reschedule

Would it suit you? / Is it convenient? / What about …? / Are you free on …?

I can’t make it then. /My diary is rather full that day. /I can’t keep the appointment.

Could you put me through to extension 281, please?

She is engaged at the moment. Will you hold or can I take a message?

to have no-smoking policies, to ban on-board smoking

to lead the nicotine-dependent into conflict

to misbehave, misbehaviour; assault on the crew, to assault smb

abuse (to be down to smth, e.g. alcohol / alcohol-related), abusive (passenger)

to feel compelled to bring smb off the flight-deck, compulsion

overcrowding / queuing raises adrenalin level

to keep smb in cramped conditions

to let rip (informal)

to make one’s own travel arrangements

to enjoy the amenities of the hotel, to explore the surrounding area

the price per participant, excluding sales taxes and air fares

secretarial and other support services (e.g. enterpreters)

shuttle bus/train/plane, a shuttle service

seating requests (e.g. aisle); to disrupt smb’s business trip

to downgrade smb (to upgrade smb, an upgrade) to a lower class

to make a complaint/claim, to complain to smb about smth

to offer an apology if it’s due

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