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Барашкова грамматика.doc
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E.A. Барашкова

Грамматика английского языка. 1 часть.

Ключи к упражнениям из сборника.

К уроку 1


1.the Ivanovs 2. the Belovs 3. the Somovs. 4. the Durovs 5. the Volkovs.


1. Have.......they have. 2.Is ......it is. 3. Can.......they can. 4.Has.......he has. 5.Are......they are. 6. Are.....they are.7. Is .....it is. 8. Can.....it can. 9.Has ......she has. 10.Is ....he is. 11. Is ......she is. 12. Is ...he is. 13. Have.....I have.!4.Is.....it is.


1. haven’t. 2. can’t. 3. aren.t 4. can’t 5.haven’t


1. The Baranovs are at home. 2. Are the Sedovs at home? 3. Have the Popovs got a house? 4. The Durovs haven’t got a dog . 5. The Smirnovs can’t help him.

К уроку 2

Упр.№ 6

This: child, lesson, man, woman, bear, snowman. These: men, women, snowmen, boxes, foxes, children.

Упр.№ 7

That: number, businessman, ballloon, song, horse, telephone, picture. Those: babies, monkeys, stories, businessmen, ladies.

Упр.№ 8

1.businessmen, 2.babies, 3.families, 4.foxes, toys, 5.monkeys, bananas.

Упр.№ 9

1. These. 2. those. 3. want. 4. writes. 5. comes.

Упр.№ 10

1.these boys run. 2. this girl plays. 3. a girl says. 4. Tom skates. 5. that bear dances. 6. this horse sees a fox. 7. I like these toys. 8. he likes that song. 9. those hares like it. 10. these ducks swim.

Упр.№ 11

1. This boy likes to play. 2. These boys like to play. 3. That girl has got a fox. 4. Those girls have got birds. 5. These girls are from Africa.

К уроку 3

Упр.№ 12

Is : the kitten in the box; it a kitten; the kitten at home;

Has: he got a kitten; the kitten got a box; the cat got a kitten; the kitten got a toy;

Can: the kitten play in the box; the kitten run; the kitten jump; he take the kitten; the kitten play with the toy.

Упр.№ 14

1. a dog drinks. 2. a crocodile sees. 3. a worker makes. 4. two workers make. 5. that horse drinks. 6. the children run. 7. the woman works. 8.these pupils come. 9. how many kittens. 10. a cat plays. 11. this bird eats. 12 these birds eat. 13. the man cooks. 14. the men cook. 15. how many men. 16. women work. 17. this pupil comes. 18. how many bags.

Упр.№ 15

1. How many toys have they got? 2. How many kittens has he got? 3. How many books have you got? 4. How old is he? 5. How old are you?

К уроку 4

Упр.№ 16

1. a. 2.e.3. e. 4.a. 5. a. 6. e. 7. e. 8. e. 9. e. 10. a.

Упр.№ 17

Do: you sing English songs? ; the girls like little dolls?; the teachers work there? ; the Ivanovs like the films? The businessmen want to go?; you play football?; the men skate?;

Does: the man skate?; the teacher work?; Mr Ivanov like the film?; your dog want to play?; the dotor visit them?; the girl like little dolls?

Упр.№ 18

1.s. 2. -. 3. -. 4. s. 5. -. 6. s. 7. -. 8. s. 9. - . 10. -.

Упр.№ 19

1. don’t live 2.don’t want 3. doesn’t want. 4. can’t go 5. doesn’t visit 6. don’t want.

Упр.№ 20

1. Do....don’t 2. doesn’t .....Does 3. Does....doesn’t 4.don’t.....Do 5. Does....does.

Упр.№ 21

1. The Ivanovs live in Tula. 2. The Durovs don’t go to Omsk. 3. Oleg likes to swim. 4. Does Ivan like to sing? 5. Nina doesn’t like to dance. 6. The Marovs have friends in Tula.

К уроку 5

Упр.№ 22

1. Can he play hockey? 2. Can the boy skate? 3. Does he skate every day? 4. Does she swim well? 5.Can you play football well?

Упр.№ 23

1. -; ..s.. 2. – 3...s.. 4. – 5..s.. 6. -;..s.. 7...es.. 8. – 9. – 10...s...; - . 11...s.. ; - ; -. 12.- 13.-;- 14...s..; -. 15. -. 16. - ; ..s.. 17. -. 18. ..s..; -. 19. ..s..; -. 20. -; -. 21. -. 22. ..s..;..s.. 23. ..s..; -. 24. -; -.

Упр.№ 24

1. Has he? 2. Is she? 3. Has she? 4. Is he? 5. Has he? 6. Is it ?7. Is he? 8. Has he?

Упр.№ 25

1. He runs. 2. He can run. 3. Can he run? 4. Does he run? 5. He doesn’t run in the park.

К уроку 9

Упр.№ 26

1. Has he? 2. Does she? 3. Does she? 4. Is he? 5. Does she? 6. Are they?

Упр.№ 27

1. goes 2. doesn’t 3. don’t 4. lives 5. name 6. plays 7. play 8. doesn’t 9.doesn’t 10. doesn’t

Упр.№ 28

1. baby 2. story 3. puppy 4. family 5. city.

Упр.№ 29

1. Sam’s parents 2. Tim and Sam’s brother 3. Bob’s uncle 4. Jim’s son 5. John and Jerry’s sister.

К уроку 12

Упр.№ 31

1. jumping 2. reading. 3. doing. 4 . going 5. coming 6. having 7. playing 8. giving 9. taking

10. skating.

Упр.№ 32

1. is going/ goes 2. are drinking/ drink 3. am eating/ eat 4. is jumping/ jumps 5. are taking/ take 6. are skating/ skate 7.is making/ makes 8. am doing/ do 9. are cooking/ cook 10. is cleaning/ cleans 11. am watching/ watch 12. are washing/ wash.

Упр.№ 33

1.works 2. is working 3. dances 4. is dancing 5. are doing 6. are cleaning 7. watch 8. are watching 9. is cooking 10. cooks.

Упр.№ 34

1. Does she? 2. Is she? 3. Can she? 4. Is she? 5. Has she? 6. Have they? 7. Is he? 8. Does he?

Упр.№ 35

1. He is working now. 2. He works every day. 3. I am skating now. 4. I skate every day. 5. They are playing now. – Are they? 6. They often play in the park. – Do they? 7. They are in the park. – Are they?

К уроку 16

Упр.№ 36

1. washed. 2. jumped 3. wanted 4. played 5. helped 6. watched 7. liked 8. lived. 9. skated 10. closed.

Упр.№ 37

1. plays/ played 2. cleans/ cleaned 3. wash/ washed 4. likes/ liked 5. watch/ watched 6. dress/ dressed 7. skates/ skated 8. lives/ lived 9. jump/ jumped 10 thanks/ thanked

Упр.№ 38

1. He works. 2. He worked. 3. I play. 4. I played. 5. She dances. 6. She danced. 7. We skated.

8. They watched TV.

К уроку 17

Упр.№ 39

1. Is she? 2. Does she? 3. Do they? 4. Are they? 5. Do they? 6. Is it? 7. Does it? 8. Does she?

9. Has she? 10. Is it?

Упр.№ 40

1. stopped. 2. skipped. 3. skied 4. dressed 5. loved 6. cleaned. 7. played 8. wanted 9. thanked. 10. washed.

Упр.№ 41

Every day: The boys play football...; I clean the room.....; He watches TV.....; Little Tom skis....; I visit Granny.....; Mr Smith works in the garden....

Yesterday: They played football...; I cleaned the room....; Little Tom skied....; I visited Granny...; We skipped....; Mr Smith worked in the garden....

Упр.№ 42

1. skips/ skipped 2. stops/ stopped 3. love/ loved 4. ski/ skied 5. dresses/ dressed.

Упр.№ 44

1.Did he ski? 2. Did they skate? 3. Did they work? 4. Did he jump? 5. Did she skip? 6. Did it stop? 7.Did she help them?

Упр.№ 45

1. Do they like chess? – Yes, they do. 2. Does he like chess? – Yes, he does. 3. Did they like chess? – Yes, they did. 4. Does she play tennis ? – Yes, she does. 5. Did she play tennis? – Yes, she did.

Упр.№ 46

1. They worked. 2. Did they work? 3. Did he play? 4.Did you ski? 5. Did she help Oleg?