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FCLP grammar test 3b

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Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

First Certificate Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 3b (Units 11–14)

1 Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 I haven’t finished reading the book already/yet.

2 The newsagents’ is between/among the pub and the hairdressers’.

3 Although/Despite the rain, we had a good holiday.

4 I’ve been working very hard nowadays/recently.

5 My friend Kate, that/whose parents live in Paris, invited me to France for the summer.

6 The old monastery was on/in an island off the coast of Scotland.

7 The trainers were such an expensive/so expensive that I didn’t buy them.

8 Mary has suggested a coffee break, which/that I think is an excellent idea.

9 There’s a big demonstration in town, and some workers are on strike/in strike.

10 On the whole/In the whole, Liverpool isn’t a bad place to live.

11 I’m going away on holiday/in holiday in two weeks’ time.

12 I’m with great difficulty/in great difficulty when it comes to repairing cars.

2 Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences. Begin as shown, and use the word given in capitals.

0 That woman is my neighbour. She brought me flowers when I was ill. WHO That’s my neighbour who brought me flowers when I was ill .

1 My friend lent me this book. It’s about a small Mexican village. WHICH This book ______________________________________________________ .

2 This book is about a small Mexican village. It is nearly 400 pages long. WHICH This book, ______________________________________________________ .

3 I told you about a person. He is sitting over there. WHO The person ______________________________________________________ .

4 A person plays guitar in ‘The Donuts’. He is sitting over there. WHO The person ______________________________________________________ .

5 That group has a new CD. It is called ‘Street Noise’. WHOSE That’s the ______________________________________________________ .

6 Pamela’s father is ill. She phoned me last night. WHOSE Pamela, ________________________________________________________ .

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way. to Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 The play was boring, so I fell asleep in the middle. such It was _____________________________________ I fell asleep in the middle.

2 Waiter! This food isn’t hot, so I can’t eat it. to Waiter! This food ______________________________________________ eat.

3 Just think! I was in Rome a week ago today. time Just think! I was in Rome ______________________________________ week.

4 We had problems, but we succeeded in the end. of We succeeded in the end ____________________________________________ the problems.

5 You use this to clean the bathroom sink. for This ____________________________________________ the bathroom sink.

6 I kept hoping for a miracle, but I knew it was no use. even I kept hoping for a miracle, ________________________________________ it was no use.

4 Put one suitable word in each space.

Diet and health

It is said that people from Mediterranean countries, (0) on average, live longer

(1) ____________ people from the north of Europe. (2) ____________ a large extent this must be due (3) ____________ their better diet. Southern Europeans eat healthy foods (4) ____________ as fish and vegetables, and they also eat far

(5) ____________ fatty foods like cakes and hamburgers. The people from southern Italy, (6) ____________ life expectancy is the longest (7) ____________ all, have traditionally consumed very little meat. (8) ____________ the past this habit might (9) ____________ been caused (10) ____________ poverty, but (11) ____________ today people from this region eat a lot of fish. There is one surprising thing,

(12) ____________ . In (13) ____________ of their healthy lifestyle, people from southern Europe smoke a lot. In fact, (14) ____________ many young people have started smoking (15) ____________ the governments are quite worried and are taking measures to reduce the number of smokers in (16) ____________ countries.

First Certificate Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 3b (Units 11–14) 2

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