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  1. Parts of speech Speak on the problem Notional and functional parts

English and Ukrainian have the parts of speech that almost coincide. Parts of speech, according to their values, are usually subdivided into two classes: notional and functional. The languages have similar симэлэ notional such as the noun, the adjective, the numeral, the pronoun, the verb, the adverb and similar functional parts of speech such as the preposition, the conjunction, the particle and the interjection. The exception is the article that is not found in Ukrainian. A major мэйдже difficulty in English is that the same word can often belong to different parts of speech. Some of the forms are accounted by a functional conversion, but some of them are homonyms. Recategorisation can occur экЁ within a class or between classes. For example, the subcategory of a noun can be converted in such ways: from abstract to concrete (a youth meaning ‘a boy’), from uncountable to countable, from proper to common (an Einstein аинстайн meaning ‘a genius’). In English, the part-of-speech identification, due to its analytic nature and poor system of affixes, is based on syntactic properties of words but not on formal characteristics, for example, as in the Ukrainian language, which is rich in synthetic forms. The different approaches to SINGLING синглинг OUT parts of speech in English and Ukrainian are accounted for, by different grammatical structures of the contrasted languages.

  1. Categor. Of Verb Speak on grammatical categories of tense, voice and aspect.

The verb possesses a lot of grammatical categories such as person, number, tense, aspect, voice and mood. English offers much more forms for the expression. The category of tense denotes the relation of the action either to the moment of speaking or to some definite moment in the past or future. The three temporal dimensions such as the present, the past or the future can be expressed by means of 12 English verb forms: Indefinite (Present, Past, Future), Continuous (Present, Past, Future), Perfect (Present, Past, Future), Perfect Continuous (Present, Past, Future). Some of the English tenses denote time relations, others denote both time and aspect relations.  In the Ukrainian language all the events are referred to one of the three time dimensions – the present, the past or the future. In Ukrainian the category of tense is closely connected with the category of person and is manifested by means of the personal forms. The category of tense and the category of aspect are intermingled. The imperative and the conditional moods do not possess the tense differentiation.

The category of aspect ВИД shows the way in which the action develops, whether it is in progress or completed, etc. In Ukrainian the category of aspect predominates, and the category of tense is subordinated to it. Ukrainian verbs are divided into the perfective aspect (доконаний вид) and imperfective aspect (недоконаного виду) писати – надписати, читати – прочитати. Morphological means of the Ukrainian aspect form building are various: 1) prefixation (питати – спитати, розпитати) 2) suffixation (списувати – списати, нагадувати, нагадати), 3) vowel alternation (вмирати – вмерти, везти – перевозити), 4) the stress shifting (вимірЯти – вИміряти, розкидáти – розкИдати), 5) the use of different stems (брати – взяти, говорити – сказати) and others. Aspect forms in English and Ukrainian are close connected with tense forms. The essential difference between aspect forms in both languages concerns the correlation of the common and perfective aspects. the action which happens regularly or is a repeated one, is rendered in English usually by forms of the common aspect, whereas in Ukrainian it is rendered by forms of the imperfective aspect. Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade. – Вода кипить при 100 Цельсія.

The category of voice In Ukrainian and English there are two types of voice such as active and passive. In English the passive voice of the verb is formed by combining of the help verb “to be” in the corresponding tense form with the Participle II of the main verb, which expresses its lexical meaning: He was invited to a party. The separate group includes reflexive verbs with the postfix -ся (голитися, гніватися). The passive voice can also be formed by the passive participle and non-personal form of participle ending in -но, -то товариство організовано). Also there are a lot of verbs which cannot be combined with this suffix that is they are unable to create the form of the reflexive state: лягти, сохнути, сісти, шуміти. In Ukrainian the category of voice is characteristic only of transitive verbs. Some verbs in Ukrainian have only the reflexive перехідна form that is they are used only with the suffix -ся: любуватися, боятися, надіятися, сміятися and others. The category of voice is a grammatical category, i.e. it is expressed by means of grammatical forms and not by lexical means.