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Hypergraphia is a condition causing one to need to write continuously; this disorder is commonly linked to mania and epilepsy. Some believe that the massive collection of over 800 letters Van Gogh wrote during his lifetime could be attributed to this condition.


Because Van Gogh strived for realism in his paintings he was often painting outdoors especially during his times in the South of France. Some of his episodes of hostility and the nausea and "bad stomach" he refers to in his letters may have been the effects of sunstroke.

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V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

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Спеціальність: Акторська майстерність/психологія.

From The People 23. 08. 2008


By Gilbert Dobson

The job of an actor or actress is to bring to life characters created by playwrights and scriptwriters. They interpret their role with guidance from a director and either perform in front of a live audience in a theatre setting or for a TV, radio or film. A lot of an actor's working life is spent rehearsing and preparing for performances. In the theatre, actors may perform the same role for weeks or even months. They also need to research their characters, learn their lines, and prepare for and attend auditions. They attend costume fittings and also spend time in make-up. Teamwork is a major part of the work. A successful actor or actress must be able to work well with other actors and all the technical members of the production crew. Most actors, even very successful ones, spend time out of work, and they have to work hard finding their next job. It helps to be versatile. Skills such as singing and dancing can make finding work easier.

An actor's working hours may be long and irregular, and may include evenings and weekends. Actors or actresses may work indoors in a theatre, community centre, concert hall or in TV, radio and film studios. Studio and stage lighting can make indoor locations hot. For film and TV, they may also be out on location, which could be anywhere in the UK or overseas - and could mean working in all kinds of weather conditions. Many actors work for very little pay, especially at the start of their careers. Actors in West End theatres earn around £500 a week. TV and film actors' earnings depend on the size of the part and on their reputation and experience.

Most acting jobs are short term. Even experienced actors can find it hard to make a full-time living, and many people find they need to do some other part-time work to supplement their income. There are acting opportunities in theatres, films, television and multimedia productions, commercials, theatre in education, and clubs and variety. It is important for actors to continue to develop their skills throughout their careers. An actor's prospects depend on talent, self-discipline, the right image, contacts and luck. They may be offered more important roles, or get to choose their roles, through hard work and consistently good performances. Some actors move into directing, producing, writing or teaching.

I.   Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова

III. В третьому абзаці підкресліть правильну граматичну форму.

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From The Guardian 17. 12. 2009

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