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  1. Unit: conference etiquette

    1. Rules of etiquette and their importance


  1. Present your reports and defend your opinion.

  2. Read the quotation above and comment upon it.

Attending an academic conference is like being a teenager again. Anonymous

  1. Read the following article and fulfil the tasks after it.

Etiquette fundamentally prescribes and restricts the ways in which people interact with each other, and show their respect for other people by conforming to the norms of society.

Modern etiquette instructs people to:

  • Greet relatives, friends and acquaintances with warmth and respect.

  • Refrain from insults and prying curiosity.

  • Offer hospitality and generously to guests.

  • Wear clothing suited to the occasion.

  • Contribute to conversations without dominating them.

  • Offer assistance to those in need.

  • Eat neatly and quietly.

  • Avoid disturbing others with unnecessary noise.

  • Follow the established rules of an organization upon becoming a member.

  • Arrive promptly when expected.

  • Comfort the bereaved.

  • Respond to invitations promptly.

  • Accept gifts or favors with humility and gratitude.

  • Acknowledge gifts or favors with prompt tokens of thanks (e.g. a thank-you card).

In the upper strata of Roman society, etiquette would have instructed a man to: greet friends and acquaintances with decorum, according to their rank, refrain from showing emotions in public, keep his womenfolk secluded from his clients, support his family's position with public munificence, etc. Lower strata conformed to different rules.

In the West, the notion of etiquette, being of French origin and arising from practices at the court of Louis XIV, is occasionally disparaged as old-fashioned or elite, a Likecode concerned only with "which fork to use". Some people consider etiquette to be an unnecessary restriction of freedom of personal expression; others consider such free spirits to be unmannerly and rude. For instance, wearing pajamas to a wedding in a cathedral may be an expression of the guest's freedom, but may also cause the bride and groom to suspect that the guest in pajamas is expressing amusement or disparagement towards them and their wedding. Etiquette may be enforced in pragmatic ways: "No shoes, no shirt, no service" is a notice commonly displayed outside stores and cafés in the warmer parts of North America. Others feel that a single, basic code shared by all makes life simpler and more pleasant by removing many chances for misunderstandings.


  1. Define the word “etiquette” and discuss in small groups its importance. Do you personally follow the rules of etiquette? Why? Why not?

  2. Work in pairs. Discuss the general etiquette requirements for academic and business conferences, comparing them.


Here are some tips on running a conference. Read them and comment upon each of them (adding some facts or changing them, according to your personal experience or the experience of other people)

To help your conference run smoothly, you should take a few moments at the beginning of your meeting to let your attendees know what is expected of them. You will want to cover any etiquette and protocol issues that are particular to your group. Here are some general tips that you may also want consider for your meeting.

Help Numbers

Be certain to let your attendees know the help numbers so that they can get help from a trained ICS technician if they need it.

Muting Phones

Make sure that attendees mute their phones when they do not have a question or comment they wish to share with the group. If they do not have mute buttons, make sure that they know the proper codes needed to mute and unmute themselves. Keeping phones muted will help to greatly reduce the amount of background noise in the meeting.

If you have had your meeting set up with host mute and unmute, let the participants know when you are going to mute and unmute them.

Self Identification

When taking questions or comments over the audio line, ask attendees and other presenters to identify themselves by name and location. This will help to build a sense of community within the meeting and help everyone to know who is speaking.

Questions and Comments

You can either let attendees jump in at any time with a question or comment, or you can make them wait until a specified time. Decide which of these will work best before the meeting and inform your attendees.

Using Microphones

Make certain that they turn on their microphones when they have a question or comment. This will ensure that everyone can hear them. Otherwise, they should leave their microphones off to cut down on background noise.

Text Questions and Answers

If the text questions and answers feature is to be used, people should be notified that each computer can only have one active question in the queue at any given time.

Questions After the Fact

You should prepare a slide with the contact information for at least one of the presenters in the meeting. Let attendees know that they can contact this person if they have questions after the meeting has ended.

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