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Практика устной речи по английскому языку - Малышева О.Л., Валько О.В., Щёголева Т.П

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B. Make polite suggestions in the following situations:

Ask somebody

1. to cut his/her hair.

2.not to wear something you don’t like.

3.to be honest with you.

4.to tell you what’s on his mind.

5.to pay more attention to your feelings.

6.to stop being so critical of you.

7.not to be jealous.

8.to show more interest in what you’re interested in.

C. Give your views on the following issues:

Would you agree that: 1. women have been affected more than men by recent changes in the way people behave?

2.girlfriends aren’t straight with their boyfriends?

3.girls expect their boyfriends to be mindreaders?

4.girls tend to make constant digs at their boyfriends?

5.girls prefer to play a submissive role?

6.girls deliberately make their boyfriends 1. women have been affected more than men jealous?

7.most teenage girls don’t know how to deal with their boyfriends?

D.Give your views on the subject raised in the conversation. Use the openings gives below.

1. I must tell you that… 5. Don’t you find it strange that … 2. What I would like to say is … 6. You wouldn’t agree, would you, that …

3. While we’re on the subject I


There’s no doubt …

would like to tell you that …


As far as I know …

4. I must say I find it extremely

9. It’s probably true to say …


10. I think it’s certainly true to say that …

Exercise 4. Choose the right word or phrase which best completes Word Use each sentence.

1. He’s very ______ about his private life. He’s got no secrets. a. trustworthy b. direct c. open d. sincere

2. She is very ______ and told me quite simply that she doesn’t like me. a. genuine b. open c. blunt d. sincere


3. If you were ______, you’d admit that it was your fault. a. genuine b. true c. frank d. honest

4. He’s got a very ______ manner, so don’t be surprised if, the first time you meet him, he asks you how much you earn.

a. sincere b. frank c. direct d. reliable

5. I’m writing to express my _______ gratitude for all your help. a. truthful b. blunt c. sincere d. honest

6. It was a ______ mistake. I wasn’t trying to cheat you. a. genuine b. sincere c. truthful d. frank

7. I’m going to be _____ with you, Mr Henderson. Your daughter is a thief.

a. sincere

b. open

c. frank

d. genuine

8. I think he’s _______ . I think he sells stolen goods.

a. insincere

b. false

c. crooked

d. deceitful

9. She’s so ______. One minute she’s your best friend, and the next minute she doesn’t want to know you.

a. deceptive b. two-faced c. deceitful d. misleading

10.He was very _____. He flattered me so that I wouldn’t be able to refuse him the favour he wanted.

a. crooked b. two-faced c. cunning d. deceptive

11. The way he got me to do his work for him, without me realizing what was really happening, was very _________.

a. devious b. misleading c. crooked d. false

12.Don’t expect him to turn up on time. He’s very ______. a. untrustworthy b. unreliable c. deceitful d. cunning

13.It’s _______ of you to say that. You know it isn’t true.

a. dishonest b. devious c. untrustworthy d. false

14. I was _______ by his honest appearance. Only later did I discover

that he was a liar.


a. misled

b. deviated c. done

d. cheated

15.Before you send them any money, make sure the company really exists. The whole thing could be a ______.

a. deceit b. fool c. cheat d. con 16. You can’t ______ me! I know that story isn’t true.

a. lie b. fool c. do d. cheat

17.I realize now that you’ve been ______ me. You haven’t been going out with your friends, you’ve been seeing another man.

a. lying

b. doing

c. deceiving d. conning

Exercise 5. Say, if the statements are true or false, in your opinion.


*You never cheated at school.

*About 20% of children cheat at school.


*More boys cheat than girls.

*It is wrong to report on a cheat.

Now, read the text and correct the true and false answers where necessary. Argue the last point if you think differently.

Have you ever copied someone else’s answers in an exam or passed off someone else’s term paper as your own original work? Sadly enough, if your reply is ‘no’, you are in a minority. Surveys have shown that about two thirds of children admitted cheating in school. Cheating is done more by males than females, and intelligence is unrelated (though those with below average grades cheat more than those with above average grades).

When you allow others to cheat without reporting their behaviour, your response is no different than the situation in which you stand idly by as a thief get away with his or her crime. You may one day find yourself driving across a bridge designed by an individual who cheated on his engineering school exams, or you have a cavity filled by a dentist who was only able to pass dental school by copying the answers of a friend.

Exercise 6. Give a literary translation to the text below.


Spencer sighed and said to his dog, ‘Okay, I’ll be straight this time. Right to the heart of it, huh? No more dancing around the edges.’

Long ago he had sworn never to lie to himself. He kept that oath only somewhat more faithfully than the average drunkard kept his New Year’s Eve Resolution never to allow demon rum to touch his lips again. In fact, he probably indulged in less self-delusion and self-deception than most people did, but he could not claim, with a straight face, that he invariably told himself the truth. Or even that he invariably wanted to hear it. What it came down to was that he tried always to be truthful with himself but he often accepted a half-truth and a wink instead of the real thing – and could live comfortably with whatever omission the wink implied.

But he never lied to the dog.

Exercise 7. Can you always tell if someone is lying? Speaking Is lying actually bad?

Who do we lie most often to? What is it that we lie about?

Read the text and answer these questions.

Wilst we are all very good at telling lies we are not so good at spotting them. Unless someone is a professional /compulsive liar there are a number of things that people tend to do when they lie: they tend to


avoid eye-contact; their voice has a higher pitch than usual; what they say sounds rehearsed – probably using words that are supposed to be convincing but generally sound unnatural and distant; they tend to touch their nose or ears, scratch parts of their body, and shift in their seat. Interestingly, we tend to lie more to attractive people rather than unattractive people. Most lies are not intended to be deceptive, generally we lie unconsciously, either to be tactful or to protect / promote ourselves, by editing out details. Lying is not always a bad thing; married couples who religiously tell each other everything are more likely to get divorced than those who have a few secrets. In any case, imagine what life would be like if always told the truth!

Exercise 8. A. How serious the following lies seem to you?




The least serious mark ‘1’, the most serious – ‘5’.



Answer individually and then discuss in pairs.











Using public transport without buying a ticket.







Getting someone else to do your homework for you. __ __ __ __ __


Making an event sound much better or worse







than it really was.







Borrowing things without the owner’s permission.






5. Promising to visit/phone/write to someone







when you have no intention of doing so.







Not telling the waiter/waitress that they’ve







undercharged you for your meal.







Telling children that Father Christmas exists.






8. Copying books, CDs, videos and computer software.






9. Cheating on your partner.






10. Reading other people’s diaries and letters







without their permission.






B.Discuss in which of the following situations it would be convenient to tell a white lie. What might the lie be?

1.Your mother knits you a revolting jumper for your birthday.

2.A new friend invites you for dinner. You’re doing nothing but you don’t want to go.

3.You are a doctor. Your patient has six months to live.

4.Your child is 13. To get reduced rail fares she should be under 13.

5.Your partner has been hours preparing to go out for dinner. He/she looks terrible.


Exercise 9. Choose any of the topics below for your writing.


1.Given the opportunity most people would steal if there was no way of being caught.

2.If you want to have happy relationships, never say the whole truth.

3.Promises are made to be broken.


Exercise 1. Learn the following words and expressions.


To cope (with) to suffer (from)

to threaten

blanking out


sleeping pills stress can be spotted



in advance

trial run

mock examination to avoid

to handle


tension is mounting over-conscientious

Exercise 2. A. Listen to the conversation about examination stress. Listening Decidewhich of the following sentences are rightand

which are wrong.

1.All students are nervous before examinations.

2.If a student is less nervous, he has a bigger chance of success.

3.Many people can concentrate better under stress.

4.If you can’t sleep because of stress, you shouldn’t take sleeping pills.

5.Some people who are facing exams get easily irritated.

6.When panic stricken many students forget everything they have learnt.

7.Anyone can cope with examination stress if he/she is told how to do it.

8.‘A mock exam’ is a trial exam taken a few weeks before the real exam.

9.A mock examination will not tell you how you react in a stress situation.

10.The best advice for a success in examinations is to take things easily.

11.Students shouldn’t work much before examinations.

12.You should take breaks every three hours when you are working for examinations.

13.When revising the material you have already learnt, it is useful to make notes.

14.You should start revising at least six weeks before the examination.

15.Mistakes could be avoided if students took time when reading the examination questions.


B.Find the missing words in these sentences. The number of the words that are to be inserted is given in brackets.

1.We know that (2)_______ different kinds of stress.

2.We would like to tell them (4)______ examination stress.

3.Stress (3)_______ panic and insomnia.

4.Stress (3)_______ by signs of irritability.

5.Students (5)________ this problem must be helped.

6.They have to be taught (3)______ the situation.

7.All students are advised (4)________ in their timetables.

8.The most dangerous time is (3)_______ before examinations.

9.Students should make brief notes and (3)_____ regularly.

10.Students are advised (4)_____ straight away.

C.Find how the following words are described.

1.Margaret Felton is a psychologist who … .

2.Your listeners are young people who … .

3.Examinations are the most stressful events … .

4.Blanking out doesn’t happen often but students who … must be helped in advance.

5.Those … have to be taught how to handle the situation.

6.They shouldn’t learn facts that … .

D.Answer the following questions.

1.What does Dr Felton think about examinations?

2.What can affect the result of an examination?

3.What can examination stress lead to?

4.Are sleeping pills helpful in cases of insomnia?

5.Does blanking out happen very often?

6.What can be done to help panic stricken students cope with the exam stress?

7.What should be remembered about the revision period?

8.Why are over-conscientious students likely to have bigger problems than those who don’t work hard?

9.What is the best way to learn?

10.How often should you take breaks?

11.When should you start revising material for examinations?

12.What should you do, first of all, when you get the examination paper?

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English.


1.Как можно справиться со стрессом, связанным с экзаменами?

2.Может ли стрессовая ситуация вызвать бессонницу?


3.Является ли отсутствие концентрации признаком стресса?

4.Случается ли временная потеря памяти у многих студентов?

5.Можно ли обнаружить, что студент будет иметь серьезные проблемы при сдаче экзаменов?

6.Напряжение больше перед экзаменом или во время него?

7.Есть ли смысл долго сидеть ночью, готовясь к экзамену?

8.Какой способ подготовки к экзамену дает наилучшие ре зультаты?

9.Достаточно ли начать повторять материал за несколько дней до экзамена?

10.О чем следует помнить, когда вы получите экзаменацион ное задание?

11.Что нужно сделать перед тем, как вы начнете писать ответы на вопросы?

Exercise 4. A. Summarize the dialogue using the following prompts.


1.Mr Black raises the question of … and asks Dr Felton to … .

2.Dr Felton answers that … and adds that … .

3.She explains that … .

4.She also warns that … .

5.Then Mr Black asks Dr Felton if … .

6.Dr Felton says that … and gives advice how … .

7.Finally Mr Black wants to know what … .

8.Dr Felton tells him that … .

B.Discuss your views on exams. Do you share the followingopinions?

1.Exams are the most effective way to test a student’s knowledge and ability.

2.The best way to study for an exam is to do it with a fellow student.

3.When preparing for an exam it is better to study a few points in depth than everything superficially.

4.It is impossible to study efficiently with background music playing.

5.The time spent preparing for exams would be better spent learning new things.

6.Dictionaries and calculators should (not) be allowed to be used in


7. Exam time is worse for teachers than for students.


Exercise 5. A. Which verbs go with which nouns? Tick the boxes.




degree distinction



Cram for


Get into

Get a place at

Expel from

Exclude from

Send down from





Activate B. Use these expressions to complete the following exchanges.

a.– How well did you do in the test? – Oh, I’m afraid I ____ it. I’m going to have to do it again.

b.– You look happy! – Yes, I’ve just _____ Cambridge University.

c.– Why were you _____ university? – Because I cheated in the final exams.

d.– Have you got your exam results yet? – Yes, and I did better than I thought. I ______.

Idiom C. Each item in box A links with another in box B to form a common phrase or expression. How many pairs can you match?




next to








a charmed



















a guess










a murmur




a sensation

one’s mind





the grapevine



and fancy-free

of scene




Interaction D. What questions could you ask to get these answers?

1.No, they have to finance their own studies.

2.There isn’t much difference, it’s just that the courses are more practical in a polytechnic instead of being more academic.

3.Well, they learn one or two things, like recognizing a few numbers, but most of the time they play around.


4.Because I wanted to be a teacher, no other reason.

5.Well, I’ve been up all night revising for an exam.

6.No, I was ill. I didn’t miss it deliberately.

Exercise 6.

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each

Word Use




1. There’s not much ______ for progression in this job.


a. prospect

b. outlook

c. expectation

d. scope


I’ve got to work late tonight – something has _____ .


a. come out

b. turned out

c. come up

d. turned off


She’s got the _______ to do well.



a. potential

b. prospect

c. outlook

d. scope

4. After a while I was so tired that I couldn’t ______ .


a. be engrossed

b. be focused

c. concentrate

d. be concentrated


I think we should ______ the most important points.


a. be concentrated on

b. be concentrated in


c. focus on


d. concentrate in


He is very _____ and has never had any trouble passing exams.


a. sensible

b. perceptive c. clever

d. sharp


If you’re so _____, then why did you fail your English exam?


a. practical

b. shrewd

c. perceptive

d. smart


It was a(n) ______ conversation. We were both talking about


different things without realizing it.



a. thick


b. absurd

c. unwise

d. foolish


Don’t be ____! Of course we can’t afford an expensive hotel.


a. daft


b. slow

c. naive

d. gullible

10. What was the right word again? It’s _____ completely.


a. slipped

b. gone

c. flown

d. left

11. I’m afraid ____ you. Could you repeat what you just said?


a. I don’t get

b. I’m not with c. I don’t see

d. I miss

12.Do you understand what I’m trying to say? – Yes, I ______

what you mean.

a. see b. catch c. take d. follow 13. I couldn’t ______ him because he spoke too quickly. a. gather b. follow c. see d. catch

Exercise 7. Correct the mis-collocations in these sentences:

Check Yourself

1.I can’t come out. I’m studying. I’m passing an examination tomorrow.

2.Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your examination!

3.You can study a lot of different careers at this university.


4.I got some good notes in my continuous assessment this term.

5.She’s a professor in a primary school.

6.He gave an interesting 45-minute conference on Byron.

7.She got a degree in personnel management from a private college.

Exercise 8. What kind of student are you? Answer the quiz to find out! Quiz For each question, choose the option which you feel most describes you. Work out your score and read the definition

of your student type then.

1.Your teacher has given you a long assignment as homework. It has to be handed in next week. Do you …

a.get down to it straight away?

b.put it off for a couple of days so you have a chance to think it over?

c.check your diary? You can’t always fit homework into your busy social life.

2.You think one of your classmates is cheating in an exam. Do you …

a.tell on him or her? It’s not fair – you had to work hard.

b.get on with your own exam? You need to concentrate.

c.get back to doodling on your exam paper? Who cares?

3.You’ve been ill and have missed a number of English classes. Do you…

a.ask a classmate or the teacher to go over the important things you have missed with you?

b.worry about it and feel ill again?

c.just carry on – you will pick up anything important as you go along?

4.You’ve been invited away for a week. It will mean missing a number of your English classes. Do you …

a.turn down the invitation? You don’t want to get behind.

b.jump at the chance? You can always make up for it later.

c.think carefully about the pros and cons before deciding one way or another?

5.You have difficulty learning new vocabulary. Do you …

a.decide to take up an easier language?

b.put together a personalized vocabulary book in which you can jot down meanings, example sentences and other useful


c.regularly draw up lists of new words translations in your own language?

6.You come across a new word in a text you are reading. Do you …

a.try to work out the meaning from the context and then check in the dictionary if necessary?


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