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Unit 1.doc
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1. __________

If every year the Olympics were held, this probably wouldn’t be a problem. This list is indicative of the fact that America (like any nation) has problems. The issue at hand is collective though amongst the people affected about how to deal with them. Unfortunately most folks tend to focus on their self and not the whole. We see these problems as affecting “them” and not “me/us” When we hear that America’s children are the fattest among Western nations, this doesn’t sting. When we learn that America’s children lay educationally behind other industrialized nations, we don’t cringe. There is very little sense of collective identity of people, as Americans. This is a result of our children not being properly educated and guided. There was a time when every child would begin the school day by standing and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Children were taught the significance of the 4th of July (besides fireworks). These practices are long gone and so is our sense of common destiny. With so many diverse nationalities, races, and ethnic groups that comprise America, the one common bond we all have with one another is that we are Americans.

Ex 1. Comment on each issue. Do the same problems exist in your life?

Ex 2. Here’s an abstract from an Internet discussion on the above issues.

Read the statements and express your opinion on them. Should you participate in this discussion, what would you say?

Ian says:

July 26, 2011 at 4:13 am

I like this list a lot. I was planning to write a list like this, but you beat me to it.

Things I wish would happen:

1) 2nd Enlightenment Era

2) 2nd Progressive Era

3) Country-wide educational reform

4) Country-wide health reform (including diet)

5) Less Defense spending (China is two generations or so behind us anyways)

6) More Renewable Energy research

7) World-wide Depopulation

FMH says:

July 28, 2011 at 1:20 pm

Yeah and about 40 or fifty years ago, it was perfectly okay to beat your children until they had manners.

Even though this quote is used all the time, I have to repeat it here:

“[...] They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders…. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers.”- Aristotle, who complained about the youth of today 2300-and-something years ago.

shyanneg says:

July 27, 2011 at 11:41 am

I resent entry 10.

There is no denying that a generalization can be made – two incomes, after all, are better than one– but I know few two parent families who have done a better job raising their children together than my mother did entirely alone!

My mother is my best friend. She is one of the strongest, most brave people that I know. I admire her. She is my hero. If I can be even half the mother that she is to me when I decide to start a family, then I will be thrilled.

Remember that there are exceptions to every “rule”.

Ex 3. What 10 issues facing the Russian youth today would you put on the list? Write them down and comment on them.

Ex 4. Discuss your list with those of other students. Hold a discussion on the major problems facing the young nowadays.

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