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Career in Engineering



Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Московский государственный технологический университет «СТАНКИН»

Кафедра иностранных языков

Career in Engineering

Методические указания

для самостоятельной работы с аудио-файлами



УДК 547.21(075)

Career in Engineering: метод. указ. для самостоятельной работы с аудио-файлами / сост. Е.М.Зарубина, И.К.Петрова. — М.: ФГБОУ ВПО МГТУ «СТАНКИН», 2014. — 20 с.

В данных указаниях предлагается система упражнений, дополняющая аудиоматериалы и нацеленная на обучение пониманию на слух английской речи, связанной с будущей профессиональной деятельностью студентов.

Упражнения также способствуют расширению и закреплению лексики по предлагаемой тематике.

Предназначены для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей дневного и вечернего отделений.

УДК 547.21(075)

© Разводова Н.М., Козлов Г.В., составление, 2012


1.1. Listen to the text.

1.2. Complete the text with the words from the box. Then listen and check.

blueprints, degree, related, extensive, grasp, support, fields

1. Engineering (Can you be an engineer?)

Engineering is the ideal field for people with a very strong …. of maths and science and a very analytical mind. Engineering jobs require at least a four-year …. usually in engineering or in some cases …. degrees such as mathematics or physical science may be accepted instead. Engineers specialize in different fields such as mechanical, civil, aerospace, chemical and industrial engineering. Engineers have one of the highest starting salaries of any field because such an …. education is required in order to become an engineer and in order to focus an engineer’s time as much as possible there are many related …. positions. Often right below an engineer is an engineering technology graduate and another support position is that of an engineering technician. Some related careers include positions as computer-aided-drafting or CAD-technicians (also known as drafters) who work for the engineers to draw out the design and …. .

1.3. Translate the phrases given below from English into your language. Then discuss your translation with your neighbour.

  • related degrees may be accepted

  • specialize in different fields

  • an extensive education is required

  • computer-aided drafting

  • a strong grasp of maths and science

1.4. Listen again and answer the questions.

  1. What fields do engineers specialize in?

  2. The knowledge of what subjects is required to get a job in engineering ?

  3. What education should one obtain to become an engineer ?

  4. What are the related support positions ?

  5. Are there any related careers ?

2.1. Listen to the text.

Complete the text with the words or phrases from the box. Then listen and check.

research, design, satisfying, skills, appliances, item, deal, knack, demanding, involve, tools.