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Epidemiology for English speaking students / How to read a paper / Do patients need to read research

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Do patients need to read research?

Richard Smith

BMJ 2003;326;1307doi:10.1136/bmj.326.7402.1307

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Do patients need to read research?

Most patients wouldn’t dream of reading

children who had developed autism (and a

same time is to “randomise” the patients to

medical research. They probably imagine it

strange bowel disorder) after being given

one treatment or another. To exclude “bias”

to be arcane, mystical material full of

the MMR vaccine. The problem is that

(which might, for example, lead a doctor to

numbers, formulas and Greek symbols.

virtually all children are given the vaccine—

put all the sicker patients into one arm of

They aren’t far wrong, but it is possible to

which means hundreds of thousands a

the trial) neither the doctor nor the patient

get to grips with medical research without

year—and all sorts of things will happen to

should know who has got the active

being as clever as Wittgenstein. If it’s any

them in the weeks after they have been

treatment, making the trial “double blind.”

comfort, most doctors don’t read or

given the vaccine. Some will break legs.

Because the benefit from most medical

understand medical research either—but

Some will start to talk. Some may show

treatments is small and so hard to detect,

they can be trained to do so without too

signs of autism. But this doesn’t mean that

you need very many patients in the trial.

much effort.

these events are caused by the vaccine.

Although “double blind randomised trials”

The main reason for reading medical

I can’t in a short piece convey everything

are the best way of working out whether a

research is that it underpins all of medicine.

you need to know to assess the validity of a

treatment works, many of them have not

Increasingly, doctors are reluctant to use

piece of research, but I can give some

been well done and have given misleading

diagnostic methods and treatments unless

guidance on one of medicine’s most


they are based on good research. I belong

important—and simplest—questions: “Does a

A final reason why patients might want to

to a generation who had our tonsils

treatment work?” The simplest experiment

read medical research is because it’s a

removed for recurrent snotty noses. The

would be to give a patient a treatment and

satisfying intellectual experience—like

treatment was useless. Thirty years ago

see if it works—a case report. Such reports

reading Proust or trying to make sense of

patients who had heart attacks were kept in

used to be common in medical journals, but

the paintings of Titian.

bed for days. The treatment killed them.

we don’t know what would have happened


When my first son was born my wife was

to the patient without the treatment. The

Further reading

given an enema and had her pubic hair

same problem applies to a collection of

To learn more about how to work out

shaved. Both unnecessary. The history of

patients: a case series, the most common

whether a piece of medical research is

medicine is mostly a history of ineffective

type of study in many surgical journals.

reliable, read Trisha Greenhalgh’s book,

and often dangerous treatments. This is


How to Read a Paper, available from the BMJ

what is meant by “evidence-based medicine.”

Intellectual experience

Bookshop (www.bmjbookshop.com/) for

Unfortunately there is still no evidence to

The scientific answer to the problem is to

£16.95. The articles that made up the book

support most diagnostic methods and

have “control” patients who don’t get the

are available for free on bmj.com

treatments. Either the research hasn’t been

treatment. You might have a series of

Richard Smith has written a book, provisionally

done or it is of too poor a quality to be

patients from before the treatment was

entitled The Trouble with Medical Journals,

useful. Patients might want to read medical

available and compare what happened to

which will be published next year by Cambridge

research in order to understand if evidence

them with a series of new patients given the

University Press.

exists to support the treatments they are

treatment, known as a “before and after”

Competing interests: Richard Smith is editor of the


study. There are two major problems with

BMJ and chief executive of the BMJ Publishing

They might also want to read research in

this: firstly, we don’t know if the new

Group Ltd, which publishes a great deal of

response to particular controversies—like,

patients are the same as the old patients;

research, and Trisha Greenhalgh’s book. He is paid

for example, the argument over whether

secondly, other things—perhaps the weather

a fixed salary and will not benefit financially from

the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)

or the medical staff—might have changed

more people reading either the research or the book.

vaccine causes autism. This idea arose from

and led to better results.


a scientifically weak study in the Lancet,

The best way to be sure that you are


Richard Smith editor, BMJ, London WC1H 9JR,

which described a cluster of cases of

comparing the same sorts of patients at the


BMJ VOLUME 326 14 JUNE bmj.com