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ТПУ английский 1курс ИДЗ №1.doc
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Vocabulary & grammar test

Choose the correct item.

1 Do you say his __B____ name is Boris?

A full B first C last

2 His mother remarried, he has a ___A___ now.

A stepfather B stepmother C stepaunt

3 Some children ___B___ to read before they start school.

A study B learn C teach

4 In history we had to learn a lot of dates by ___C___.

A hard B hand C heart

5 Where is she? She is ___A___ home.

A at B in C on

6 There ___C___ not fifteen children in the classroom.

A is B am C are

7 He hasn’t got ___B___ brothers or sisters.

A some B any C no

8 I don’t remember where ___A___ relatives were born.

A my B mine C me

9 My aunts are ___B___.

A housewifes B housewives C housewife

10 My uncle ___B___ very muscular arms.

A haven’t B has got C have got


Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1 Не волнуйся ,все будет хорошо.

2 Подожди минуту ,дай мне подумать.

3 Сэм родился в Шотландии, но когда ему было 2 года ,его отец получил новую работу в Лос-Анжелесе и он вырос в Колифорнии.

4 Анна всегда торопится с выполнением домашнего задания.

5 В этой стране выпускники всегда сдают вступительные экзамены в июле.

6 Она работала очень много и добилась успеха.

7 Он не смог сдать экзамены.

8 Для многих людей самое плохое время-час пик.

9 Я живу и работаю в пригороде, но я выезжаю в город два раза в неделю.

10 Проблема в том, что там нигде не припарковаться в центре и мне приходится ездить в город на автобусе.


This is a part of the letter youve received from an English friend.


Im coming to your school for one term. In your next letter, tell me about

the school. What do you like and dislike about it?



Now you are writing a letter to this friend. Write your letter in about

60–80 Words.

Dear Barbara,

Thank you for your letter. It was so good to hear from you. I hope your return journey was OK.

I also travelled a lot this summer. In August Elena and I went abroad . We spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. We lived and studied at a good state school. Would you like to know what we did there?

Well , in the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. In the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart, played games, asked and answered questions, leaned new words , used the computer and wrote our own fairy tales. But we didn’t translate into Russian at our lessons because our teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English history and traditions.

Now we speak and read English much better than we did last year .I made a lot of friends in Scotland .We also spent 3 days in London. I tried to call you but you were not in. We are impressed by Great Britain and hope to visit it again.

Best wishes from us all. Your “lazy kids “.

Elena and Olga.