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Present Simple

  1. Fill in the gaps with the verb in Present Simple with ‘-s’ or without.

1. Water … at 100°C. (boil). 2. My uncle … in a factory. (work) 3. John and Sue … glasses. (wear) 4. The children … a lot of sweets. (eat) 5. He only … at weekends. (work) 6. I always … out on Saturdays. (go) 7. She … to London once a week. (drive). 8. She never … up very early. (get) 10. I occasionally … meat. (eat) 11. The teacher… at 6 this evening. (leave) 12. The concert … at 7 next Friday. (start) 13. They … in the paper itwill be hot. (say) 14. He usually … early in the morning (get up). 15. She often … breakfast at 10 a.m. (have)

  1. Ask questions to the sentences in ex. 8 and give negative answers.

  2. Fill in the gaps with sometimes, seldom, often, usually, always, never to make the sentences true for yourself.

1. I … get up at 7 o’clock. 2. I … wash my face; brush my teeth in the morning. 3. I … go to the University on foot. 4. I … go there by car. 5. I … take a tram or a bus. 6. On Monday we … have three double periods. 7. At noon I am … free. 8. In the afternoon I … read books and magazines, go for a walk, meet my friends. 9. I … go shopping in the evening. 10. I … have dinner at 9 p.m. 11. I … cook diner myself. 12. I … go to bed at midnight.

  1. Ask your partner about his or her day. Use the words from the previous exercise. Tell the group about your partner using he/she and the verb with ‘-s’.

  2. Make suggestions to your partner using the forms: Why don't we ...? or Why don't you ...? Give a reason for your suggestion. Your partner agrees or disagrees.

  3. Translate into Russian.

1. High in the mountains water boils at 90°C. 2. The Sun rises in the east. 3. The Earth rotates around its axis and revolves around the Sun. 4. The Earth completes a rotation on its axis every twenty three hours and fifty four minutes. 5. The Earth completes one revolution around the sun once every three hundred and sixty five point two six days. 6. The elliptical orbit of the Earth has little effect on the seasons. 7. It is the tilt of the planet's rotational axis that causes winter and summer. 8. Earth’s axis tilts 23.5 degrees. 9. The revolution of the Earth and the tilting of the axis results in different angle of the sun during different periods. 10. For example, in summer the Earth’s surface and the midday sun form a 90 degree angle. 11. Because of the tilt the hemispheres receive different amounts of the Sun’s energy. 12. The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. 13. The water moves from one reservoir to another by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow. 14. The water cycle involves the exchange of energy, which leads to temperature changes. 15. When water evaporates, it takes up energy from its surroundings and cools the environment. 16. When water condenses, it releases energy and warms the environment. 17. Gravity is the force that causes things to fall down.

  1. Translate into Russian.

1. Physics excels at measuring and predicting the physical world. 2. With the use of measurements scientists observe the world, then model and predict it. 3. Physics and mathematicians group like measurements into measurement systems. 4. The most common measurement systems include the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) and meter-kilogram-second (MKS) systems. 5. Physicists call CGS and MKS systems SI (short for Systéme International d’Units). 6. Sometimes you come across the foot-pound-inch (FPI) system. 7. Each measurement system uses a different standard length and weight.

8. If you use the MKS measurement system to measure the depth of the swimming pool, it gives you an answer in meters; and the less common FPI system yields a depth in inches. 9. Physicists use various measurement systems to record numbers from their observations. 10. If scientists measure something, they always stick with the same measurement system all the way through the problem. 11. If physicists have results in different measurement systems, they convert everything to the same measurement system before they proceed.

  1. TranslateintoEnglish.

1. Вода кипит при ста градусах по Цельсию. 2. Солнце встает на востоке. 3. Он работает по выходным. 4. Она не водит автомобиль. 5. Она посещает Париж каждый месяц. 6. Раз в неделю он ходит в театр. 7. Обычно он завтракает в девять. 8. Она всегда обедает в полдень. 9. Они часто ходят в зоопарк. 10. Иногда мы навещаем наших друзей в Англии. 11. Очень редко он ложиться спать в полночь. 12. Она никогда не читает книги по утрам. 13. Она никогда не выходит из дома по вечерам. 14. После обеда она обычно гуляет в парке. 15. Почему бы нам не пойти в парк? 16. Он работает в университете или на заводе? 17. Солнце встает на востоке или на западе? 18. Она ходит на работу пешком или ездит на автобусе? 19. Иногда он ест мясо. 20. Она всегда ходит по магазинам после обеда?

  1. Translate the text into Russian.

Physics is the study of your world and the world and universe around you. 1Physics is a study 2that you undertake naturally 3from the moment you open your eyes. Nothing falls beyond the scope of physics. You study various aspects of the natural world, and, accordingly, you study different fields in physics: the physics of objects in motion, of forces, of what happens when you go nearly as fast as the speed of light, and so on.

Your natural curiosity gives rise to endless questions:

- Why do I slip when I try to climb that snow bank?

- What’s the nature of this speck of dust?

- Why do blankets make me warm?

- What’s the nature of matter?

1Some of the most fundamental questions 2you may have about the world deal with objects in motion. 1Motion is a fundamental fact of life and one 2that most people already know a lot about.

When you take a look around, you see that the motion of objects changes all the time. A motorcycle comes to a halt at the stop sign. 1A leaf falls and then stops 2when it hits the ground, 3and the wind picks it up again. Motion changes all the time as the result of force.

  1. Translate the text into English.

Ученые наблюдают за миром, моделируют и предсказывают его. Измерения очень важны для ученых. Физики группируют похожие меры в системы измерений. Самая распространенная система – МКС. Менее распространенная – фут-фунт-дюйм.

Например, вы хотите найти площадь футбольного поля. Если вы измеряете длину футбольного поля в системе СИ, то вы получаете результат в метрах. И если у вас уже имеется его ширина в футах, вы переводите футы в метры, чтобы продолжить вычисления. Помните, что вы всегда придерживаетесь одной и той же системы измерений.

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