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Advertising is sometimes called controlled communication because advertisers control the timing, content, and distribution of the message. However, some of the most important communication with potential buyers is uncontrolled communication, messages over which advertisers have no direct control. Word of mouth is a good example.

In general, the more difficult it is for potential purchasers to evaluate a product before making a decision, the more important word of mouth can be. For instance, you can’t sit through a movie at your local cinema and then decide whether or not you want to pay for it; you have to buy your ticket first. As a result, movies can get a big boost from positive word of mouth. Potential customers can relate to the experience of actual customers, particularly customers they already know and trust, which helps reduce the uncertaintly of trying a new product or supply.

Conversely, dissatisfied customers can distroy a business. Customers who aren’t happy with the goods and services they purchase will also spread the word. If word gets around that people didn’t like a movie the film can fail quickly. Moreover, dissatisfied customers are likely to tell from 10 to 20 people about their bad experiences, whereas happy customers share their experience with one-third as many people. Your ads may lose their their impact for potential customers who heard from friends or neighbours that your product wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

What can you do to help ensure positive word of mouth? The possibilities fall into two categories: things that can be done through advertising and things that can’t. One of the few ways that advertising can help with word of mouth is to target people whose opinions are respected by others. Product enthusiasts, people who take great interest in particular types of products are a good example. Consumers in the market for cars, cameras, computers, and other complicated products often turn to enthusiasts for advice. A good way to reach enthusiasts with your advertising massage is through specialized magazines such as Fine Woodworking or Road & Track. Enthusiasts are usually willing to to read ads with long copy if the message gives them the information they want. Many of these magazines also highlight new products or product innovations that will appeal to enthusiasts. Software manufacturers such as Borland and Microsoft make a point of rushing advance copies of new program versions to computer magazines to test and review so that enthusiasts will be the first to know about the latest features.

More important than what you can do with advertising, however is what you can’t do with it. Above all else, the product must satisfy its intended market. Advertising can’t overcome poor product performance or mistakes in consumer service. Advertising isn’t magic. The best way to get your customers to spread the good word about you is to make sure they are satisfied.


Products are made and services are provided in response to consumer needs and wants. If consumers need or want a particular product they will buy it, provided they know it is available and believe it offers some advantages over similar products. The problem is to make the consumer aware of the product and the advantages it offers. This process is known as marketing or sales promotion. There are three main types of marketing when the product or service is presented: on television or radio, through written sales messages, or personally by sales people. Today even small business are engaged in national wide or international business activities. The size of the potential market and growing competition have called for improved marketing methods. While radio, television, and personal selling are all major sales media, selling by mail continues to be an important marketing method.

Generally speaking the basic function of marketing is to determine the needs of the customers and then to satisfy them, thus bringing profit to the firm.

Marketing research collects and analyses information to help managers to make decisions. It covers trends of the market, demand and supply, analysis of the product for sale and of the product produced by competing firms. Export promotion means economic and political publicity, advertising, personal selling, fairs, exhibitions and sales promotion. Advertising informs people about the new product, gives its characteristics, persuades people to buy it. Personal selling means personal contracts between the seller and prospective buyer. In other words it means collecting contacts. Public relations are to show the reliability of the firm, its respectful attitude to the clients, the high quality of its products and specialists working in it. They also mean the presentation of films and booklets on the history and achievements of the firm, as well as special radio and TV programmes.

Adverts have become a part of our daily life. There are different kinds of advrtisements, as you know: TV commercials, ads in newspapers and magazines. They are naturally made up by specialists. What are properly written sales messages? A properly written sales message causes the reader to want to buy a product. To write it effectively one should be familiar with the terms “selling features”, “buying drivers”, “sales appeals”, In addition, psychological drives also play a part. Therefore, the writer of a successful sales message must first decide what needs, wants or drives the particular product will satisfy. To do this the writer must study the offer that is the product itself, and the reader, who is a potential buyer. Before writing a sales message we must try to determine how the offer will benefit the person, what it will satisfy. To be able to write a successful sales message you must first study:

    1. The offer being made,

    2. The reader to whom the offer is being made.

The offer includes:

  1. Material and construction of the product.

  2. Method of operation.

  3. Design and appearance.

  4. Performance fact.

  5. Unique feature.

  6. Service benefits.

  7. Price and terms.

Now about the reader – potential buyer, that is:

1. Who will read the message?

2. Where does the person live?

3. What are buying habits of the person?

4. Is this a new customer?

5. What are the barriers to changing buying habits?

6. What appeals will be most acceptable?

This type of study helps the writer to identify first, how the reader can use what is offered; secondly, why the product is needed; thirdly, what desires the purchase will satisfy. This helps to bring the offer and the customer’s needs together.

Marketing Today

Marketing is a new science. What has been around previously is the art of salesmanship. Salesmanship is the art of manufacturing something and making another person want it. Marketing is the art of finding out what the other person wants, then manufacturing it for him.

In a market of multiple choice, it is no longer sufficient to produce a product and show your customers that it satisfies one of the basic needs. You must show them it provides benefits other products fail to provide, that it can be supplied at a competitive price and above all, supplied reliably. But in this fast-changing world, competitors catch up more quickly than ever.

Preferences that consumers have for this or that product work for shorte and shorter periods. Choice make marketing work.

Companies need to be constantly engaged in product development, if they wish to grow and make profits. Coca Cola was successful for many years with one product in one size until Pepsi Cola challenged them with a bottle double the size at the same cost to the consumer. Since then Coca Cola has many changes. Today Coca Cola has many different soft drinks, cheases, wines, movie companies, television production companies, to name only a few of its holdings. Multiple choices for the consumer is the motor that drives the marketing vehicle.


If you want to market your product abroad for the first time you will find the task difficult. The international market is highly competitive, with very many manufactures chasing the same customers.

It is very difficult to take business away from current suppliers. To be successdul, the newcomer must have a compelling offer to make the customer switch to his product.

In business and industrial marketing there are three compelling things: price, function and source.

_Price: A lower price can be a tie-breaker. A substantially lower price can be a compelling offer. But it does not mean that the order always goes to the lower bidder. The product must always satisfy the function.

Function: The product must always perform the function for which it is intended and meet quality standards. However, in a world of rapid technological development customers are always looking for a new products that do the job better, faster, more efficiently. This presents a good opportunity to Russian enterprises that can offer new products based on native advanced science and technologies.

Source: A company’s reputation for quality and reliability of delivery are increasingly important. Quality and timely delivery are essential to customers.

Purchasing people are primarily interested in price. Engineers are primarily interested in function. Management is interested in source. Marketing communications, therefore must be on three levels: our prices are competitive, our products are good or superior, our company is reliable. Each message must be targeted for the right audience and efficiently delivered through the right channel.

Articles and advertising in technical and professional publications, trade shows and exhibitions, seminars and symposia, technical and product bulletins – all are basic tools of the industrial marketer. The extensive use of advertising builds in the minds of consumers the company’s image for quality.

Russia is going to enter foreign markets and we examine which compelling offers we can make. Then we should carefully plan our communication programme to ensure that our message is heard and understood by the tagit audiences. In a market of many choices, the communication must be as competitive as the product itself.

Market Segmentation

Research is the basic tool of marketing. A market must determine what customer needs are. Marketing experts have developed techniques for determining the needs of prospective customers. It’s done by way of market segmentation.

How can market segmentation be of help to a manager who wants to develop a new product? Every market can be devided into segments or, in other words, into separate groups of consumers. First there are demographic factors like age, income, educational background, occupation, size of family, type of home and neighborhood, etc. Then there are psychographic factors – the customers’ opinions and interests, hobbies, vacation spots, favorite sports etc.

Then a product is compared with the goods already established in the market by quality and quantity standards. To be a success you must be ahead of your competitors.

Competition never stops. That is why market segmentation must never stop as well. It should be on a permanent basis. Introduction of a pioneer product can immediately change the composition and number of a consumer grouping.

Now in Russia competition is becoming an important incentive. Innovating more effectively at home means finding more to export abroad, more to sell to the West, more hard currency to earn, more jobs to create, a more powerful industrial complex to build.

The fundamental principles for a market are:

    1. understand the customer (through research).

    2. understand the grouping (to which the customer or his business belongs)

    3. Create a choice (a difference in price, concept or value that will distinguish your product.)

    4. communicate that choice (through promotion and advertising)

Consumer marketing should be based on understanding consumer values, wants and needs.


There are four principal controllable factors that provide the most effective choice for the consumer – the Four P’s: product, price, place and promotion. The owner of a factory manufacturing transportation equipment could produce an economy car, a luxury car, truck, van, tractor, motorcycles and apply different marketing techniques.

Place includes location of production and distribution. The place to see your product could be in dealers’ showrooms or directly from the factory or from catalogs, direct-mail coupons, even telemarketing with telephone sales people or through computer shopping services.

Promotion includes all forms of marketing communication (advertising, direct mail, customer service, image, special events, sales and the product or service itself). Promotion is the most complex thing—how to select and devide your market according to the type of product, its price and where it will be available.

The most controllable of these factors is the first “p” –product (service).

All products and services have what have been traditionally called “product life cycles”.

The stages of the product life cycle are: introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

The length of a product life cycle depends upon :

  • the intensity of the competition,

  • the extent to which the new product is an innovation, a modification of an existing product,

  • introductory timing of technologically superior products,

  • marketing techniques.

Short Vocabulary on Advertising and Marketing

Advertisement – рекламное объявление, рекламирование

Advertising - рекламн(-ая, - ый , -ое)

~ appeal - концепция

~ audienceаудитория, на к-рую рассчитана реклама

~ awareness- осведомленность о рекламе

~ claim - утверждение

~ code -кодекс

~ copy -текст рекламного объявления

~ department - отдел рекламы

~ expert - специалист, рекламист

~ expenditure - затраты на рекламу

~ exposure - рекламный контакт

~ field---- сфера рекламы

~ image - рекламный образ

~ industry -рекламное дело

~ media - средства рекламы

~people - специалисты рекламы

~ performance- действенность рекламы

~ personality - рекламное «лицо»

~ leverage- давление на общественное мнение, оказываемое рекламой

~ revenues –доход от рекламы

~ agency - агентство

~ theme – основная рекламная идея объявления, обычно выраженная броской запоминающейся фразой

Aftermarket- массовый рынок потребит. сделок; продажа запчастей и обеспечение техобслуживания бытовых электроприборов и автомобилей после продажи

AIDA model- формула рекламы «внимание-интерес-желание-действие»

AIDMA model- формула рекламы «внимание-интерес-желание-мотив-действие»

Allowance – скидка с цены розничным торговцам от оптовых

Anchor- «якорь» большой известный магазин в торговом центре

Apparel business- индустрия готового платья

Appeal- призыв, довод, мотив, концепция

Article- товар, товарная единица, изделие

Atmospherics- «лицо» фирмы, включая ее продукцию, фирменный стиль, штабквартиру и персонал

Automatic groups – группы потребителей по формальному признаку –возраст, пол и т.д.

Automotive market- рынок автопринадлежностей

Automaker- автомобильная компания

Average disposable income- средний доход после уплаты налогов

Average household income- средний доход семьи

Backlist- постоянный ассортимент товаров, пользующихся спросом независимо от времени года и текущей моды

Bait advertising- «реклама при помощи живца», зазывающая реклама

Banded pack offer- продажа товара в комплекте с бесплатным сувениром

Bank gift- товарный приз, который банк выдает каждому новому вкладчику

Bar code label- этикетка с универсальным товарным кодом

Bargain company- торговая фирма, предлагающая недорогой товар

Basic appeal- основная ударная мотивировка в рекламе

Basic buying motive- основополагающий покупательский мотив

Basic selling idea- основная коммерческая идея

B-B advertising (business-to-business advertising)- реклама для предпринимателей

Beauty aids- косметические товары

Bell cow- «флагман», товар фирмы, лидирующей на рынке

Big Blue- «Синий гигант», прозвище компании !ВМ

Big Three-«Большая тройка» - американские автогиганты, расположенные в Детройте, штат Иллинойс:General Motors, Ford, Chrysler

Big Six -Ford, Europe, Fiat, Peugeot, Opel, Renault, Volkswagen-европейские автомобильные фирмы, производящие малолитражки

Big ticket item- дорогостоящий товар

Bingo card- рекламная открытка, прилагаемая к журналу, по к-рой можно заказать пробный образец товара

Blowout-невероятно высокий спрос на какое-либо изделие

Bounceback offer-торговое предложение со скидкой после повторной покупки

Brand- товарная марка, марочный товар

Brand conscious- потребитель, стремящийся к приобретению марочного товара

Breakout –телепрограмма или телеперсонаж, имеющий значительный успех у аудитории

Brown goods -(разг.) «деревяшки» т.е. мебель в розничной торговле

Budget engineer –бухгалтер-контролер исполнения сметы

Bulk goods –массовые немаркированные и несортовые товары

Bumpers- музыкальное оформление рекламных роликов

Buyer- покупатель

Carry a product- продавать, иметь в наличии товар (в магазине)

Cash and carry warehouse –магазин-склад, торгующий за наличный расчет

Cash buyer- покупатель, который платит наличными

Cash discount- скидка с цены, предоставляемой при расплате наличными

Cents-off offer- «центовая скидка» с цены товара

Checking out- незалеживающийся товар

Classic-традиционный товар

Clone- имитация товара, обычно марочного

Coined brand name- оригинальное придуманное название торговой марки

Commercial- рекламный ролик

Commodity-товар, предмет потребления

Comparative advertising- реклама, использующая прием сравнеия товаров или услуг различных марок

Competitive- конкурирующий, конкурентоспособный

Consumer- потребитель

Consumerism-идеология защиты прав потребителей\ философия потребительства-

Contribution margin-запас прибыли, величина прибыли, не зависящая от колебания себестоимости товара

Convenience goods- товары повседневного спроса (табак, мыло и др.)

Convenience –meal – полуфабрикаты(сегмент рынка)

Convenience merchandise- товары повседневного спроса

Corporative culture-кредо фирмы

Counter display-наприлавочная выкладка \экспозиция товара

Countertrade- бартерная торговля, бартерная сделка

Credit check- проверка кредитоспособности

Customer- потребитель, покупатель

Customer invironment- условия эксплуатации товара у потребителя

Custom-made- товар, сделанный на заказ, индивидуально

Demarketing- демаркетинг, понижение покупат.спроса на деф. Товар из-за повышения цен или сокращения средств на его рекламу

Differentiated merchandise- индивидуализированный товар

Discount store магазин удешевленных или недорогих товаров

Do-it-yourself products- товары для домашнего мастера «сделай сам»

Display allowance- скидка за экспонирование товара

Dog (colloquial)- неходовой товар

Entrepreneur- предприниматель, владелец предприятия

Entry- новинка на рынке

Established product- зарекомендовавший себя на рынке товар

Exposure-воздействие, контакт со средствами рекламы

Fair Trade Acts-Кодекс честной конкуренции(регулирующий уровень цен в период «Нового курса» Ф.Рузвельта

Family brand-«семейная марка (когда все или большинство товаров фирмы имеют одно марочное название)

Fancy fair- благотворительный базар

Fashion magazine- журнал мод

Finger foods-пищевые продукты, которые можно есть руками

Flagship – первый появившийся магазин в сети розничных магазинов\первый выпущенный фирмой товар

Flankers- побочные товары

Foodies-(разг.)покупатели с высокими доходами, представляющи е рынок сбыта экзотической продукции

Fortune 500- ежегодный список 500 крупнейших промышленных корпораций США, составляемый журналом

Four C’s- четыре вида самых популярных товаров, продаваемых через торговые автоматы: сигареты, прохладит.напитки, конфеты и кофе

Franchise- франшиза (право на продажу товара, предоставляемое производителем торговой фирме, и торговая фирма, получившая это право

Free gift- подарок от фирмы производителя потребителю (в рекламных целях)

Generic product- товар, представитель товарного класса

Generics- не марочные товары

Gift item- сувенирный товар

Gift ware- подарочные товары

Giveaway- рекламный приз, сувенир

Goods- товары, продукты или услуги

Great Yellow Father- прозвище компании «Кодак»

Gross markup- розничная наценка

Hair-care products- продукты для ухода за волосами

Hard goods- мебель и электробытовые приборы

Hard-sell advertising- реклама, откровенно навязывающая товар потребителю

Heavy buyer- постоянный активный покупатель

Heavy user- потребляющий товар часто и в больших количествах потребитель

High end- более дорогая часть продукции

Higher-risk customer- клиент «группы риска» (в отношении платежеспособности)

Hit the market-появиться на рынке (о товаре)

Holding- владение, запас,

Hold to the share- удерживать позиции на рынке (о товаре)

Home improvement- хозяйственные товары для дома

Hypermarket- большой торговый комплекс

Important item- «солидный» товар

Be in business- иметь большие запасы товара

Image marketing- использование знаменитостей для рекламы товара

Incentive- рекламная приманка, предлагающая покупателю бесплатно при приобретении другого, более дорогого товара

Instant product prize- приз, вручаемый покупателю на месте покупки

Instant-win game- моментальная лотерея

Jingle-рекламный куплет, рекламный ролик с музыкальным сопровождением

Joint venture- совместное предприятие

Jumbo- «семейная», для большого запаса (о размере упаковки)

Keeper-приз, вознаграждение, который потенциальный покупатель имеет право оставить у себя независимо от того, совершит ли он покупку товара

Key customer- основной клиент

Keystoning- назначение розничной1 цены путем автоматического удвоения оптовой цены

Knock off- дешевая копия дорогого фирменного товара

Labeling claims- утверждение о качестве товара, содержащееся на этикетке

Lady of the House-«домашняя хозяйка» -целевой рынок сбыта для хозяйственных и косметических товаров

Large-scale consumer- оптовый потребитель

Launch- запускать, выпускать новый товар на рынок, начало рекламной компании

Lease- аренда, сдача в наем

Light buyer-непостоянный покупатель

Line extender-новый товар, являющийся модификацией старого

Little Sisters- известные массовые женские журналы

Low-end market- рынок дешевых товаров и услуг

Luxury car- дорогой автомобиль

Maintained mark-on- постоянная наценка (разница между стоимостью доставляемых в розничный магазин товаров и их розничной ценой)

Marginal buyer- «пограничный покупатель» (воздерживающийся от покупки в случае повышения цены на него)

Marginal producer—маргинальный производитель-фирма, прибыль к-х от реализации товара едва покрывает затраты на его производство

Markdown money- денежная сумма, которую получает розничный торговец от фирмы-изготовителя в случае, если его товар не распродается

Middle-of the-line merchandise – товар среднего качества, добротный товар

Model stock-образцовый запас товаров (необходимое количество необходимых товаров в нужном месте в нужное время

Mom and pop outlets- семейные магазины (обычно небольшие торговые точки, обслуживаемые силами одной семьи)

Multiple pricing- предоставление скидки с цены в случае приобретения нескольких единиц товара

Needle trades- промышленные фирмы, выпускающие готовое платье

Negotiated price- договорная цена (обычно ниже, чем стандартная)

Nested article- товар, помещенный внутри упаковки другого товара (рекламный сувенир)

Never-outs-обязательные товары непременно в больших количествах имеющиеся в магазине в определенный сезон, когда спрос на них особенно высок

Nondurable goods- товары недлительного пользования (продукты питания и т.п.)

Novelty- мелкий рекламный сувенир

Odd-pricing- присвоение товару некруглой цены

Onpack- прямое вознаграждение, прикрепленное сверху к упаковке товара

Orange goods-товары со средней степенью оборота, такие как одежда в розничной торговле

Outlay- затраты

Outlay costs- денежные затраты, связанные с с производством и транспортировкой товара (или предоставлением услуг)

Overfull demand- повышенный спрос на товары

Oversaturation- перенасыщение рынка товаром

Packaged goods- фасованные товары

Preference item- товар, которому отдает предпочтение большинство покупателей

Preferential customer-постоянный покупатель, пользующийся льготами

Premium- вознаграждение, рекламный приз

Premium brand- марочный товар очень высокого качества

Printed novelty- печатный сувенир

Producer goods- товары промышленного назначения, используемые при производстве других товаров

Professional beauty aids-косметические товары для косметических салонов

Promotion- стимулирование сбыта, рекламирование с целью повышения интереса потребителей к определенному товару

Psychological pricing- присвоение товару «некруглой» цены

Publicity- пропаганда, публичность, гласность, реклама

Punch line- ударная фраза в рекламном объявлении

Purchase- покупка, закупка, приобретение

Purchase incentive- рекламная продукция (сувенир), используемая в программе мероприятий по стимулированию сбыта

Purchaser- покупатель, клиент

Purchasing capacity- покупательная способность

Qualified buyer- покупатель, обладающий целым рядом достоинств «выгодный» покупатель

Rack jobber- оптовый торговец поставляющий товары повседневного спроса

Rag business- «тряпичный» бизнес (индустрия готового платья)

Ready-to-assemble furniture – сборная мебель(сегмент рынка)

Rebate- одноразовое денежное вознаграждение при покупке дорогостоящего товара (в программе стимулирования сбыта)

Roll out- выпускать на рынок, начинать активную продажу

Saleable article- ходовой товар

Sampling introduction- выведение товара на рынок с помощью распространения бесплатных образцов

Scrambled merchandising-«смешанная» торговля (товары различных товарных классов в одном магазине)

Shelf-stable- выкладка товара на полках в магазине

Shopping goods- товары предварительного выбора (мебель, элекроприборы)

Shopping spree- рекламный приз, предоставляющий его владельцу право на бесплатное приобретение товара на определенную сумму

Single –serve food- пищевые продукты в расфасовке на одну порцию

Slogan- краткая, броская, эмоционально заряженная фраза (девиз) , часто используется фирмами для узнавания

Soft-sell advertising-ненавязчивая реклама

Specialty goods- товары особого спроса (особо модные товары, автомобили, ювелирные изделия и т.д.)

Star- товар, на который приходится наибольшая доля рынка при растущем рынке

State-of-the-industry- выполненный по последнему слову техники ,высококачественный (о товаре)

Status product- престижный товар

Steady buyer- постоянный покупатель

Stockout- ситуация, когда в торговой точке кончаются запасы товара

Store traffic-посещаемость магазина, популярность магазина

Suggestive brand name- суггестивное название товарной марки

Take-out foods – готовые пищевые продукты « на вынос»

Taste-test- потребительские испытания пищевых продуктов на вкус

Top-of-the-line goods-первоклассные товары товарной серии

Utility vehicle- автомобиль среднего класса

Value-conscious- стремящийся к экономии (о покупателе)

Wants потребности

Well-established product- прочно зарекомендовавший себя на рынке товар

White goods- бытовые электроприборы значительных габаритов (холодильники, стиральные машины)

Wholesale outlet- оптовая торговая база

With-pack premium- вознаграждение за покупку в упаковке вместе с купленным товаром

Zapper- товар, приносящий большую прибыль и быстро завоевывающий рынок

Мarketing and Advertising


Match a proper definition

1. Convenience goods a)special quality characteristic of activity, product etc.

2. Convenience food b)goods bought and sold; trade goods

3. Marketing c) something bought

4. Merchandise d) tending to bring ideas, etc into the mind

5. Preference item e)theory and practice of large scale selling

6. Preferential customer f)the business making and selling clothes

7.Premium g)a store where goods available for sail, distribution or use

8. Promotion h)some product which is thought to be evidence of social rank, wealth etc.

9. Publicity i)appliance, device, arrangement, etc that is useful, helpful

10. Purchase j)a buyer receiving preference

11. Rag business k)favorable

12. Sample l)amount or installment paid for insurance policy reward, bonus

13.Slogan m ) the state of being known to, seen by everyone

14.Speciality goods n ) food sold in a tin, packet etc, that needs very little preparation

15. Status product o )advertising, publicizing one’s products

16..Stock p)specimen, one of a number of, part of a whole, taken to show what the rest is like

17. Suggestive brand name q ) sticking and easily remembered phrase used to advertise some goods


MARKETIG and ADVERTISING Match a proper definition

Test 2

1.Article a)made-to-measure, making things to order

2.Bargain b)amount of money which may be taken off the full price, of goods bought by shopkeepers

for resale, for prompt payment instead of payment at a later date

3. Brand c)stock or amount of something which is obtainable

4.Cash- and-Carry Store d)activity in which persons compete

5.Check out e) movable property, mеrchandes

6. Commercial f)table or flat surface on which goods are shown, customers in a shop or bank

7. Commodity g)desire by people, ready to buy, employ,etc (for goods, services etc)

8. Competition h) useful thing, especially an article of trade

9. Counter i )agreement to buy, sell or exchange something, made after discussion

10. Customer j ) a store where goods are sold usually at lower prices for the buyer who takes

them away with him for cash payment

11. Custom-made k)financed by charges made for commercial advertising in programes

12. Demand l) selling of goods in large quantities to shopkeepers for resale to the public-

13. Discount m) a place in a supermarket where one pays the bill, wraps one’s goods and leaves

14. Consumer goods n)trademark (painted or printed on boxes, tins, packets)

15.Goods o) goods which directly satisfy human needs and desires

16. Supply . p) a person who buys things, especially one who gives his custom to a shop

17.Wholesailing q)goods bought and sold; trade goods

Shops and stores - some useful hints

Ensure that your purchases are rapped by the shop and leave them in the paper covering you are given until you have gone some distance from the shop or store. Do not transfer from one bag to another while you are in the store. Always use the baskets in self-service shops or supermarkets if they are provided for you to carry the goods you intend to buy.

Check when you pay that you are given a receipt for the right amount.

Keep your receipt safe until you reach home.

Always pay for goods before leaving a shop or a store. Failure to do so could lead to accusation of theft and police prosecution for shoplifting.

If items purchased are subsequently found to be unsuitable they should be taken back in the store’s wrapping with the original cash sales receipt.

Many department stores allow customers to pay for their more expensive goods by monthly installments after a deposit, a system known as “hire purchase”. Please think carefully before undertaking a hire purchase agreement (which is legally binding contract between you and the store) as this is the most expensive way to buy goods. Interest rates on credit terms are often extremely high.

Pickpockets operate in many of the large cities in Britain. They are very active in the West End of London, especially in the underground stations Bond Street, Oxford Circus, Tottenham Court Road, Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square and in large shops and department stores. They also operate on buses, particularly when passengers are getting on and off.

Carry your wallet in an inside pocket, never in your back trouser pocket. If you take off your jacket, carry your wallet with you.

Do not carry a large amount of cash with you. If it is stolen or lost it is not likely to be recovered. Carry only enough cash to meet your day-to- day expenses. If you are staying in a hotel, hand any large sum of cash to the manager for safe keeping and obtain a receipt.

Hotels and hostels usually display a notice disclaiming responsibility for the loss of money and valuables that are left in rooms. It is in your interest to leave valuables and large amounts of currency with the hotel\hostel management and obtain a receipt for deposited items.

These are the names of goods one can buy in a shopping mall. Where particularly, in what store can one buy it?

An Omega watch, a Harry Potter book, Chanel perfume, a pair of Nike tennis shoes, a necklace, a Robbie Williams CD, dinner plates, a palmtop computer, a Four Seasons pizza

Bookstore, clothes’ store, department store, drugstore, electrical hardware store, household store, jeweler, movie theater, record store, restaurant, sports’ store.

Which of these thins do you buy when you’re away from your home?

Chocolate, clothes, cosmetics, food, hats, jewelry, key rings, pictures, souvenirs, toys.

Begin every sentence with the words: sometimes, always, if I don’t have any, in case I’d like to present somebody with…, in case I’m invited somewhere and etc.

Match these questions with the answers.

  1. Do you enjoy shopping for gifts for others, and for yourself?

  2. How often do you buy clothes for yourself? .

  3. How much do you spend on clothes in a year?

  4. Do you ever go shopping but buy nothing?

  5. If you go to another country, do you usually buy souvenirs?

  6. What do you do in shopping malls, apart from shopping?

Answers: a) Magnets

b) Once a month

c) Yes. When I don’t see I really like.

d) See movies, eat and hang out with friends.

e) Yes, shopping for others is fun.

f) Over a thousand dollars.

Match these comments with the questions above.

    1. I usually don’t buy much for myself or others, but ay the moment I’m going through a phase of renovating my wardrobe and I’m spending lots.

    2. I don’t enjoy shopping for myself. I leave buying gifts for other people to my wife. In my opinion women have better intuition.

    3. No, I don’t enjoy shopping for gifts for myself or others. I personally believe in buying what is absolutely necessary, and what is not a gift. However, a lot of people enjoy shopping for gifts both for themselves and others.

    4. Yes, sometimes I go but don’t see anything interesting or anything I like. I just go window-shopping and then I come back.

    5. Key rings/ I always buy key rings and chocolate.

    6. I’m not sure, it depends on how many parties I have! If I buy a Thai suit it’s quite expensive, both for the material and for making to order. Sometimes I buy the material and then the dressmaker makes it, so maybe 10,000 baht I think. Recently I bought a dress, a shirt, T-short, shoes, jeans.

    7. People walk around and do some window shopping. You could go to MacDonald’s and have a coffee, you could go to a video bar and play video games or to a music shop and listen to music.

Say if you use these forms of payment, and if so, when.

Bills, cash, checks, coins, credit card, debit card, small change, traveler’s checks.

Read the text about haggling and say in which paragraph you can find out:

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