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  1. Bilingual dictionaries

A bilingual dictionary is useful to several kinds of people: to those who study foreign languages, to specialists reading foreign literature, to translators, to travellers, and to linguists. It may have two principal purposes: reference for translation and guidance for expression. It must provide an adequate translation in the target language of every word and expression in the source language. It is also supposed to contain all the inflectional, derivational, semantic and syntactic information that its reader might ever need, and also information on spelling and pronunciation.

The entries of a dictionary are usually arranged in alphabetical order.

What is unfortunately not always realized in connection with the compiling of bilingual dictionaries is that the same bilingual dictionary cannot serve the needs of the speakers of both languages. An English-Russian dictionary for Russians is different from an English-Russian dictionary for British or American readers.

It should also be realized that a bilingual dictionary is not equivalent to a unilingual dictionary.

The English-speaking user of a unilingual dictionary is likely to know the meaning of all the words in the explanatory part and should therefore be able to find the appropriate meaning for his context. The Russian-speaking user of a Russian-English dictionary would refer to its entries in order to express himself in English and he will need to know how the English words he finds there are used.

To sum up: the native-to-foreign and foreign-to-native dictionaries have to meet different requirements as they supply information for different types of work.

A good dictionary is one where you can quickly find what you are looking for.

English-Russian Dictionary by Professor V.K. MÜLLER is well-known and popular in Russia. It was first published in 1945 and later sustained numerous revised and enlarged editions. It is not a historical dictionary but one of current usage.

The Concise Oxford Russian Dictionary is an abridgement ofThe Oxford Russian Dictionary, published in 1933. It was first published in 1993; the revised edition was published in 1998. It is the leading intermediate Russian dictionary. This dictionary provides users with an authoritative guide to contemporary Russian and English in a concise and accessible format. The dictionary contains over 120,000 words and phrases, and 190,000 translations. All major fields of reference – from general to technical, business to literary – are covered. Thousands of examples, including modern idioms and colloquial expressions, ensure the user has a detailed picture of contemporary Russian and English. For the convenience of users all headwords in the English-Russian section are transcribed.

  1. Special bilingual dictionaries

This subgroup embraces highly specialized dictionaries of limited scope which may appeal to a particular kind of reader. They register and explain terms for various branches of knowledge: medical, linguistic, technical, economical, business, law terms.

English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Finance edited by A.V.Anikin is the most complete and comprehensive English-Russian dictionary in its field. It contains 75,000 words and expressions and covers all branches of business and finance, including business colloquialisms and stockmarket slang. Appendices include a glossary of abbreviations and a table of monetary units.

English-Russian Law Dictionary by S.N. Andrianov represents the modern legal vocabulary. It contains 50,000 terms. Due accent in the dictionary was given to the modern American legal vocabulary. Together with general legal terms, the dictionary includes economic, banking, business and generally accepted legal Latin vocabulary.

The next subgroup deals with specific language units, i.e. with phraseology, synonyms, abbreviations, surnames, borrowings, neologisms, proverbs and sayings, etc.

It is necessary to mention English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary by A.V. Koonin. It is a unique comprehensive dictionary of English idioms. It contains about 25,000 phraseological units, thousands of examples, including idioms. This dictionary is an indispensable companion for translators.

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