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Наумова Я. А. 213С

Text 4. The f.B.I.






antitrust crime

антимонопольные преступления

passage of Prohibition

«сухой закон»

internal security matters

вопросы внутренней безопасности

crime detection methods

методы расследования преступлений









court testimony

показания в суде

The most famous Federal Government Agency in the United States is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (the F.B.I.) with the headquarters in Washington, D.C. In 1908, when the F.B.I. was created it was a small group of special investigators. They investigated few federal criminal violations, such as bankruptcy, fraud, and antitrust crime.

During the Gangster Era that began after passage of Prohibition in 1920, the F.B.I. size and responsibilities grew, and the U.S. Congress gave the F.B.I. Special Agents the authority to make arrests and carry firearms.

At present, the F.B.I. handles over 180 different investigations from federal criminal violations to internal security matters. The F.B.I. consists of 11 different divisions. One of these divisions is the Identification Division, which was created in 1924 by Director Hoover. One of its aims was to provide a national collection of fingerprints. The collection is now the largest in the world.

All F.B.I. Agents are trained at courses in Washington, D.C. and at the F.B.I. Academy in Virginia. There the experienced instructors train them in modern crime detection methods.

The FBI is headed by a Director who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The current Director, Robert S. Mueller. The FBI counts among its ranks approximately 30,000 em­ployees, including approximately 12,000 Special Agents and 18,000 Professional Staff employees. FBI Headquarters is located in the J. Edgar Hoover Building on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. FBI headquarters is organized into five main branches: Na­tional Security, Criminal Investigations, Law Enforcement Ser­vices, Office of the Chief Information Officer, and Administration. To apply to become an FBI agent, you must have a four-year degree, hold American citizenship and be between the ages of 23 and 39. You must also have a clean record, without convictions for any se­rious crimes.

To carry out their duties, FBI agents are entrusted with ex­tremely broad powers. They are authorized to carry weapons and, under some circumstances, to shoot and to kill. They can place suspects under arrest.

Exercise 16. Look through the text and find the following information:

- who is the head of the FBI;

- where FBI Headquarters is located;

- where FBI resident agencies are located and what they are responsible for;

- what is the mission of the FBI's Legal Attaché.


1. The current Director, Robert S. Mueller.

2. FBI Headquarters is located in the J. Edgar Hoover Building on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington.

3. FBI headquarters is organized into five main branches: National Security, Criminal Investigations, Law Enforcement Services, Office of the Chief Information Officer, and Administration.

4. The FBI's Legal Attaché works with the law enforcement and security agencies in their host country to coordinate investigations of interest to both countries. 

Exercise 17. Find in the text the following word combinations. Translate them.

Назначаться Президентом, одобряться Сенатом, приблизительно, штаб-квартира ФБР, снятие отпечатков пальцев, судебные и технические службы, американское гражданство, широкие полномочия.


Назначаться Президентом - appointed by the President;

Одобряться Сенатом - confirmed by the Senate;

Приблизительно - approximately;

Штаб-квартира ФБР - headquarter FBI;

Снятие отпечатков пальцев - fingerprints;

Судебные и технические службы - forensic and technical services

Американское гражданство - American citizenship;

Широкие полномочия - broad powers.

Exercise 18. Complete the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. The Federal Government Agency in the United States is ____ . 2. The F.B.I. ____ in 1908. 3. The U.S. Congress gave the F.B.I. Special Agents the authority ____ . 4. The F.B.I. consists of ____ . 5. All F.B.I. Agents are trained at ____ .