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III-й вариант

В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется с другими.

























2. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски, переведите их на

русский язык.

1. Is there ... salt on the table?

a) some b) any

2. …children don't like to play.

a) any b) some

3. There wasn’t … in street.

a) somebody b) anybody

4) She bought …for you, to my mild.

a) anything b) something

5.You may choose ... cup which attracts you.

a) some b) any

3.Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельства времени. Напишите предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.

The doctor is sent for every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, before he came, tomorrow).

4. Выберите английский эквивалент подчеркнутого модального глагола. Укажите букву.

1. Она может играть в баскетбол очень хорошо.


2. Она могла достать только 2 билета.

a) can get b) will be able to get c) could get

3. Она сможет перевести эту статью.

a) will be able to translate b) could translate c) can translate

4. Девочка должна идти домой немедленно.

a) had to go b) must go c) will be able to go

5. Папа должен был принести новый журнал вчера, но он забыл,a) must bring b) will have to bring c) was to bring

6. Они должны будут купить новый автомобиль.

a) will have to buy b) is to buy c) were to buy

7. Можно мне съесть все это?

a) Can I eat b) May I eat с) Might I eat

8. Вам можно было заниматься здесь.

a) may study. b) could sturdy с) might study

  1. Переведите следующие пары слов, обращая внимание на приставки, make - remake; official - unofficial; equal - unequal; behave -- misbehave; mobilize - demobilize; inset - outset; charge - discharge; flow - interflow.

  1. Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.

  1. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 3,4


  1. The British economy is primarily based on private enterprise.* The national economy of Great Britain is vitally dependent on foreign trade. Moreover, this dependence is growing in recent years. About a third of the industrial products of the country are exported.

  2. Agriculture supplies nearly two-thirds of the country's food. More than two-thirds of the arable land and pastures belong to the landlords. Middle and small-scale holdings give the bulk of the agricultural produce. The crop is mainly concentrated in the eastern parts of the country. Barley prevails in the east and southeast. The potato crop is widespread all throughout the country. Large-scale potato and vegetable production Is undertaken in the eastern and south-eastern parts of England. Great Britain а1sо produces meet, eggs, milk products, sugar. The fishing industry provides about 70 % of British fish supplies and is an important source of income in a number of ports, especially those situated on the North Sea Shore.

  3. Manufacturing plays a vital role in the British economy. The greater parts of the iron and steel and shipbuilding industries are nationalized. Britain's non-ferrous metal processing and fabricating industry is one of the largest in Western Europe. Its major products are aluminum, refined copper, lead and primary zinc. The mechanical engineering industry manufactures all types of non-electrical machinery, machine tools, industrial engines. Over half the industry's production is for the home market.

  4. The motor vehicle is the largest single manufacturing Industry in Britain and still a major exporting one. Output of cars and commercial vehicles is dominated by four large monopoly groups: Rover, Ford, Vauxhall and Peugeot-Talbot, which account for over 96 % of car production in the country. Britain is a major producer end exporter of agricultural tractors, especially of wheeled tractors.

  5. The chemical industry is developing intensively and account for16 % of British manufacturing exports, piecing the country among the major chemical exporting nations of the world. The chemical industry manufactures all kinds of chemicals, soap, detergents, lubricating cils and greases, mineral cil refining.

  1. Britain's aerospace industry is one of the largest and most comprehensive in Western Europe. The products of the industry include ecivil and military aircraft, helicopters, guided weapons, space vehicles.

  2. Among other manufacturing industries of Great Britain there are the textile industry and leather and footwear industry, the food, drink and tobacco industries, paper and board manufacture.

  3. Historically, the whole country consists of eight economic regions: the South Industrial and Agricultural region, Central England or the Midlands, Lancashire, Yorkshire and North England, Wales, Scotland end Northern Ireland.

Контрольное задание № 2