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імені Вадима Гетьмана»

Кафедра іноземних мов

Контрольна робота

з дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Виконала: студентка

заочної форми навчання,

спеціальності 6402,

2 Групи, і курсу,

Марчук Тетяна Анатоліївна

Перевірила викладач:

Воробйова Ж.Ю.

Київ – 2012

Text l

Fraud against the Community and the present Union is not a question of petty pilfering but of large scale organised financial crime. The most frequent type of fraud is the one involving tobacco and cigarettes: It occurs in Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Ire­land and Italy. Fraud concerning agricultural products is carried out in most Union countries; specifically for beef (Belgium, Germany, France and the United Kingdom), cereals (Germany, Italy and Por­tugal), milk products (Germany, Spain, Italy and the United King­dom), and olive oil (Spain, Italy and Portugal). Industrial goods are rarely used for fraud, with the exception of textiles. Customs of­fences receive the most frequent mention, with several reports dwelling on frauds affecting the Community or international tran­sits (Belgium, Spain, France and Italy).

The following case related to the European Community's Tran­sit System gives the idea of the way in which fraud against the budget of the European Union (EU) is committed. It is a fact that organised criminals are increasingly avoiding payment of customs duty by fraudulently exploiting the European Community's Transit System. The procedure is the following: under the system the owner of goods is responsible for the payment of duty. However, the des­tination of some goods requires the freight forwarder to become re­sponsible for the payment of customs duty instead of the owner. These goods are classified as Community Transit goods. All im­ported goods for consumption within the European Union are sub­ject to customs duty. However, the EU does not require the pay­ment of customs duty when the goods are classified as Community Transit goods. Since they ordinarily originate outside the EU but always pass through one or several member states. The system al­lows a consignor to transport goods without repeatedly having to

pay and reclaim customs duty with every country. When goods a' transported, the EU requires a guarantee to cover any potential customs duty loss hi cases where goods are thought to have been consumed within a member state country not designated as the final destination. The freight forwarder provides the guarantee because lie has legal possession of the goods and is responsible for duty and taxes.

The freight forwarder is able to absolve himself of the guaran-; tee after proving that the goods reached their destination. This is usually done when the EU customs official at port of entry is shown documentary proof that the goods have left an EU customs port of exit- The documentation that regulates the Community Transit, the Tl Form', is the official customs stamp on page five of the docu­ment. Its return to the port of entry relinquishes the freight for­warder from responsibility. If page five of the form does not arrive (0r is proved fraudulent, customs enforce the guarantee.


Шахрайство щодо Спільноти і Союзу це не питання дрібних розкрадань, а великомасштабних організованих фінансових злочинів. Найбільш частим видом шахрайства є тютюн і сигарети. Це відбувається в Німеччині, Бельгії, Іспанії, Франції, Ірландії та Італії. Шахрайство, що стосуються сільськогосподарської продукції здійснюється в більшості країн Союзу, а саме на яловичину(Бельгія, Німеччина, Франція і Великобританія), крупи (Німеччина, Італія та Португалія), молочні продукти (Німеччина, Іспанія, Італія і Велікобрітанія), і оливкова олія (Іспанія, Італія і Португалія). Промислові товари рідко отримують найбільш часті згадки, кілька житлових звіти про шахрайство, що впливають на міжнародні співтовариства або транзиту (Бельгія, Іспанія, Франція та Італія).

Наступний випадок, пов'язаний з транзитною системою Європейського співтовариства дає уявлення про те, яке шахрайство у відношенні бюджету Європейського союзу набуває поширення. Фактом є те, що організована злочинність все частіше уникає сплати мита обманним шляхом використання транзитної системи Європейського співтовариства. Процедура полягає в наступному: у відповідності з системою власник товару несе відповідальність за виплату боргу. Тим не менш, призначення деяких товарів вимагає експедитора, щоб він став відповідальним за сплату митних зборів, а не власник. Ці товари класифікуються як товари транзиту співтовариства. Всі імпортовані товари для споживання в рамках Європейського Союзу підлягають обкладенню митними зборами. Проте, Європейський союз не вимагає сплати митних зборів, коли товар класифікується як товар транзиту співтовариства. Так як вони зазвичай відбуваються за межами Європейського Союзу, але завжди проходять через одну або кілька держав-членів. Система дозволяє вантажовідправника для перевезення вантажів, не раз доведеться платити і повернути мито з кожною країною. Якщо вантаж перевозиться, Європейський союз вимагає гарантій для покриття потенційних втрат мита у випадках, коли товари, як вважають, були спожиті всередині країни держави-члена, не віднесених до кінцевого пункту призначення. Експедитор надає гарантію, тому що він має законне володіння товаром і є відповідальним за мита та податки.

Експедитор може зняти з себе гарантії після того, як доведе, що товари досягли свого призначення. Це зазвичай робиться, коли посадовій особі митного органу Європейського Союзу в порту прибуття показано документальне підтвердження, що товар не залишить митний порт виходу Європейського Союзу . Документацією, яка регулює транзит співтовариства, "T1 форма", є офіційним штампом на п'ятій сторінці цього документа. Його повернення в порт прибуття знімає з експедитора відповідальність. Якщо сторінка п'ята не надходить або доведено шахрайство, дотримання митних гарантій.

Ex. p. 79-81

a Underline the roots of the following words and translate them into Russian:

pilfer — воровать, красть pilferage – воровство, кража, растрата

fraudulent — жульнический, обманный fraudulently – обманным путем

successor — последователь successive – последовательный

b Choose the synonyms from the box:

to describe, to make, to present, to happen, to use, to let, to apply, to increase

to carry out – делать - to make

to allow – позволять - to let

to outline – представить - to present

to provide – применять - to apply

to occur – происходить - to happen

to enforce - описывать - to describe

to exploit – использовать - to use

to grow – повышать - to increase

с Choose the antonyms from the box

rare - ordinary

exit- entry

usual - frequent

important - petty

initial - final

unofficial -official

present -past

illegal – legal

d Match the English and Russian equivalents:

to avoid payment of customs – не платить пошлины

to relinquish smb from responsibility – освобождать кого-либо от ответственности

to enforce guarantee – применить гарантию

to cover a loss – покрывать убытки

to absolve oneself of a guarantee – освобождаться от ответственности

to prove fraudulent – оказаться фальшивым

е Explain the difference between the following words:

owner – собственник, владелец (one who has what some)

freight forwarder – экспедитор (someone who has a temporary right to property)

consignor – грузоотправитель (one who sends the goods)

consignee – грузополучатель (one who receives the weight).

f Translate the following terms into English:

таможенные пошлины и сборы - customs duties

акцизные пошлины - excise duty

таможенная очистка – customs clearance

таможенная декларация - customs declaration

ордер на выпуск груза из таможни - warrant for the release of cargo from Customs

досмотровая роспись - customs examination

таможенный тариф - customs tariff

удостоверение таможни на право обратного получения импортной пошлины - Customs license for the right to get back the import duty

g Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. В таможенной декларации обычно указываются следующие данные:

наименование товара

цена за единицу

общая стоимость

страна отгрузки


страна назначения грузополучатель

2. В соответствии с нашим контрактом 22-07 от 11 мая сообщаем что груз прошел таможенную очистку 7 декабря.

3. B Контракте указано, что стоимость товара включает все таможенные пошлины и сборы.

4. Мы вынуждены сообщить вам, что мы несем убытки из-за того, что товар задержан в Таможне по вашей вине и мы не можем выполнить своих обязательств перед заказчиком в срок.

1. The customs declaration is usually the following information: description of goods price per unit total value country of shipment sender the country of destination consignee 2. In accordance with our contract dated 11 May 07.22 to announce that the cargo was cleared on December 7. 3. Specified in the Contract, the cost of goods includes all customs duties and taxes. 4. We have to inform you that we have a loss due to the fact that the goods detained by the Customs is your fault and we can not fulfill its obligations to the customer on time.


данные details

наименование description

за единицу per unit

общий total

отгрузка shipment

нести убытки to suffer losses

по вашей вине through your fault

не по вашей вине through по fault of yours

h Write down as many nouns as possible with the following adjectives

fraudulent – contract, deception, company

petty - problem, disorders, fraudster

сustoms – commitment, control, declaration

i Write down as many words and word combinations associated with fraud, as you can:

pious fraud, small-scale fraud, Fraud in the economic sphere, Internet fraud.

j Fill in this simplified document:

Customs Declaration

Washing Machine brands LG S12 345

quantity of goods – 400 units

price per unit – 163$

total value – 65,200

Contract No #123409876Sa

country of origin – China

consignor - National Trading Company of China

destination - trading company in France

consignee - store chain of home appliances

customs tariff – 456$

duty to pay – 2345$

additional charges – 1234$

Customs official - Mr. Robert Winston

Date – 12/04/2012

k Write down if the words in italics are the Present or the Past Participles and translate the following into Russian:

  1. the fraud involving tobacco

  2. fraud concerning agricultural products

  3. frauds affecting the Community

  4. the case related to the Transit System

6 to avoid payment of customs duty by fraudulently exploiting the Transit System

  1. to transport goods without repeatedly having to pay and reclaim customs duty

  2. after proving that the goods reached their destination

l Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction, as in the example:

Note: The Absolute Participle Construction часто употребляется с предлогом with м переводится с помощью союза причем или как отдельное предложение.

  1. Customs offences receive the most frequent mention, with several reports dwelling on frauds affecting the Community.

  2. Customs offences are most frequent with several reports describing them in detail

  3. Pilferage offences are very frequent, with losses exceeding 1 bn dollars

  4. Frauds are growing with organised criminals increasingly avoiding payment of customs duty

m Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Nominative with the Infinitive Construction, as in the example:


1 . The Nominative with the Infinitive Construction употребляется со следующими глаголами: to be thought, to be expected to be proved, to be considered, to be heard, to be said и др.

2. The Perfect Infinitive (как в примере) в конструкции обозначает свершив! действие, the Simple Infinitive — настоящее или будущее действие.

  1. Goods are thought to be consumed within a member state country.";

  2. Duties are expected to have been paid

  3. The guarantee is said to have been enforced.

  4. They were expected to relinquish the consignor from responsibility.

  5. The country was expected to be designated as the final destination/

n Find the answers in the text and write them down:

  1. Is fraud limited to any definite country?

  2. What goods does fraud involve?

  3. What is a «Tl Form»?

  4. In what cases are goods classified as Community Transit goods?

  5. What is the procedure of the European Community's Transit S tern?

o Agree or disagree:

1. The European Community's Transit System is very easy to understand. - disagree

2. Fraud is called both economic and financial crime in the text. - Agree

3. Any economic crime is financial crime too. - Agree

Text 2

Criminals abuse the system by pretending to be legitimate con­signors wishing to ship goods through the EU customs area to a consignee outside the EU. The consignor asks the freight forwarder to put up a guarantee to cover any customs duty. The goods arrive at a port of entry and customs are told these are Community Transit goods destined for a consignee outside the EC customs area. The goods are then transported. It is common for a cargo trailer to be towed by a chain of different hauliers and it is this part of the sys­tem that is open to abuse. Before the goods leave the EU customs area they are diverted and sold.

The most common method adopted by criminals is to ensure a driver is part of the chain of hauliers. The driver deliberately delays reporting the loss of the cargo. If a freight forwarder makes inquir­ies the driver might falsely say that he has been delayed because of mechanical problems. Once customs officials at the port of entry become aware of the situation they enforce the guarantee and the freight forwarder has then effectively to pay the customs duty for the fraudulent consignor. The freight forwarder might then claim on his insurance which, in turn, will result in higher premiums or re­fusal of future cover.

These are variations of this fraud. The freight forwarder may be part of the scheme so that when customs try to enforce the guaran­tee they find it worthless. Alternatively, a customs official is cor­rupted with bribes to issue fraudulently the Tl document or crimi­nals may use a counterfeit stamp.

The last two methods are designed to mislead the customs offi­cials at port of entry into believing the goods have left the EU. Criminals, in almost the same way, abuse the Transportes Interna­tionale Routiers (TIR) system. The system is regulated by the Inter­national Road Transport Union. But, unlike the EU and EFTA, the TIR system encompasses 57 members. Many countries are «emerging democracies» and their lack of stability can encourage fraud.

This kind of fraud can be illustrated by the following example:

  • March 1998: a consignor wants to ship cigarettes from Poland to Spain. At the Polish-German border the carrier contracted the consignor asks the freight forwarder to issue a Tl dосument Because of the sensitivity of the goods, the freight forwarder is sues a Tl document for one container and decides to wait until the goods are received by the buyer before issuing more Tl documents.

  • April 1998: the first Tl document is returned with customs stamps" and signatures. The freight forwarder then issues another Tl document for a second container.

  • May-October 1998: As the earlier shipments were uneventful the freight forwarder issues Tl documents for 11 containers.

  • January 1999: the freight forwarder is notified that the customs stamps on the Tl documents were forged and he is liable for duties and taxes because the goods are not proved to have lei Germany. If the freight forwarder had been informed earlier, he would not have issued the subsequent Tl documents.