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44. Ettinger b, Citron jt, Livermore b, Dolman li.

Chlorthalidone reduces calcium oxalate calculous recurrence but magnesium hydroxide does not. J Urol 1988; 139: 679-684.

  1. Ettinger B, Pak CYC, Citron JT, Thomas C, Adams-Huet B, Vangessel A. Potassium-magnesium citrate is an effective prophylaxis against recucrrent calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. J Urol 1997; 158: 2069-2073.

  2. Ettinger B, Tang A, Citron JT, Livermore B, Williams T. Randomized trial of allopurinol in the prevention of calcium oxalate calculi. N Engl J Med. 1986; 315: 1386-1389.

  3. Coe FL, Raisen L.

Allopurinol treatment of uric acid disorders in calcium-stone formers. Lancet 1973; i: 129-131.

48. Coe FL,

Uric acid and calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. Kidney Int 1983; 24: 392-403.

49. Fellstrom b, Backman u, Danielson bg, Holmgren k, Johannson g, Lindsjo m, Ljunghall s, Wikstrom b.

Allopurinol treatment of renal calcium stone disease. Br J Urol 1985; 57: 375-379.

50. Miano l, Petta s, Gallucci m.

Allopurinol in the prevention of calcium oxalate renal stones. Preliminary results. Eur Urol 1979; 5: 229-232.

51. Tiselius hg, Larsson l, Hellgren e.

Clinical result of allopurinol treatment in prevention of calcium oxalate stone formation. J Urol 1986; 13:297-300.


Members of the Advisory Board of European Urolithiasis Research have contributed to the section on metabolic evaluation and preventive treatment. They include:

W. Achilles, D. Ackermann, P. Alken, J.M. Baumann, K.H. Bichler, R. Caudarella, M. Daudon, B. Dussol, B. Hess, A. Hesse, Ph. Jaeger, D.J. Kok, B.D. Leusmann, RN. Rao (Vice-President), K. Sarica, P.O. Schwille, W.L. Strohmaier, H.-G. Tiselius (President).

7 Abbreviations used in the text

This list is not comprehensive for the most common abbreviations

CIRF: clinically insignificant fragments

CT: computed tomography

ESWL: extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, also including piezolithotripsy

GAG: glycosaminoglycan

HCL: hydrochloric acid

HPT: hyperparathyroidism

KUB: plain abdominal film of the kidneys, ureters and bladder

PN: percutaneous nephrostomy catheter

PNL: percutaneous nephrolithotomy with or without lithotripsy

URS: ureteroscopy

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